Home and Feng Shui

The formation of our character, personality and feelings takes place under the influence of the spatial environment. Everyone is aware that we all react to environmental changes.

Small, close and, on the contrary, an open and spacious home cause different feelings and reactions. Similarly, different effects on our hill with great harm around and deep depression in which the opinion always rests on the slopes. Place in a restaurant just outside the front door or the entrance to the kitchen there is a very different way than a cozy, quiet area. That's why, being in a private home or in a public place, we have always intuitively prefer one place to another.

Location also affects the people and at the group level. Groups of people tend to be quite some differences depending on whether they live in a big city, near a large body of water, in the heart of the desert or in the inhospitable slopes. Citizens think, act and communicate with each other quite differently from the villagers.

The reality as a manifestation of energy

How does this happen? What a fundamental influence behind these differences? Throughout history, scientists from different fields of science offers an explanation from the point of view of religious, cultural, geographic and climatic features.

To address these fundamental causal factors, we have to look at things from the perspective of higher-order principles. As the principles of Feng Shui, these differences are determined by the fundamental factor of the universal Essence, called in Chinese "Ki" (a variant pronunciation - "Qi").

According to Chinese metaphysics, Qi is the main - and most delicate - an element of the universe. They also say that qi has no form or appearance: it is smaller than any object that we are only able to imagine, and at the same time, pervades all; around on a scale beyond human imagination. Any manifestation is a transformation and expression of Qi.

Qi is converted into a form, and the form - in Qi. Qi is impossible to measure, see, take a "piece" or folded into a box. It is not a tangible "thing" like a piece of wood, stone, or a cup of water. .. Qi - is the name of a phenomenon recognized by many traditions, although under various names: prana, qi, pneuma, etheric energy, spirit, etc. The Bible, for example, tells the story of the creation of Adam, in which God, dunuv, gives Adam the breath life. People sometimes call it "vital energy".

However, according to traditional Chinese concepts, the vital energy is only one aspect of the manifestation of Qi. Under Qi involve organizing power behind any manifestation; animate and inanimate, reasonable or devoid of reason, large or small.

The shape determines the energy

Look mentally into two basic geometric shapes - a square and a circle: Looking at them, most of us are aware that experiencing different sensations in relation to these two figures. In other words, this suggests that these various psychological and physiological effects.

Why is this happening? It can be said, therefore, that these two different types of images projected qi (energy), and hence cause different reactions. But if we feel a significant difference between the two-dimensional objects, then it turns out that a three-dimensional world in which we live, with all its diverse manifestations, affects us constantly and much more!

When a person is happy, the corners of his mouth tend to rise; when he is unhappy, they, on the contrary, fall down. The position of the lips and corners of the mouth is a manifestation of different energies in accordance with the forms taken by these energies in the form of facial expressions. In the same way a beautiful face and the ordinary, fun prancing child and bent old man are only manifestations of different forms, reflecting, in turn, different types of energy.

Likewise, you can view and different forms of landscape: mountains, small hills, plains, rivers and lakes - all of them in accordance with their form showing the various types of energy and therefore have a specific impact on the living conditions of people in the landscape data.

The main topic of this article will be the impact of our homes - houses, apartments, rooms in which we live. The form of the house: its relative dimensions, floor plan, interior design (including color schemes, finishes, decoration elements) - naturally have a direct impact on the people living in it. This influence comes to health, emotional state of well-being and, of course, our relations with other people, including our love relationships. As you can see, the answer to the eternal question: "Do you or I" may have much deeper implications than we usually think.

Ideal Home

What should be a house (or houses), to nurture and develop feelings of love?

In terms of Feng Shui, the place also determines the relationship, and health and well-being. Of course, it also affects the love relationship, though separate this type of influence on the overall impact is impossible. In Feng Shui holographic adopted an approach based on consideration of the system as a whole rather than its individual aspects.

Perfect house - a house with an abundance of qi (energy). Abundance is manifested in a favorable location of, and in the integrity of the structure of the form, and uniform energy flow, and a feeling of warmth and comfort entailing that house gives to its residents.

Favorable location implies balance and harmony of the surrounding environment.

In terms of classical Feng Shui it is associated with the presence of four major characteristics: Dragon Guards, Hearth concentration of energy and waters.

Dragon supports the rear side of the house. This support can have a small hill or a mountain, another building, even a vacant lot - most importantly, to the back of the house there was no slopes or rocky cliffs.

Guards are associated landscape elements on the sides of the house, t. E. The house should not be a single structure ( "bump out of the blue"), or sandwiched between the large, overhanging structures or heaps.

The center of concentration of energy - this is the place where actually is the house (or building, which is your home). It must be a coherent ensemble and to be well protected, so that energy can be collected and accumulated there.

Water corresponds to the open space in front of house; This element allows the energy flow to the house and collected in the hearth of energy concentration. In addition, water provides a projection, the breadth and depth of the form for those who live in the house.

Holistic form implies the presence of strong links between the elements of the building and nice, which is kind of the last. The building should not be too unusual or embarrassing for its architecture, regardless of size and used for its construction materials. In addition, it should not be either eclectic or compositionally torn - even when viewed from above or from the side.

In terms of house should be square or rectangular. Uniform energy flows provided by the relevant planning at home and the location of interior walls and ceilings. The internal layout should be neither too open (one large volume for the whole house or floor), nor too small, fragmented and confusing, like a maze. Each room in the house must have a sufficient connection with the rest of the premises to ensure an even flow of energy through the interior of the house.

The feeling of warmth and comfort entailing - a sense of the abundance of warmth, comfort, location, comes to us in some homes without any apparent reason. Our energy body instinctively react to a favorable energy of a particular place. If the energy of the house resonates favorably with our energy vibration, we have a sense of calm and comfort, even if we can not figure out where did this sudden feeling.

Generally speaking, if the following three previous conditions (location, shape and flow of energy), you are likely to feel the sheer warmth and comfort of home. Shape integrity integrity brings energy, and that, in turn, brings holistic effect. All these energetic qualities are manifestations of the form or structure of the surrounding environment, layout, size and shape of the building. Therein lies the basic requirements for an ideal home, and hence the conditions for good relationships, well-being and health.

And now, when the main criteria is reached, let's look at more specific components.

Front door: the key to distinguish male and female

The main entrance - the person at home, defining its energy "character". It is he who determines the Yin - Yang - the configuration of the house, its "male" or "female" identity. In addition, the main entrance is similar to a human face, as well as reflecting the social affiliation and personal qualities owner.

Door of the main entrance, which is directly on the street, attached to the house straightforwardness and candor to a greater extent than the door, located at right angles to the street, which causes a feeling of greater zavualirovannosti, stealth. The door front door should be clean, strong, reliable and clearly visible (not hidden). If the main entrance is located at the center of the facade of the building (as is done in most conventional constructions of houses), it means that yin and yang are in balance, and well balanced show their quality.

If the front door is biased in one direction or the other side of the center, there is an imbalance.

For example, if the door is located on the left side of the facade (the position is determined by standing inside the house and looking out), the mass of the house carries mostly Yin energy and, therefore, will be more to nourish yin quality. This can be called a house of "female", and its inhabitants, most likely, too, will be the women's strength to a greater degree.

On the other hand, if the door is located closer to the right corner of the house (again, seen from the inside), this house belongs to the "male" type: it is dominated by male power, and maintain it will be more Yang energy to the detriment of the female energy. How is the location of the doors associated with the energies of Yin and Yang? It directly relates to the flow of energy inside the house, directed both clockwise and counterclockwise.

When energy moves in a clockwise direction, it is Yang; if it moves counter-clockwise, it is Yin.

Women seeking to establish a strong relationship with a partner to find that living in a house on the female type, should think seriously about changing housing in favor of one in which the door main entrance is located more or less in the middle. Of course, we have drawn the picture is somewhat simplified, because we focus on the house, and the house itself can be influenced by more powerful forces surrounding environment (factors inner circle, climate, macro geographical and other specific factors, which take into account the Feng Shui).

In the old front door of most homes located in the central part of the facade. Then the family and marriage relations differed persistence and interrupted, mainly as a result of the death of a spouse. Cases of single men and women have been relatively rare.

The appearance in the future all the more energetically unstable homes, where the main entrance was on the right or the left, went hand in hand with the spread of unbalanced, unstable relationships and increasing the number of single men and women. With this kind of imbalance is related to many issues that have to fight to spouses (partners). We do not mean that a change in the location of the door pushes the partners to the destruction of balance in personal relationships, and we want to emphasize that these two issues go hand in hand no matter which of them came first.

Bedroom: nest support

Bedroom influences and loving relationships, and health, and on the emotional sphere. Yes, and how it does not affect if it is believed that in the bedroom, a person spends a third of his life.

A significant influence on the resulting effect have the size and shape of the bedroom. The most important component is the Qi space, directly related to its characteristics.

Too large bedroom can lead to energy dissipation; is too small, on the contrary, it will not provide the required flow. Room size determines the amount of current of qi and its shape influences the quality of energy.

The bedroom should be square or coal directly, without any sharp corners and undue articulation. The shape determines the energy, and therefore an integral one-piece form provides the same energy, and fragmentary, chaotic form creates the chaotic energy. Of all the features and characteristics of the bedroom is the most important position of the bed.

The main rule is that the head of the bed should be adjacent to the main wall

The door should not be located directly in front of or behind the bed. Also adversely location of the door just to the right or left of the head.

There are many opinions on the bed orientation. Some say that the bed should be placed in accordance with the direction of magnetic field lines of the headboard to the north; others argue that the need to take into account the motion of the sun, and therefore put the bed headboard to the east or west; others offer to put the bed in accordance with the date of birth of the person who is sleeping in it. Probably, in certain circumstances (and, above all, specific culture conditions) have a meaning similar considerations.

From the point of view of the true Feng Shui is more important have a bed in harmony with the size and shape of the bedroom, as the impact of shape of the room is much stronger than that of any other means of spatial orientation.

One of the most common sources of negative influence in the relationship between man and woman is a large window directly behind the headboard. In this case, the energy coming into the bedroom instead circulate there, feeding sleeping, "spills out" through the window away. A large window behind the headboard of the bed of conjugal relations can deplete energy. It may not lead to strife and discord between the spouses; but their relationship is at risk of becoming commonplace, gray, devoid of deep connection. Meanwhile, to improve the situation, it is sufficient to block or hang something the window.

The bedroom should be a window. Since this room should be more yin (in contrast to the living room or kitchen, that are yang), the windows there should not be too much - otherwise the bedroom is too Yang. If in the bedroom already has a lot of windows, some of them standing close (hang). Blinds or curtains will help to partly solve the problem, but is unlikely to eradicate it completely. To effectively hide its presence even, you may need to close the window, for example, a picture.

These simple rules regarding the form and layout - the most important; other considerations, at best, of secondary importance. By following these rules, you run the most basic requirements for the organization bedrooms.

Kitchen: how to reconcile fire and water

Cooking is closely linked to the relationship between man and woman, as well as the decision of the joint financial issues.

The most important elements are the kitchen sink and faucet (water) and stove (fire). Both of these elements are associated with Yin and Yang, t. E. With the female and male energy.

From the location of the sink and stove, on the relationship between them depend directly relations living in a house of men and women, as well as the effective management of the family budget.

The most ideally sink and stove must be placed at right angles to each other, the plate must be adjacent to the main wall and the sink - to the wall with a window. It is also possible and have a sink next to the stove, as shown in the figure. By the way, there are quite good for such a traditional location (although not always aware of) the reason. Our ancestors had a more developed intuition, rather than modern designers kitchen. As a rule, if the interior layout is wrong from the standpoint of Feng Shui, it is also wrong and everyday, practical point of view. It often happens that things show themselves quite simply.

However, strict rules on this subject does not exist, and the establishment of mandatory requirements such as "this is so, and it's just some sort" is not our intention. Evaluating the house, we must always strive to see the big picture. If you find only one miscalculation, and all other parameters are normal, this single calculation may not be enough for the emergence of the big problems.

On the other hand, many small flaws, each of which individually maloznachim can combine to cause serious consequences. Major shortcomings in the aggregate will certainly lead to a negative influence.

For example, when washing (water) and a plate (Fire) are located opposite each other when in the bedroom, the couple behind the huge window bed, and the front door is moved to the right or the left wing of the house, you can actually assume that the relationship of the couple or the end break, or it will be reduced to a purely formal. Look for couples, you know, and make sure: it was true or not?

The decor and interior design as a reflection of the inner world

The decoration of rooms - this is the color of the picture. It affects the sense of "aliveness" of the house, and often reflects the system of values, social status, personality and emotional state residents.

Interior home decor is a direct manifestation of the inner world of those who live in the house. People who have power swing, it is expressed in the design of their homes; just individualize their homes and those who are oppressed and suppressed.

If the house can not see any pictures or ornaments pair, in this case one can hope to find a mate? External manifestations arise from the reality of the inner world. This does not mean that the image is enough to hang a pair of Pichugov - and you immediately will be a welcome partner.

The point is different: even a picture with a pair of birds indicate a certain change in the internal energy that can later manifest itself outwardly. Painting or reproduction on the wall - is a manifestation of the internal energy of the inner world of man.

As the chart Taiji yin yang, cause and effect can not always be separated, because they are often interchanged.

External reality - it is a reflection of what is happening inside, so that a change in external circumstances can change what is within us.

Green corner - another continuation of Feng Shui

In China, people believe that the house plants and flowers can enhance feelings of love, and therefore often advised to place a certain part of the house and fresh flowers or flower pots with plants. This place is called "Corner branch Flowering plum." Influence of greenery to improve the relationship seen in the fact that the plants in this part of helping to find your "soul mate." There are many different ways to determine the location for such a green area.

Thus, according to one approach, if a house facade faces south, "Corner of blossoming plum branch" should be arrange in the eastern part of the house. Some people develop this idea further, worrying about the proper selection of color, the correct form of a vase, etc. In fact, many of these conventions do not play absolutely no role:.. Important plant or flower as such, because it depends on how favorable "information" and will be imparted energy.

Similar concepts also exist in other cultures. They are a cultural tradition, while the true position of Feng Shui are universal, free from any reference to specific cultural conventions. Nevertheless, specific cultural traditions also have some value, as connected with the factors that are relevant to people living in a given culture.

One of the distinguishing qualities of flowers and plants is their fragrance, directly affects our emotional sphere. Man often uses fragrances to enhance or emphasize romantic feelings, but the use of fragrances should be in moderation.

If your home has a sufficient amount of energy and brings a sense of warmth and comfort, you will naturally resonate with its energy. At the same time you will also naturally to attract the type of relationship in which the energy data are shown.

The house should be filled with abundant and healthy vegetation. Potted plants are the binding elements for energy; moreover, they are also supplied, it is neutralized and purified. Most of us would notice it, being in public buildings: the abundance of vegetation makes the building more friendly and devoid of all life offices evoke the feeling of cold and even hostility.

The ideal home is always different balance of Yin and Yang. At home too yang will be problems with Yang; Similarly, too Yin house is not all right with the energy of yin. If the home is an excess of energy Yang, lots of windows giving a sea of ​​light, and the room is so open that it seems as if you are "inside, but the outside", it is possible that its inhabitants will be easy to make new connections, but to hold and stabilize relations It will be very difficult.

Similarly, if the house is too gloomy and closed, it could settle stagnation due to lack of communication with the outside world, and hence - the absence of any relationship, both good and bad.

Below you will find a short list of qualities and characteristics that are important for the harmony in love and marriage:

1. On the back side of the house has to be supported, which will create a sense of reliability, security, making the atmosphere in the house more peaceful and loving.

2. To carry integrated energy house must possess integrity form.

3. The energy flux should be uniform and abundant, not too fast and not too slow. The house should be neither too much nor too little windows.

4. Energy house should reflect the balance of Yin and Yang. Door main entrance should be located in the center of the facade.

5. Make sure that the kitchen did not have the energy conflict: stove and sink should not be located at each other.

6. The head of the bed should be adjacent to the main wall.

7. The bed should be so that lying on it, you saw the bedroom door.

8. In addition, the bed should be so that an imaginary door of the main entrance was at her feet (although usually the front door of the bedroom is not visible).

If all these requirements are met, then you should have no problem finding true love and lasting relationships (of course, if you're interested).

Reverse is also true: the more of these features is missing, the more difficulties waiting for you on the path to happiness together.