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Herpes (syn .: shingles , herpes zoster) - an acute viral disease characterized by segmental inflammation of the posterior roots of the spinal cord and intervertebral ganglia; manifested rash and pain along the affected nerve.

Pathogen - varicella zoster virus. Sick adults, often elderly, people with weakened immune systems, such as HIV-infected. The disease is the result of the activation of the virus, which has remained in the body after a childhood chickenpox.

The disease begins with fever, headache, pain, sometimes intense, in the course of the affected sensory nerve. Against this background, the course of the nerve, intercostal often appear slightly edematous erythematous patches, which are formed on the surface of erythematous patches grouped vesicles resemble bunches of grapes, with clear content that quickly becomes cloudy. Bubbles burst, forming the erosion and fall completely peel. After the rash intoxication and pain subside, but neuralgia may persist for up to several months. When abortive forms bubbles isolated, may not be "Individuals with severe disturbance of the immune system (cancer, HIV) relapses, generalized rash, deep skin lesions, leaving scars. With the appropriate localization process can be observed keratitis , optic neuritis of the facial nerve, damage of mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx. There are cases of meningoencephalitis.

The diagnosis is difficult until the rash. In the treatment of used acyclovir (Zovirax) normal human immunoglobulin, analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. P r o f and prevention efforts aimed at the prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions involving suppression of the immune system function.