Computer users have long brought a new law of nature, "memory can not be much." For a more efficient use of all types of memory recommended to prescribe CONFIG.SYS line DOS = HIGH, UMB, NOAUTO, not to load SETVER.EXE (needed for legacy DOS programs) and DBLBUFF.SYS (necessary for the SCSI-drives) - the less loaded any crap - the better. It is advisable to use a command in configuration files with prefixes HIGH for the DEVICEHIGH, LOADHIGH, INSTALLHIGH, BUFFERSHIGH, FCBSHIGH, FILESHIGH, LASTDRIVEHIGH, STACKSHIGH ( if you need them), to release the base memory. To do this, enter the first line in the CONFIG.SYS




for upper memory. Attention! If you are in this case do not add a line in your CONFIG.SYS


then your computer may not start, as the team DOS = NOAUTO disables loading and that the file system driver. Use in this case the boot diskette or CD-ROM to be added to this line configuration. Parameter HIGHSCAN (can add a little more free upper memory) for EMM386 should be avoided, since the probability is high that it will cause errors and system crashes.

It should be noted that Vind themselves are loaded by default (if the config is not registered DOS = NOAUTO) as if an "invisible» CONFIG.SYS, in which the following lines:

dos = high, auto

device = c: \ windows \ himem.sys

device = c: \ windows \ ifshlp.sys

device = c: \ windows \ setver.exe

fileshigh = 30

lastdrivehigh = z

buffershigh = 30

stackshigh = 9,256

shell = / p

fcbshigh = 4


These drivers are loaded, even if in your config file, they are not registered (and, even if there is no AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files), while, if you have written in your CONFIG.SYS commands without prefixes HIGH (eg files is) is carried out will still be the team with these prefixes (such FILESHIGH), for older memory addresses (or rather, the Windows itself decides - use older memory address or not, and more often than the end of the «HIGH» adds to the teams). The values set commands files, lastdrive, buffers, stacks, fcbs and SETVER.EXE driver needs only to MS-DOS applications, Windows'98 these settings are not required. There is a "hidden» AUTOEXEC.BAT:

@echo off

net start

set tmp = C: \ windows \ temp

set temp = C: \ windows \ temp


prompt $ p $ g

path c: \ windows; c: \ windows \ command


By changing the values of configuration parameters used "Windy" by default, you can achieve a more rational allocation of memory. Slightly base memory can be released, if you set the team LASTDRIVEHIGH letter really the last drive (by default, the memory stands out more: is reserved for all the drives from A to Z) - for each additional drive consumes 80 bytes. It is advisable team STACKSHIGH = 0,0 to cancel the allocation of memory for the stack to be allocated for temporary storage of various system information and the dates of the DOS program just old. Team as "Windows" is used its own system disk cache data VCache, and for MS-DOS MODE this value it is usually enough BUFFERSHIGH = 20, you can limit the amount of disk IO buffers (each takes 532 bytes). Another option, the desired emulation mode MS-DOS the DOS program - FCBS, specifies the number of files of certain control units, on which, of course, goes back valuable memory (64 bytes each), its value can be changed to FCBSHIGH = 1. The base memory can be saved by setting the parameter FILESHIGH = 10, thus reducing the number of file handlers from 30 to 10 (each 60 bytes, approximately). If you never load the emulation mode of MS-DOS, you can put even smaller values for these parameters, as my version is targeted at supporting and ztogo mode. If you are using some outdated software that wants to run only from emulation mode MS-DOS, you may need to change these parameters, again increasing their values, or some of the DOS program does not start, or even enable legacy EMS -Memory, adding RAM parameter to the EMM386 driver! For example:


in this case, you may have to give up the driver si di Roma and some other the DOS drivers for the maximum increase the volume of base memory - it is best to do it without changing the basic configuration files, and creating its a PIF-file for the program, in which specify the required values.

If there is a root of the system drive or dblspace.bin drvspace.bin Windows will load the appropriate driver file compressed disk, even if you do not use this feature, so be sure to delete these files!

It is very useful to see what is loaded by the boot menu (press the F8 key, PC startup, to call it) mode «Step-by-step confirmation» . At the same time you can see and correct mistakes in configuration files, which usually occur due to incorrect paths to writing drivers and files. A test how memory is allocated efficiently, you can use the command «MEM / P / C», which is necessary to type in the menu «Run» ( «Run») «Start» button. If the window that appears, you'll see some of these values:


Largest executable program size = 614032 (600k)

Largest free upper memory block = 0 (0K)

MS-DOS is resident in the high memory area,

it's all right. Another useful command «MEM / D / P» shows the memory usage in more detail.

Sometimes you need to allocate more memory for environment variables (for example, if you want to set additional options for a video by 3dfx in avtoekzeke and get the message «Out of environment space»), in which case list the line in the config:

SHELL = C: \ COMMAND.COM / P / E: 1024

Free RAM Volume can be reduced dramatically by using the clipboard, especially if it is stored in big picture, so do not forget after work with a buffer in powerful software packages to clean it by copying only one letter from a notebook, for example.