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Blepharitis - inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. The reason is the local effects of chemical, physical or mechanical factors, bacterial infection (usually white or Staphylococcus aureus); inflammation can spread to the edge of the eyelid conjunctiva, lacrimal system, cartilage glands of the eyelids. Sometimes blepharitis accompanies anemia , ginovitaminozam, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, teeth, nose, throat, skin, diabetes, parasitic infestation, and others. Violations of the eye refraction (hyperopia, astigmatism), as a rule, do not cause, and support has caused blepharitis.

There are scaly or a simple blepharitis, in which the observed profuse desquamation and fatty degeneration of the cells of the epidermis and sebaceous gland epithelium, and ulcerative blepharitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the hair follicles. Scaly blepharitis is manifested by redness and slight swelling of the eyelid margins, enhanced by eye irritation or eyestrain; on the skin at the base of the eyelashes, and partly on the lashes themselves can detect small flakes or dried secretions of the sebaceous glands, the removal of which is not accompanied by the formation of ulcers or erosions. Ulcerative blepharitis erythematous and swollen eyelid rims are covered with yellowish or brownish crusts, tightly attached to the skin at the base of the eyelashes and often stick together lashes. In some places around the base of the eyelashes are not covered crusts visible pustules. After removing the crusts exposed covered with pus bleeding ulcers, which often merge with each other to form along the edge of the eyelid ulcer surface. Often when removing crusts removed and the lashes together with them.

In both forms of blepharitis seen itchy eyes, worse at night, increased sensitivity to stimuli (bright light, wind, dust, etc.), Rapid eye fatigue at work, especially night, evening light, insufficient sleep. Current blepharitis is usually long-term (months, years) with frequent exacerbations.

Blepharitis, especially ulcerative, may be complicated by persistent thickening of the century, the power loss of eyelashes, which are replaced by thin pale hairs or because of the destruction of the roots completely disappear; scarring ulcers can lead to abnormal growth of eyelashes, and their friction on the cornea, as well as the inversion of violation and fit to the eye lower lacrimal point, which is accompanied by persistent lacrimation and eyelid skin maceration. Complications provide fertile ground for diseases of the cornea and conjunctiva.

The treatment aims to eliminate causes of blepharitis and related to eye diseases, correction of refractive errors. Apply as a topical treatment. The edges of the eyelids with a damp cotton swab on the scales and crusts, for which they were previously smeared ointment containing the antiseptic agents and fats, for example 1 - 10% sulfatsilovoy, penicillin (50 000-100 000 IU per 10 g of petroleum jelly). After removing the crusts appoint sulfatsil sodium (sulfacetamide) in the form of drops or ointments, lubricate the lid margin solution of brilliant green, spend their massage. When thrust during blepharitis important are regular treatment and alternate medicines.

Prevention is in compliance with sanitary regulations in the home and at work, the general strengthening of the body, a balanced diet.