Zodiac signs and flowers Lion (23.07-23.08)

The Lion (23.07-23.08) The Lion (23.07-23.08)

  The regal lion is endowed with many beautiful plants, most of them beautifully bloom. The king always chooses the best, and the Lion plants are quite demanding on the conditions of detention. The fiery Lion is governed by the Sun itself, therefore the plants of this sign need good illumination.

Akalifa bristly pubis; Amaranthus tail (shiritsa); Afelandra protruding; Ethiopian Ethiopian (calla); Calceolaria hybrid; Camellia Japanese; Gardenia is jasmine-like; Balm (non-touch); Mimosa shameful; Pelargonium (geranium) royal; rose flower.

All Leo plants are most useful for people born under this fire sign. These plants are needed at home or at work for the Lions to maintain their emotional and physical tone, to purify the energy of the atmosphere around them. A lot of useful properties are contained in the Lion plants, but they all have two unique properties that can be used by a person of any sign of the Zodiac. The lion and the Sun controlling him in astrology are associated with creativity and high feelings, real love. Any of the plants of this sign can be at home as talismans for successful creativity and happiness in love.

Acalifa bristly-haired Acalypha hispida Acalifa bristly-haired

How does the atmosphere of the house:

Like most Lion plants, Akalifa is an extremely fastidious plant. It requires both high humidity and abundant watering, and good lighting. The main advantage of Akalifa in long red inflorescences. The colors of all plants are controlled by the Sun, and the Sun of the Akalifah, its inflorescence, looks down, as if it is sad about something, bowing its head. The sun in astrology is connected with the heart, with joy, but in the inflorescences lowered down the joy does not linger. Akalifu is good to have in a house where people find it difficult to maintain a joyful, light mood, where joy is present only minutes, and despondency lives for hours. Akalifa catches the joy that flows from man and accumulates it in himself, so that then, when the household is very sad, fill with the light of joy the atmosphere in the house. With the Akalifa, the atmosphere itself is opposed to pessimism, the despondency of the household. Even with a non-flowering acalifo in the house you feel cheerful. There is an acalipha and another healing property, the property enclosed in the pubescent leaves. All leaves are controlled by Mercury, and the leafy leaves are connected with the gentle, emotional Moon. Mercury is the planet of thought and speech. Mercury is an easy planet, connected with the mobility of man. Moving Mercury and the emotional Moon, combined in the leaves of the Akalifah, endowed the plant with the ability to purify the atmosphere of the energies of laziness and excessive emotionality. If in your home live sluggish, sluggish, lazy people, accustomed to every little thing to react emotionally to painfulness, plant Akalife. The plant absorbs and recycles the energy of passivity, gravity, laziness, the energy that arises from the painful reaction of a person to some phenomenon. All this energy can get into the atmosphere at home, make it heavier, becoming eventually the cause of chronic diseases of the household. But with the participation of Akalifs, the atmosphere in the house remains mobile, alive. This atmosphere itself is opposed to laziness and excessive emotionality of household members and guests. Thanks to Akalife people in the house are getting easier on the rise, it's easier to start treating troubles.

How does it affect the emotional state:

The bright inflorescences in which the sun lives, and leaves with a pronounced Moon (fluffy coating) speak of a harmonious sun-lunar character of the plant. Of course, in Akalif there are not only the Sun and the Moon. It also contains Saturn - the stem, and other planets, but they are not marked in the plant by special attractions, not as clearly manifested as the Sun and the Moon. The Sun and the Moon are male (active) and feminine (passive) beginnings, consciousness and subconsciousness, logic and intuition, in psychology - larks and owls. In eastern philosophy, the masculine and feminine beginnings are associated with the energies of YaN and YIN. There is also the concept of DEN, which signifies the unity and interpenetration of the opposites of YaN and YIN. Akalifa helps people connect the two beginnings, to approach the harmonious state of DEN. Akalifu is good to have those who look at the world rationally and do not use intuition, or vice versa - seeks to feel what is happening, but can not include logical thinking. Akalifa helps a person to use simultaneously two ways of understanding life - intuitive and rational. A person, whether he is a man or a woman, should be able to show the qualities of both genders and use them when circumstances require it. And Akalifa, being near to us, helps in this. In men, akalifa can develop sensitivity, tenderness, and in women - business qualities. If you are a woman and feel that you need support, in someone's strong hand, get an Akalifa. She will give self-confidence, under the subtle influence of it; Plants you will feel more independent, discover new forces in yourself, which you did not suspect. With Akalifo you will soon cope with the influx of negative emotions. Under the influence of Akalifa, a woman becomes more collected, courageous, enterprising. If your spouse is a rough man, if you are tired of his composure, grow furious with not understanding your tender soul, Akalifa is exactly what you need. The male akalifa stimulates to show kindness. Akalifa is good for everyone who does not have an ideal character. This plant will help a person to correctly use their qualities and develop qualities that are lacking. The influence of the akalifa on each person is different, so it is difficult to concretize. But the Akalif is particularly useful when maximalism is observed in the speeches and actions of a person. This plant helps a person not to go to extremes. Those who appreciate in people only a good education, Akalifa will teach you to appreciate and spiritual qualities; An amateur to receive everything and immediately under the influence of akalifa learn to peck at a grain, save. In whatever maximalism manifests in a person, an akalifa will smooth him, teach him to see and appreciate both opposites and eventually lead a person to the golden mean. If you know a person at least in something prone to maximalism, give him an Akalifa.

How does it affect health:

Fiery acalifa - the plant is warming. It is good to have houses for those who are afraid of colds, who often freezes, who have cold allergies. The lion governs the heart, and it is good for akalifa to have those who have problems with this organ. In the Akalif, the energies of DEN live, in this plant the opposites have achieved unification, because the akalifa has a very wide range of effects on the human body. Akalifa harmonizes the work of almost all organs and systems.

Zanteides Ethiopian Zantedeschia aethiopica Zanteides Ethiopian (callas)

How does the atmosphere of the house:

The sign Leo, to which the calla belongs, controls the heart, and it is interesting that the shape of the leaves of this plant is heart-shaped. You can say that the calla leaves are filled with warmth. The yellow flower of the calla is girded with a funnel-shaped white veil. Yellow - the color of the Sun and the fiery yellow sign of Leo. Yellow - the color of inspiration, joy, creativity, and white - the color of purity. The white veil protects the sunny joy. Calla in the house can serve as an amulet for the happiness of the household. This plant is good to have where people "scatter" their happiness, where "they rush the beads in front of the pigs." It is good to have a calla in a house where the debaters live, painfully reacting to their misunderstanding by other people. We are trying to achieve understanding, and in these, sometimes hot conversations, we waste bits of our happiness, sparks of warmth. But the beautiful calla catches them from the atmosphere and delays in themselves. Kalla keeps that valuable bead, from which our happiness develops. Around the calla grows an aura of grays of happiness. Thanks to the call, the atmosphere in the house is ringing with joy. The atmosphere around this flower resists the dull, pessimistic mood of people. Calla gives the atmosphere the ability to enhance a person's immunity against emotional exhaustion, stress, dejection and despondency, arising from a lack of understanding by others. With a calla in the house, people feel more happy.

How does it affect the emotional state:

A white veil, encircling the yellow flower of the calla, hints at the protective property of the plant. The yellow color is connected with the Sun, and the Sun - with joy, strong feelings, creativity. Calla is good to have those who feel vulnerable because of their feelings or creativity. For example, a person is afraid that someone will laugh at his feelings, insult him or criticize his works. Kalla protects a person's heart from such attacks. Thanks to the calle, a person becomes stronger, more confident, no longer afraid of ridicule, criticism. If you know someone who is afraid of criticism, who tries to hide feelings so as not to cause ridicule, give him a calla, this plant is necessary for such gentle people. Kalla is also good for those who have a good imagination, but do not try to translate their creative intentions, but often reject them, considering them worthless. A white veil protecting the yellow flower is a creative idea, it will protect the person's creative plans from destruction. Calla is good for everyone who does not like his own ideas, does not like what he does. A person is often dissatisfied with his works, especially after a lapse of time. This is a normal phenomenon associated with the spiritual growth of a person. A person changes, and his past creations cease to like him, but it's bad when, even without starting to embody his project, a person has already become disillusioned with him. It is from such premature disappointments that kalla protects. This plant helps to act, create, regardless of any circumstances, not paying attention to someone's opinion and their own doubts about the expediency of actions. Flowers are the main attraction of callas, but not the only one. This plant has beautiful, large heart-shaped leaves. The leaf is controlled by Mercury, the planet of thought and word, and the shape of the calla leaves shows the plant's ability to inspire a person with cordial, warm words. Calla is good to have those who do not know how to speak beautifully, speak so that listeners believe what they have said. Thanks to kalle, a person discovers in himself the ability to speak so that words reach the very heart of the listener. First of all, this plant is useful for those who have a dry, strict speech, who is more used to business than emotional conversation.

How does it affect health:

Judging by the appearance of the calla flower, the plant has a protective property. And, first of all, calla protects from diseases the organ, which is controlled by the sign of Leo, - the heart. But the protective effect, though to a lesser extent, extends to the whole organism. Calla not only contributes to the healing of the body, but it protects him from the appearance of new diseases, from the development of the already existing ones.

Camellia Japanese Camelia japonica Camellia Japanese

How does the atmosphere of the house:

Camellia, perhaps, is one of the most capricious plants of the Lion. Imagine: if you rearrange a camellia with buds to another place, it will not bloom, but its buds will simply fall off without opening. The buds and colors of all plants are controlled by the Sun, in astrology - the planet of strong feelings, creativity and inspiration. Camellia is good to have as fastidious as the plant itself, to people who have lost their inspiration, every desire for creativity, if something is not around them as they would like. Someone will not even cook soup if the products are not of that quality; Someone will refuse to play a musical instrument if it is made by an unknown master; Others will not want to draw if they break one of the pencils. Camellia for those who in their work is strongly dependent on external circumstances. Such a person's dependence not only clearly and on an invisible plane can spoil the mood of others, but also can fill the atmosphere around the dependent person with an unpleasant, irritating energy. This energy for a long time will spoil the mood of the household, cause sudden seizures of melancholy. But the camellia absorbs the energy, similar to its nature, that has arisen as a result of the dependence of man's creativity on external circumstances. Camellia does not allow decomposing energies to merge with the atmosphere. Thanks to camellia, the energy of the atmosphere in the house becomes cleaner and more transparent. Such a state of the atmosphere will affect, first of all, the mood of the members of the household and their guests. In a house where there is a camellia, the atmosphere itself inclines people to show tenderness, kindness. With the camellia in the house, people become more polite, precautionary.

How does it affect the emotional state:

A gentle, sunny camellia helps people in their work emotionally not depend on circumstances. But this plant has one more property. Camellia does not grow well at high temperatures, it needs coolness. Like most Leo plants, the camellia is controlled by the fiery Sun, but the craving for coolness shows the desire of the plant to reduce the heat of the sun. The sun can give a person strong feelings, heartfelt experiences, the desire for creativity, and the camellia removes unnecessary excitement when man is saturated with solar energies. Camellia is good when a person is in love or has other strong feelings when inspired by fantasy. Camellia helps not to go to the extreme, do not lose your head from love, succumbing to feelings, do not forget about duty and responsibility. Camellia is created for people who are easily carried away, for those who, inspired by the idea or their own feelings, forget everything. It's not so bad to be able to get carried away, forget for a while about reality, but such hobbies can cause family conflicts and whole human tragedies. But the camellia will help easily carried away people not to forget about the laws by which they live and who must perform. Camellia will not repel the desire for activity, for creativity, not muffle feelings in the heart of man, but only help to more realistically assess the reality and not to break wood, getting carried away by something.

How does it affect health:

A cool camellia can reduce body temperature. Camellia does not like changing places and helps people who are often forced to move, it is easier to transfer the climate change, to adapt quickly to new conditions. But most of all the benefits of a gentle camellia brings the heart - the organ, which is controlled by the sign of Leo. It protects the heart, keeps it from many diseases.

Balsamin hybrid Impatiens Balsam (touchy)

How does the atmosphere of the house:

The family of balsam is very large, there are representatives in it with white flowers, and with pink and red, but all members of this family are very similar to each other. Each of them has a juicy stem, the same shape of flowers, and blossoms can be blossomed all year round. Due to year-round flowering, the English call balsam "Lizzie's hassle." Members of a large family of balsams may differ in size, have leaves of different shapes and colorings, but a long flowering period is typical for everyone. The colors of all plants are controlled by the Sun, and any plant from the family of balsams in our house is a toiler, charging the atmosphere with solar energy. Balsamins create a warm atmosphere. It is very beneficial to have this plant in public places or in the house, if you are often visited by very different people. Thanks to balsam, the atmosphere itself inspires people with benevolence, kindness towards each other. But let us recall another common property for all balsam. It is in juicy stems. The stem is Saturn, the support, the strength of character, but in the juicy stems of the earth Saturn is connected to the moist Moon. Saturn and the Moon are two opposites, successfully coexisted in the stems of balsam. This plant is good to have in homes where between the households there are strong differences, leading to conflicts, where quarrels often arise because of the rejection of someone else's opinion. Balsamin neutralizes the energy of conflict, frees the atmosphere from the sharp energy of rejection. Balsamin smooths the tension in the atmosphere of the house. As a result, under the influence of balsam, the energy of the atmosphere at home becomes softer, inspiring people to look at problems with humor.

How does it affect the emotional state.

Unaware of the sun, the inspirational balsam blossom all year round, gave the plant many unusual properties. The sun is a planet of creativity, and balsam inspires people to creative, original activities. Balsam is good to have those who are tired of everything, who is difficult for something to please. Under the invisible currents of this plant, an interest in life and activity awakens in a person, a desire to decorate the surrounding reality awakens, to do something pleasant for everyone. It is useful to have balsam in creative workshops. A plant that develops in a person is the ability to see around the light, see the good. Under the influence of balsam, interesting ideas can be born on any topic, for example, self-change, change of image, scientific discoveries can also come. Balsam is always useful when a person feels lagging behind when others call him a conservative. Saturn and the Moon, united in the stem of the plant, endowed the balsam with the ability to help a person in the conflict between "must" and "want." If you are not sure of the choice between your desires and obedience to some circumstances, start a balm. Under the influence of this plant you will learn how to combine your personal interests with compelling circumstances, that is, subordination will be beneficial for you. This property of balsam is useful to those who often enter into business transactions, work with partners. Thanks to balsam, a person understands how to make an agreement beneficial for both parties.

How does it affect health:

The Lion, to whom the balsam belongs, is ruled by the Sun, and the Sun of the balsam, shining in its colors, shines all year round. The Lion, led by the Sun, controls the heart, and the ever-flowering balsam protects this organ from any diseases. But in the stems of balsam the connection of Saturn and the Moon is clearly expressed, and such a combination of planets can be associated with rheumatism, with the sensitivity of joints to weather change. Balsamin with one presence in the house protects the family from heart diseases and from all forms of rheumatism.

Rosa hybrid miniature Rosa rose flower

How does the atmosphere of the house:

The queen of flowers is a rose, perhaps the brightest representative of the sign of Leo. Under this sign, the rose was above all due to the magnificent colors and love for very bright lighting. In miniature indoor roses, the element of fire to which Leo relates is expressed twice: in the colors controlled by the Sun, and in sharp spikes on the stem, which is controlled by the fiery Mars. The rose has a strong, masculine character. Fire, the masculine principle in astrology, is an expression of activity. The rose in the house is a noiseless engine, charging the atmosphere around itself with the energy of activity. It is good to have a rose where there are languid, passive people dreaming of rest, striving to avoid any work in every possible way. Rosa absorbs the sluggish energies of laziness and turns them into the energy of creation. In a house where a rose grows, the atmosphere itself makes people go up from the couch and do something. In the prickly stems of the rose, Saturn and Mars merged. Saturn controls the stems of all plants, and Mars lives in thorns. Saturn is a dictator planet, a legislator, and Mars is an aggressor. Rose is useful where people try to establish their laws by force, where the desire of one of the household to be the master of the house leads to fights, violent quarrels. If people live or often live in your home, who often want to subjugate everyone, plant a small potted rose. This charming plant with a male character neutralizes the energy of an aggressive dictator, splashing out of a person into the atmosphere. The rose will not give this energy to cause sharp pains or sudden deterioration in the health of the household.

How does it affect the emotional state:

Of all the plants of the Lion, the rose is the best inspirer. Her fiery character stimulates people to creativity, to finding new things in everyday things. Under the subtle influence of roses a person can change his attitude to everyday worries, there will be a desire to do the usual things in a new way. With a rose life becomes more interesting, diverse. It is good to have everyone who lacks something, who feels emotionally dissatisfied with the affairs per day. Rosa can be an excellent assistant and for those who want to become a stronger person, develop the will power. A man will help a rose to become a real man, and a woman - more independent. But most of these properties are roses with colors of red shades. In yellow roses, the Sun prevails. This planet in astrology is associated with organizational skills, so yellow-eyed roses are good helpers for managers and organizers. These plants contribute to the development of organizational skills in man. Yellow roses are good for unassembled people who find it difficult to adhere to established regimes that are often late for work, for meetings and often forget about what they wanted to do. Roses with white flowers are filled with energies of impeccable purity. They are good for those who violate the basic laws of the Leo sign - in whom selfishness prevails over nobility, to whom love is alien, who sees no meaning in creative work and knows nothing of inspiration. White roses arouse the best qualities of Leo: indulgence, nobility, love, the desire for creativity.

How does it affect health:

Like most Lion plants, the rose affects the organ that this sign controls, - the heart. But thanks to the fiery, strong character, the rose stimulates the work of the heart. A rose is good to have at home to people with a weakened heart, with low blood pressure.