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VITILIGO - a skin disease characterized by the appearance of depigmented patches of different shapes and sizes. It is believed that at the core of the disease are neuroendocrine disorders. Vitiligo development is promoted by metabolic disorders (eg, copper metabolism). Perhaps the development of professional vitiligo when working with phenols.

Depigmented patches appear on any part of the skin (except the palms and soles), sharply contoured and surrounded by hyperpigmentation area. They gradually increase in size and may merge into the vast pockets of depigmentation with bizarre contours. Hair depigmentation in the centers also lose color.

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis by a dermatologist. Applied drugs that increase the skin's sensitivity to UV light (beroksan, ammifuran, psoralen). Stay in the sun during treatment with photosensitizing agents are contraindicated in order to avoid skin burns. Applied also photochemotherapy (PUVA therapy). Prescribers copper, vitamins A, C and Group B.