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VARICOCELE - varicose veins of the spermatic cord. The appearance of a varicocele is due to increased pressure in the renal vein, for example when it is narrowing. This leads to a backflow of blood in the testicular vein and the development of varicose veins of the spermatic cord. Varicocele is localized predominantly to the left, because the conditions of outflow of blood from the scrotum to the left worse than right. There is usually at puberty, when the blood flow to the genitals the most intense. Factors predisposing to the development of varicocele, are long-term sexual arousal, weight lifting and others.

Patients are disturbed by a feeling of heaviness and dragging pain in the scrotum during physical activity, sexual arousal. The progression of the process may lead to testicular atrophy, infertility.

The diagnosis is established during the inspection of the patient in a standing position. The scrotum on the affected side droops, in the course of the spermatic cord palpable convoluted, advanced, easy to squeeze the veins. The position of the patient lying down blood flow easier and varicose veins of the spermatic cord may subside.

If varicocele is recommended to limit physical activity, regulation of sexuality, wearing jockstrap. The patient should be sent for consultation to the urologist, in particular to address the issue of a possible surgical treatment. The latter may be to impose an anastomosis between testicular and common iliac veins; ligation and dissection of the spermatic vein embolization or her.

With timely surgical treatment (before symptoms appear violation trophism testicle size reduction testicle, infertility) testicular function usually recovers.