

Helminthoses - diseases of man, animals and plants caused by parasitic worms, or helminths. Among the helminths there are trematodes, cestodoses, nematodes. There are cases of parasitization in humans of spiny-headed worms - acanthocephalans (as well as ringed worms). Depending on the development cycle of helminth agents, helminthiases are divided into geogelmintoses and biohelminthoses.

Ways and factors for the transmission of helminths are diverse and are determined by the characteristics of the biology of the parasite. Eggs or larvae of causative agents of geogelmintoses develop without the participation of an intermediate host. From the host organism with feces they enter the environment (for example, soil, iodine), there they mature and become invasive, ie, capable of infecting the new host. A person becomes infected with geogelmintosis more often through the mouth, where eggs or larvae get from contaminated hands, as well as vegetables, berries, fruits, water and even dust, for example, in ascaridosis, trichocephalosis. The larvae of the causative agents of the ankylostomiasis, strongyloidosis actively penetrate the human skin when they come in contact with contaminated soil (when walking barefoot, lying on the ground, etc.).

The causative agents of bihelminthoses develop only with the participation of two or more hosts - the final (definitive), intermediate, and sometimes additional. A man becomes infected with biogelmintosis when he does not eat enough thermally processed beef with larvae of bovine tapeworm (shtayearhoz), pork with larvae of pork tapeworm (shadyoz), freshwater fish with larvae of broad ribbon (diphyllobothriasis), cat litter (opisthorchiasis), clonorchis (clonorchiasis), etc. ., Crayfish and crabs with larvae of paragonimus (paragonimosis); When drinking water, in which there are copepods-Cyclops, invaded by rishta larvae (dracunculiasis); Through hands contaminated with dog feces containing eggs or segments of echinococcus (echinococcosis). Infection with filariasis occurs when bloodsucking arthropod carriers - mosquitoes, larvae of the horsefly, slimbers, in the body of which the development of microfilariae.

In the pathogenesis of helminthiases, the sensitization of the organism and the subsequent development of allergic reactions, the toxic effects of parasites, mechanical damage to tissues, the absorption of parasites of blood and nutrients (vitamins, etc.) play a role.

Distinguish between acute and chronic phase (stage) of helminthiases. In the acute stage with a number of helminthiases, the larvae migrate through the tissues of the patient. In this case, conditions are created that facilitate the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection, for example, with opisthorchiasis, purulent cholangitis sometimes occurs.

The clinical course of helminthiases depends on the type of pathogen, the intensity of the invasion, the state of the patient's body and a number of other factors.

Diagnosis is based mainly on the detection in feces of eggs or larvae of parasitic worms using various methods.

For the treatment of helminths, anthelmintics are used. In most cases, de-worming in combination with pathogenetic therapy (desensitizing agents, vitamins, etc.) contributes to a rapid recovery, but for some helminthiases (echinococcosis, alveococcosis), surgical methods of treatment are also used.

Prevention of helminthiosis includes a set of measures: sanitary improvement of populated areas, soil protection and fecal pollution, detoxification of fertilizers, and systematic combating of flies; Mass planned population survey to identify and treat people infected with helminths; Veterinary and sanitary supervision of meat in slaughterhouses, meat processing plants, markets, prohibition of meat and meat products with viable larvae of helminths; Sufficient thermal processing of meat and fish products; Washing hands before meals, after visiting the restroom, contact with the soil, caring for dogs; Careful washing of vegetables, berries and fruits; Wide sanitary propaganda among the population.