Dyspepsia - a violation of digestion. Depending on the cause of digestive disorders, dyspepsia is caused by a violation of the function of one of the digestive system and insufficient production of certain digestive juices (intestinal, gastric, pancreatic, hepatic), and dyspepsia, mainly associated with alimentary disorders (fermentation, putrefaction and fat, Or soap).

Fermentation dyspepsia is characterized by impaired digestion of carbohydrates and a sharp increase in the processes of fermentation in the large intestine. It can be acute and chronic. Acute fermentation dyspepsia occurs when switching to unusual food, excessive consumption of plant fiber. Chronic fermental dyspepsia can become a consequence of acute, develops with prolonged sparing diet or consumption of carbohydrate-rich foods. Clinically, fermentation dyspepsia is manifested by general weakness, flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen, a decrease or loss of appetite, abundant withdrawal of foul-smelling gases. A characteristic sign is diarrhea, stool 2-4 times a day, stools are light, permeated with numerous gas bubbles, without any admixture of mucus and blood.

Putrefactive dyspepsia is characterized by a violation of the digestion of proteins and their putrefactive decomposition mainly in the large intestine. It can occur in people who have a habit of quickly eating, or with a copious intake of protein foods, and as a result of a sharp decline in the secretory function of the stomach and pancreas. Putrefactive dyspepsia can also be a consequence of intestinal hypersecretion, resulting from inflammatory necrotic processes (eg, ulcerative colitis), increased formation of fermentation acids. Patients are diagnosed with diarrhea, they are persistent in chronic course. With putrefactive dyspepsia, abdominal distention is noted, belching with smells of rotten eggs, feces of dark brown color, liquid or mushy with a sharp putrefactive smell, permeated with gas bubbles. There may be phenomena of intoxication (general weakness, headaches, etc.).

Fat dyspepsia is extremely rare, usually when eating large amounts of fat in people with liver, bile duct or pancreas diseases; Is characterized by poor fissility and fat absorption. Clinically manifested by increased peristalsis and "fat" diarrhea (stool 3 times a day, stools abundant, mushy, clayey type, contain a large amount of fat).

Treatment. When fermented dyspepsia is prescribed a protein-rich diet with restriction of carbohydrates (unsweetened tea, broth, ear, boiled minced meat, fish, cottage cheese, butter). As the state normalizes, the diet is expanded. With putrefactive dyspepsia, a diet with a predominance of carbohydrates and some protein restriction is recommended; In the first days intravenously pour glucose or give tea with a small amount of sugar; Then in the diet include mucous decoctions of rice, semolina, biscuits, white bread, butter, chicken (white meat), river fish, apples, cauliflower. In the future, a diet that includes yesterday's wheat bread, dry biscuits, soups with low fat meat or fish broth, low-fat meat (beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit), low-fat fish (pike perch, bream, cod, perch, navaga) , Potatoes, zucchini, various cereals, whole eggs, jelly, jelly, mousse, sweet souffle of berries and fruits. A mode of a food fractional - 5 - 6 times a day. With fatty dyspepsia, fats are usually restricted. From medicines, especially with fermentation dyspepsia, adsorptive, vitamin preparations are recommended, in case of violation of the exocrine function of this or that part of the digestive system - enzyme preparations (pancreatin, festal , abomin, pepsin , etc.), natural gastric juice, hydrochloric acid, with pain - Painkillers; Treat dysbiosis.

The forecast is usually favorable. However, in a number of cases, dyspepsia promotes the development of enteritis, colitis, and dystrophic changes in the liver.

Prevention is reduced to adherence to the diet, the use of a full and varied food, timely treatment of violations of the gastrointestinal tract.