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Eczema - a chronic inflammatory skin disorder neuro-allergic nature, characterized by erythematous, pruritic vesicular rash. There is acute, then takes a chronic course with a tendency to relapse. Changes prior to the development of skin eczematous process can occur due to violations of the central nervous system, for example under the influence of severe mental experiences, or as a result of exposure of the skin of various external factors.

The cause of functional changes in the skin may also be diseases of internal organs (gastritis, colitis , cholecystitis , periduodenit etc.). In some cases, the development of eczema contribute to dysfunction of the endocrine glands, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism.

There are real, professional, microbial and seborrheic eczema.

True eczema in the acute period is characterized by erythematous rash on slightly edematous skin of tiny bubbles. Quickly opening the bubbles form a large number of small point erosion with drops of serous fluid like dew (acute weeping eczema). As the process of remitting the amount of newly formed bubbles decreases, and on the surface of the affected area along with small bubbles detected defurfuration. Some of the bubbles, without opening, dries to form a crust. All elements (erythema, vesicles, erosions, crusts and scales) are commonly observed in the affected area at the same time, causing one of the most characteristic signs of eczema - a rash polymorphism. Gradually, the process becomes chronic, resulting sealing (infiltration) of the affected area of ​​the skin and increased skin pattern (lichenification). Colouring of skin is becoming more pronounced stagnant shade. On the surface of the lesion predominates flaking observed along with it, though significantly less than in the acute stage, precipitation bubble formation and erosions small crusts point. Exacerbations are characterized by again advancing the active hyperemia, rash microvesicles and weeping, strengthens skin itch. Outbreaks of eczema have a different value, the contours of their mostly without clear boundaries, less sharply defined. The most common initial localization - rear skin of the hands and face. Relatively rare eczema is limited to one hearth. The process generally spreads to other primarily symmetrical areas, sometimes over the entire body. Often eczema complicated by purulent infection, resulting in the formation of the surface of the hearth loose crusts honey-yellow or green.

A variant of true eczema is disgidroticheskaya eczema, which is localized on the skin of the palms and soles. A characteristic feature is its appearance on the background of mild inflammatory infiltration of the skin tight, the size of a small pea-sized multi bubbles resembling boiled sago grains that are sequentially opened with the formation of erosions or dry up, forming plate, yellowish scales and crusts. Lesions are sharply limited. Gradually increasing in size, they can go to the back of the hand or the foot, where the inflammatory process takes a typical clinical picture of true eczema.

Professional (contact) eczema is more common if you are sensitive to different, especially chemicals, irritants, which can occur in the production (resins, dyes, paints, etc.). The process in most cases is localized on the skin of the hands of logistics, arms, face, which at first appear erythematous, edematous, often oozing lesions resembling true eczema (the chronic course). On removing the contact with the allergenic factor professional eczema regressed.

Microbial eczema is caused by irritation and secondary eczematization different, often superficial pyoderma. Lesions have a different shape, sharply limited, crusting, which is found under the weeping, and on the periphery - flaking rim horny layer of the epidermis. Most often they are localized in the lower limbs, back of hands, face. The process is often asymmetric. Seborrheic eczema is characterized by the appearance on the skin of the scalp, face, neck, chest, between the shoulder blades plots of different sizes, covered with greasy scales.

Abortive form of eczema is eczematid characterized by multiple, sometimes single, itchy erythematous scaly patches of oval and round shapes of different sizes. If irritation occurs drip oozing. These rashes may appear after a sore throat, acute respiratory infections (including influenza), acute intestinal diseases.

In children suffering from exudative-catarrhal diathesis, often develop eczema, which is most often localized on the face, scalp, and is accompanied by a marked exudation, severe itching. The clinical picture of infant eczema often at the same time there are signs of the true, microbial and seborrheic dermatitis.

Treatment. Patients prescribed sedatives, intravenous infusion of 10% calcium chloride solution, 30% sodium thiosulfate solution, and others. In the acute phase, in the presence of a sharp soak and edema are shown cold, often exchangeable lotions or wet-drying bandage from astringent solutions (lead water 1 % resorcinol solution, etc.).; in the subacute period, with a slight prevalence of soak and peeling - Naftalan or ihtiolovaya (2 - 5%), pastes, ointments and creams containing corticosteroids. In chronic course of the process and the presence of severe infiltration of affected skin is applied affecting skin products (tar preparations, Naftalan paste in gradually increasing concentration of 2 - 5 to 10 - 25%). Recommended prolonged sleep (appointment of small doses of sleeping pills), electric, hypnosis, spa treatment. If necessary to remove eczema professional contact with the irritant. When microbial eczema treatment complement antibiotic therapy. Important readjustment of foci of chronic infection. Outbreaks eczematid treated with 1-2% alcoholic solution of brilliant green, methylene blue, corticosteroid ointments containing antibacterial agents (Lorinden C et al.). Patients with eczema should be under medical observation.