Zodiac signs and flowers

Signs of the zodiac - twelve segments of the celestial sphere, dividing it by longitude. In other words, the zodiac signs are parts of the sky, divided into equal thirty-degree segments.

The names of the signs of the zodiac are assigned depending on the name of one of the twelve zodiacal constellations, by the one in which the Sun is in its annual motion.

Zodiac signs are the main element of astrology. Since ancient times it is believed that the motion and position of the moon, the sun, planets and other celestial objects inside the zodiac signs influences the fate of man and everything that happens on Earth.

Each zodiac sign corresponds to a certain flower. When you are going to make up a bouquet and there will be difficulties with the choice, we suggest using a gradation of the color for the representatives of different signs of the Zodiac:

a lion

 Aries symbolizes a strong personality, so all his plants strengthen our ego, help to achieve personal success and temper the character.  Geranium calms, raises the mood, strengthens self-confidence and self-esteem.  Helps cope with sharp mood swings, tensions, tearfulness and depression.  Geranium performs the role of a fire engine.  If at home there is often a heated debate, if you take too close to heart the issue of TV news, get a geranium.  It will soften the energy of anger and help develop a sense of humor.  She improves mood, helping to see funny in the most ordinary things.  Red geranium is an excellent helper under stress.  Azalia is useful to those who are afraid to take responsibility for a big deal.  Red begonia is good for lovers of receiving guests.  She will make the gatherings more interesting and orderly, not allowing guests to interrupt each other.  A sluggish person, slow-moving, she will give speed and ingenuity.  Fire signs, especially Aries, it is not necessary to keep a cactus in the house.  This flower condenses the energy of the Sun.  Multiplied by the fiery temperament of Aries, she can burn a loved one nearby.  TAURUS Persian cyclamen, Uzumbara violet.  Taurus is a sign of material stability, and its plants contribute to the achievement of material prosperity.  In addition, Taurus symbolizes endurance, and its plants help maintain strength.  Cyclamens are needed in homes where they live soft-bodied and vulnerable to other people's influence.  Under the influence of the cyclamen, children cease to be capricious, and adults become more independent.  The aroma of violet promotes relaxation, soothes the nervous system, has anti-stress action.  White violets soothe excessive emotions, clean the house of negative energies and sometimes even expel domestic insects from the apartment.  Blue violets develop creativity - in the house where they grow, it's not boring.  Violet violets are needed when there is no mutual understanding between family members.  They help to look at their problems more philosophically.  TWINS Tradescantia, ferns, pinnate palms, ivy, jasmine.  Gemini is a sign of friendship, their plants help maintain relationships with close friends, as well as with friends or co-workers.  Tradescantia does not allow you to turn into an envious person and teaches you not to make a tragedy of a trifle.  Fern is absolutely necessary for maximalists - it helps to acquire a sense of proportion, does not let lose its head.  He makes you distinguish moods from real desires, develops a sense of tact.  Palms (coconut or date) are needed for superficial, unorganized people.  Ivy is indispensable when someone has offended, betrayed or when it's just hard on the soul.  It also helps to get rid of addiction - for example, quit drinking or smoking.  Jasmine smell tones and excites the functions of the brain, stimulates creativity, the birth of original ideas.  It also strengthens self-esteem, a sense of well-being, and helps to adapt to unfamiliar surroundings.  CANCER Aloe, American agave.  Cancer is a home, family sign, so its plants are needed to preserve the family, improve relations with relatives and create a cozy home.  Aloe has a strong character, it helps to improve health and is absolutely necessary in families where there are severe sick and often ill children.  Aloe develops strength of mind in people with a weak character who are afraid of difficulties.  Aloe helps to be self-sufficient and therefore useful to people living alone.  Agave, despite its prickly appearance, is a nurturing plant.  It is necessary in a family where from constant quarrels between parents the child suffers, it calms and infuses tenderness.  In addition, it helps to develop intuition (in all areas - from personal life to commerce) and not confine oneself to oneself and their problems.  LEO Hibiscus, zanderedema, balm.  The sign of Leo is connected with creativity, spirituality and nobility.  His plants are talismans in love and creativity.  Hibiscus has a masculine character, it turns the energy of laziness into the energy of creation, neutralizes the aggression of that of family members who are trying to establish their absolute power.  It is needed by people who are constantly dissatisfied with something.  In addition, he strengthens the character: the man gives masculinity, and the woman teaches to be independent.  Calla is needed in a house where people do not value their happiness.  It protects the family union and the human heart, makes a person more confident, helps to find their feelings to those who previously feared it.  Balsamin creates a cozy, warm, benevolent atmosphere in the house, smooths tension and teaches a person to enjoy life.  VIRGO Cissus, the monster.  The main task of the Virgin and her plants is to strengthen health.  In addition, they give the person intelligence and develop intelligence.  Cissus is a very common plant, unpretentious and ubiquitous.  It develops in a person the ability to adapt, teaches to feel at ease in any conditions - from the most chic five-star hotels to a holey tent on the river bank.  It acts as a neutralizer for those who are obsessed with the cleanliness of the house, eternally scraping the non-existent dust particles in the corners and ironing the clothes on three sides, demanding the same from the others.  Monstera is good for people without a king in the head.  It organizes thoughts, helps you learn to formulate thoughts clearly.  It also shifts from the dead point of explicit conservatives.  SCALES Small-flowered chrysanthemum, croton (codaium).  Libra is responsible for the harmony in relationships and the development of a sense of beauty.  Their plants help to establish peace between partners and to develop good taste.  Chrysanthemum is good for those people who do not have a balance between mind and feelings.  It will dispel the atmosphere of constant doubts, will give rest, will help develop the qualities inherent in your sex: a man will add firmness to character, a woman to femininity, and both to tenderness.  It helps to overcome selfishness, to listen to someone else's opinion.  White and yellow chrysanthemums fill the soul with peace and tranquility, immersing it in the happy world of dreams.  It is a flower of kindness and generosity of life!  Croton calm creative twists, soothes the head overloaded with ideas, especially if a person always doubts what he is doing.  Tynejeru Croton will give self-confidence and insure against falling into a bad company.  SCORPIO Cacti, dracena dragon.  Scorpio is cunning and can tempt.  His plants may look very attractive, but they are often prickly and poisonous.  They help develop paranormal abilities, for example, clairvoyance or just intuition.  Cacti are accustomed to the dramatically changing weather conditions of the desert and sandstorms.  Therefore, they are able to neutralize sudden outbursts of anger, fits of rage.  They are needed in families where the character of someone from the household is unpredictable.  In addition, they have a calming effect on sensitive people and do not allow them to nurture plans for revenge.  Cactus helps not to dwell on experiences and connect to emotions logic.  Dracaena dragon helps people to stop eating themselves for their own mistakes and shortcomings, does not let them fall into black pessimism.  It teaches empathy, soothes fussy, strengthens memory and helps to achieve a stable profit in business.  SAGITTARIUS Lemon, bonsai tree, sansevieria.  Sagittarius is a sign of travel, both physical and spiritual.  His plants develop curiosity, reinforce the desire to learn something new.  Lemon will help to prove yourself, to become more independent, to increase activity.  Bonsai will be useful to people who attach too much importance to the material side of life, they make the master wiser.  They help to understand dreams, awaken the most sincere feelings.  Sansevieria is the most unpretentious of indoor plants.  They say about her: where are the mother-in-law's tongue, there's gossip and slander.  In fact, everything is just the opposite.  Sansevieria rids the house of rudeness.  It helps those who decided to take up education, and then find a job in their specialty.  CAPRICORN Yucca elephantum, ficus rubber.  The sign of Capricorn is associated with career and social status, so its plants help successful work.  Capricorn - a sign of the chief, so that such people his plants are simply necessary.  In addition, this sign restricts the form to strict frames, so its plants help those who want to lose weight.  Yucca will help to gather strength in a difficult moment.  In the family, she brings an atmosphere that makes quiet, trusting conversations possible.  It does not allow growing scandals and quarrels, inspires confidence.  Ficus is unpretentious and does not like excessive moisture, which means tears.  He eliminates tearfulness, gives peace to people who are constantly looking for a "vest", develops enthusiasm.  He helps to focus on the main thing, especially for those who do not know how to properly assess their strength and from this constantly floods the work.  AQUARIUS: Marantha is three-colored, poinsettia.  Aquarius is responsible for originality, innovation.  His plants - unusual and rare, stimulate the search for a new one, support the "white crows".  Maranta is good in companies where there are a lot of bright individuals, each of which is committed to leadership.  She sort of arranges them in a voluntary turn so that they do not interfere and do not suppress each other.  Maranta helps with insomnia and arranges the rhythm of "owls", forcing the lost meaning of life to find it again.  In business, it helps to get a quick profit.  Euphorbia gives the joy of communication, helps a young person to decide on a profession and discover new bright qualities.  FISH ORCHIDS, CYPRUS.  Pisces is a sign of wisdom and spirituality.  His plants help to escape from everyday problems and find spiritual goals in life.  The beauty of orchids ennobles, restores harmony, helps you to get out of depression without any losses, inspires, stimulates creativity.  Dark red orchids drive away laziness and apathy.  Tsiperus develops intuition and spiritual sensitivity, he is good where there is nothing but empty chatter.  It is needed in families where too many cunning and deceiving.