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Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucosa of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses.

Acute sinusitis often develops as a complication of acute rhinitis, influenza, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases, as well as due to inflammatory diseases of the teeth (odontogenic sinusitis). There have been a feeling of tension or in the affected sinus pain, violation of nasal breathing, nasal discharge, disorder of sense of smell on the affected side, photophobia , and lacrimation. Pain is often diffuse, vague or localized in the forehead, in the temporal region; It occurs at the same time of the day. There may be swelling of the cheeks and the upper or lower eyelid swelling, often seen tenderness of the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus. Body temperature increased, possible fever. On examination, the average found during nasal mucous or muco-purulent discharge, with rinoskopii on the rear wall of the nasopharynx and pharynx often revealed purulent discharge. When transillumination and radiographic affected sinus darkened.

Treatment is usually conservative. It comes down mainly to ensure good drainage of the contents of the affected sinus. To reduce the edema and swelling of the mucous membrane in the nose instilled vasoconstrictors. When the body temperature is recommended bed rest and analgesic agents, in severe intoxication - antibiotics. From physiotherapy methods prescribe phototherapy (light Minin solljuks), UHF-therapy, electrotherapy (diathermy). Before each session of the UHF-therapy is recommended the introduction into the nasal cavity vasoconstrictor. Diathermy is performed after decrease in acute phenomena with good outflow of the contents of the sinus. The beneficial effect of inhaled antibiotics have also aerosols.

Chronic sinusitis is usually caused by acute inflammation; develops with repeated acute and especially often with prolonged sinus, as well as in chronic rhinitis. This is facilitated by, for example, adenoids , deviated septum, congenital narrowness of the nasal passages, carious teeth. Distinguish exudative form of chronic sinusitis (purulent, catarrhal, serous) and productive (polypoid parietal-hyperplastic, holesteatomny, cheesy, necrosis, atrophic).

In patients with exudative form mainly complain of profuse nasal discharge. At the complicated outflow of fluid discharge from. almost no nose, marked dryness in the throat, the separation of large amounts of mucus in the morning. Patients are also concerned, halitosis. Pain in the affected sinuses are usually absent, but may occur during exacerbation of the process or the difficulty of outflow of the contents. In such cases determined by tenderness anterior sinus wall and nizhnevnutrennego angle of the orbit on the affected side. Often marked headache , fatigue. At an exacerbation of the process can be observed swelling of the cheeks and swelling of the eyelids. Sometimes, there are cracks and abrasions of the skin at the entrance of the nose due to its continuous injuries. An important diagnostic feature is detection at an average discharge rhinoscopy nasal passage. Characterized as hypertrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and the occurrence of polyps.

Treatment of complex, aimed at ensuring adequate drainage of the pathological secretion (systematic lubrication vasoconstrictor middle nasal passage) and elimination of the factors supporting the inflammatory process. Widely used solljuks, diathermy, UHF-therapy, inhalation. In many cases, a beneficial effect has affected sinus lavage solutions antiseptics and the subsequent introduction of proteolytic enzymes therein with antibiotics. In the absence of effect of conservative treatment to produce a radical operation of the maxillary sinus.