Zodiac signs and flowers Aries (21.03-20.04)

Aries (21.03-20.04) Aries (21.03-20.04)

Aries is a sign of fire, hot, so its plants have fiery red, maroon, pink or orange flowers and leaves. Sharp, sharp Mars, the manager of this sign, gave Aries spiny plants. The proud Aries likes to be noticeable, so his plants are not small in height.

Ehmeya is sparkling and striped; Garnet dwarfish; Garden geranium (with red and dark pink flowers); Colouration of fluffy flowers; Azalea Indian and Japanese (with red and pink flowers); Begonias royal; Spurge shiny; Havortiya striped; Gusmania reed.

Aries in the Zodiac symbolizes the personality of the person, the "I" of each of us and is connected with the personal aspirations of each person. Therefore, all Aries plants have one common and the strongest property: they strengthen our inner self, help us become a strong personality and can serve as talismans of personal success, achievement of our goals.

Azalea indian Azalea indica Azalea

How does the atmosphere of the house:

Both Indian and Japanese azaleas support the energetics of cheerfulness in the house. Such their property is connected with the strong Sun, enclosed in magnificent colors and in shiny leaves, and with Saturn, manifested in the form of woody stems. Very strong in leaves of azalea and Mercury, but these leaves are small. Therefore, the ruler of speech and thought process concluded in them Mercury gave the azaleas the ability to purify the atmosphere from the energies of gossip and petty thoughts. If you have gossip in your house, let the phone, or someone attaches great importance to small things, then you can not do without azalea. Its bright Sun will transform the energy of gossip, petty thoughts and conversations, importunate small gnats flying out of a person and clogging the space, into a warm and pleasant one.

And, finally, Aries azaleas. He is very bright, likes to be in sight, speak loudly about himself, in a word, an egoist and an egocentric. Azalea will save you from such personalities in your surroundings, and the worst aspects of your own "I" will help to change.

Selfish energies prevent other people from concentrating on their own affairs, but azalea neutralizes the distracting effect of selfishness.

How does it affect the emotional state:

Perhaps, the azalea among the green beauties is the most beautiful, the brightest. And how else? Too much in this plant the sun, that's the azalea shines. The sun - the planet of creativity - is manifested most vividly and harmoniously in Aries, but occupies the second position in this sign, the first controlling place belongs to Mars - the planet of speed, which stimulates the creative, solar movement. And this makes our beautiful azalea useful to those who are afraid to take on a lot of work and try to delay the beginning of the process. This often happens with creative people, with artists or musicians. For them, the most painful process is the embodiment of the already perceived image in matter. Let the azalea help you. She with her subtle influence forbids a person to shirk from work, helps your works to see the light faster.

How does it affect health:

The sun azalea awakens a person from sleep. This plant is useful for those who walk all day like a sleepy fly, and wake up only in the evening, who are hard to get up early in the morning.

Ehmeya sparkling Aechmea fulgen Ehmeya the sparkling

Influence on the atmosphere of Aries:

The purple color of the underside of the leaves of this plant is associated with the fire planet Mars, which controls Aries, and the leaves themselves, as already mentioned, perform the functions of Mercury. Thus, in the leaves of the shining ehmey, Mars and Mercury merged. The density of the leaves of this plant indicates their relation to the earth element, to the material spheres of life. Mercury gives an easy relation to material objects, generosity, and Mars strengthens it, so the ehmya simply can not stand greedy people. If you notice such a vice behind yourself or greedy people come to your house, you need a shining ehmya. Greed stirs the atmosphere, forms in the space a funnel, similar to the leaves of the ehmya itself and disturbs the harmony of space. Such funnels can knock household members off the rhythm of life, disrupt sleep, discourage the desire to work, excite the nervous system. But the shining Ehmey neutralizes the action of the funnels already at the very beginning of their inception. Mercury, controlling the leaves, the planet of speech and thought, Mars is the planet of personal impulse, warriors and exploits. If someone in your house tells a lot about themselves and their exploits, creating in the space of whole fairy stories, then the energy of thoughts and words of such a braggart can have a very unpleasant effect on the residents of the house they can begin to dream of heavy, nightmarish dreams. Ehmeya will dispel the energy of the thoughts and words of the braggart, who really do not need to attach importance.

How does it affect the emotional state:

Aries is a hot sign, it is the first of the fire signs and, it would seem, it must be cooled. But the relationship between the fiery Mars and Mercury air is different: they belong to the complementary elements, so the air inflates the fire, and the fire warms the air, driving it. Ehmeya, in whose leaves Mars and Mercury united, a wise plant, she helps Aries and people of all other signs to use the fire of their heart for creative purposes. Ehmeya does not calm, but, on the contrary, excites, helping to become active and purposeful, so it is better not to keep her in the bedroom: the most sensitive people under her influence may start insomnia. Place the ehmey in the office, at the desk or next to the phone so that conversations are more businesslike. Ehmeya is useful scattered and indecisive, for those who have many desires and plans, but who can not begin to act in any way. Her strong Mars develops self-reliance in man. If you feel lonely and languish in your loneliness, a shining ehmya will strengthen your soul, help you see the good sides of your situation. Especially good ehmeya for men, because Mars is a male planet that strengthens in a person those qualities that are originally considered the property of men. But women can be spoiled by the ehmey, made harsh, rude, too businesslike, but in the event that apart from her there are no more plants in the house.

How does it affect health:

With the prolonged presence of the echmiad in the household shining in the household, the content of iron in the blood increases (iron is associated with Mars). Here it should be noted that any influence of the ehmey is manifested only as a result of its long exposure to people and the atmosphere of the house. This is because in the dense leaves of this plant the earthly element is manifested, it is she who demands the prolonged presence of the ehmya next to man. Mars is a planet of speed, and with this is the ability of the ehmey to reduce the duration of sleep, even if you sleep far away from the plant. Want to sleep less, get an echoes of sparkling. The connection in the plant of the fiery Mars and the earth element determined his invigorating property. Ehmeya maintains a good physical tone and improves the condition of the muscles, which is extremely useful for athletes (Mars controls the muscles).

Ehmeya striped Aechmea fasciata Ehmeya striped

How does the atmosphere of the house:

The character of the striped echoes is very different from the character of her sparkling sister. It is not so clearly manifested the fiery male planet Mars. Ehmeya striped has a feminine gentle, gentle, indulgent character, expressed in the pockmarked color of the leaves. As a caring good nanny, ehmeya monitors the state of the atmosphere in the house and for human problems. If you often stay in a dull, offended state or you come to amusement lovers, ehmeya striped is very handy. It does not give a depressing mood to spread around the house, merge with the atmosphere. In the pockmarked color of the leaves, the principle of the opposite is laid. Ehmeya striped clears space from energies born of a contradictory mood. Often, staying in a good mood, we suddenly remember some unresolved problem or face an unpleasant person, and our mood deteriorates dramatically. Such changes, like a sharp change of hot and cold, are destructive, primarily on the biofield of the person himself, and then on the energy of the surrounding space. Ehmeya striped on a thin plane smoothes these swings, preventing their destructive influence.

How does it affect the emotional state:

If the shining Ehmey helps a person to dispose of his energy, then the striped Ehmeya calms the person, because instead of the fiery Mars, there is a soft, emotional and gentle Moon in the leaves of this plant, manifested in the light color of the leaves. Ehmeya is very useful to people with a violent character who, even with minor disagreements, grab hold of a heavy object and throw themselves into a fight, just to prove their case. Ehmeya ostuzhaet passions, she seems to whisper: "Druzhok, you are the best, you are right, but cool a little, do not waste your energy", and so protects violent heads from unnecessary cones. This Moon is the master of emotions flickering in the leaves of the ehmeya and calms, balances the human psyche. If you have mastered some strong desire, which you would like, but can not resist, ask for help striped ehmeyu, even if it seems to you that from your agonizing passion, no one and nothing will save you.

How does it affect health:

Despite the external power of the striped ehmee, it does not act invigorously, because the Moon is a female, passive, soothing planet. Here and striped ehmeya calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep. Taking from the Moon her adaptive abilities, ehmeya increases the adaptability of the human body to various conditions. However, the ehmeya still belongs to Aries, and Aries, ruled by Mars, is a fast, rapid sign. The small blue flowers of the striped echmi are associated with the Moon, which controls gastrointestinal activity. From the interaction of Mars and the Moon follows the ability of this plant to accelerate the digestion of food, so striped ehmeyu should be placed close to the bed at night, especially if you have supped before dinner.

Pomegranate dwarf Punica granatum nanum Dwarf grenade

How does the atmosphere of the house:

We said that Aries plants are not small, and suddenly a pygmy pomegranate! In fact, this plant is not so small, it can reach a meter height. In its shiny, elongated leaves, the energies of Mercury and the Sun are concentrated. Mercury is present here, because it controls the leaves of any plant, and the Sun in the leaves of the pomegranate hides in their brilliance. The connection of Mercury with the Sun gave the grenade the ability not only to purify the energy of the atmosphere, but to collect around itself the pure fertile solar energy of joy. It is better not to keep a pomegranate in a cheerless house, there the plant simply has nothing to do. Next to the pessimists, the pomegranate grows poorly and gets sick. His place in the living room, where people are noisy, laugh where the holidays are. Garnet collects the sun's energy of joy. The cloud of this energy, hanging over a grenade, resists negative energies, if they appear in the atmosphere of the house. If you can not nourish this ability of a pomegranate with your own joy, include for him more often merry music. And on your happy days, the dwarf grenade will increase the amount of joy in your home and will maintain a pleasant warm atmosphere in it.

How does it affect the emotional state:

The combination of the Sun and Mercury made the action of the grenade dependent on the time of day. In the morning, the Sun is the most powerful in it, and the garnet cheers a person, stimulates them to work, improves their mood. In the daytime a pomegranate helps a person not to scatter around trifles and not to miss the little things in the work, because at this time in the plant is strong Mercurius the manager of the little things of our life. And in the evening again the Sun enters into its rights and, approaching the sunset, through garnet brings to the person the desire to sum up the day. However, this does not mean that the pomegranate emits only Mercury energy in the daytime. No, the Sun's energies of the planet of love and creativity are present in this plant constantly. The sun in Aries exalts, that is, it manifests itself most brightly and harmoniously, therefore the grenade is simply indispensable for those who spend most of the day in creative torment, in work. But, perhaps, the most interesting property of a grenade is his ability to help a man understand his feelings and desires, connected with the strict planet Saturn, which controls its stubby stems. Over time, with the help of a pomegranate, a person can even become an excellent psychologist, but only for himself, because a pomegranate belongs to Aries a sign that manages the personality of a person, his ego.

How does it affect health:

Saturn, imprisoned in a wooden stalk of a pomegranate, controls the skin, the musculoskeletal system, so the garnet heals small wounds, strengthens our bones and muscles. The sun rules the heart and blood, and Mercury channels, vessels. Having settled in the leaves of the pomegranate, they endowed it with the ability to dissolve thrombi in the blood vessels, preventing heart disease.

Euphorbia Euphorbia millii Euphorbia shining

How does the atmosphere of the house:

Aries is a real guard, and sharp Mars is his menacing weapon. Euphorbia is an interesting plant, armed with threatening spines, - in your home will be a guardian of the energy order, guarding you from the consequences of disharmony in dealing with other people. After all, the disharmony of interpersonal relationships that occurs when communicating with people that have a bad effect on your mental and physical state leads to energy explosions in the atmosphere of the house. These explosions could disrupt the structure of space, but the spurge does not allow this to happen. The sturdy stem of the milkweed indicates the strength of spirit and character, given by Saturn. But the leaves speak of the weakness of Mercury - the patron of communication and the ability of the milkweed to cope with the unpleasant impression of communicating with anyone whatsoever. If you do not feel strong enough to resist offensive words to your address, slanting gossip and gossip, get the house spurge. He will neutralize the tension that arises in your soul under the influence of other people, the atmosphere created by him at home will comfort you.

How does it affect the emotional state:

In the stem of the milkweed, Saturn connected with the spines of Mars, that is, the restraining, limiting start paradoxically merged with the impulse to action. Therefore, the spurge inhibits internal impulses and helps the unrestrained people, those who are often unreasonably in a hurry. You can approach the milk in a bad, irritated mood. This plant calms down, help to pull itself together.

How does it affect health:

Strong Mars endowed with spurge ability to accelerate many processes in the body, mainly - the course of infectious diseases that have arisen in the upper respiratory tract. If the room has spurge, your body will cope with colds faster. Euphorbia prevents the appearance of sharp pains, muscle cramps, and works strengtheningly on the bone system.

Begonia royal Begonia rex Begonia royal

How does the atmosphere of the house:

The royal begonias have many varieties, but only begonias with the predominance of red in leaves are related to Aries. The richly red color and asymmetric shape of the leaves are associated with the fiery Mars, which in royal begonias is connected to the mobile, communicative Mercury. These original plants are good to have those in whose homes are lively, to whom often visitors come. Begonia will make these meetings interesting, create a hospitable atmosphere, cleared for everything new. When a lot of people live in the house or often have guests, the atmosphere is filled with various energies, which, if the area of ​​the house is small, the house will be crowded. Everyone who has visited us leaves his invisible trace in the atmosphere of the house - part of his energy, which, having got into the atmosphere together with words, thoughts, feelings, hangs in it for some time, colliding with the energies of other people. Over time, this energy finds its place in space, but time can pass very much. Here begonia and saves us from the energy crash, cleaning the atmosphere for every new person in the house.

How does it affect the emotional state:

Mars, so clearly manifested in the leaves of begonia, helps a person become more active. Begonia asks a man: What did you want to do today? - and so useful for sluggish people, in particular, for slow-witted people and those who can not make decisions quickly, infinitely estimating so and so (as already mentioned, Mercury controls the thought process and speech, and Mars accelerates any processes). Royal begonia and eloquence develops, this Mars helps to formulate phrases more quickly, it is even able to reduce stuttering, giving the person the opportunity to overcome fear in communication. Through the subtle influence of begonia, the royal man begins to feel the strength to defeat the enemies in one word, using it as a weapon. Pay attention to this flower, teachers, lecturers, writers, journalists, uncertain, shy people!

How does it affect health:

Mars is associated with sharp pains, while Mercury in the human body controls the thoracic region, the respiratory tracts, the bronchi, so the begonia with red leaves have a very strong effect on the bronchi. To have a home this plant is extremely useful for smokers and people with chronic bronchitis: the invisible influence of begonia helps cleanse the bronchi, improve the state of the airways and prevents the appearance of acute pain in the thoracic region.