Zodiac signs and flowers Sagittarius (23.11-21.12.12)

Sagittarius (23.11-21.12.12) Sagittarius (23.11-21.12.12)

Every sign of the Zodiac has its quirks. The main fad of Sagittarius is its desire to dash off into the distance, beyond the horizon, away from the sinful land, because Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual aspiration to other worlds. Therefore, among its plants, there are many tall or stalked flower stalks. Sagittarius - a sign of spiritual life, spiritual thoughts and discoveries, love of philosophy, so bonsai, evoking a kind of desire to philosophize, is exactly what Sagittarius needs. Belong this sign and fruit bearing acidic or sour citrus fruits, because the sour taste of Jupiter - the planet ruler Sagittarius.

Tetrastigma Vuane (indoor grapes); Strelitzia royal; Cheflera radiant (tree-umbrella, tree-octopus); Sansevieria three-lane (tawny tongue, snake skin); Reed-like (bamboo) palms; Lasheniya is aloe-like; Hematus of Catarina; Ficus sacred (religious); Eucharis large-flowered; Powell's criterion; Clypeus cinnabar; Citrus: tender, Tahitian, lemon; Room bonsai.

With the benefit of a Sagittarius plant, a man of any sign of the Zodiac can keep at home. Many benefits can bring these plants to humans, but they have one common, most striking property.

Sagittarius manages the topic of abroad, distant travel, so his plants develop in a person the qualities necessary for travel, enhance the attraction to the cultures of other countries.

Room bonsai Room bonsai

How does the atmosphere of the house:

Indoor bonsai can become many plants, the properties of which in their natural form vary greatly. But all bonsai, based on the rules of their cultivation and their finite size, have common properties, seemingly contrary to the character of Sagittarius, who took bonsai under his wing: this sign is not peculiar to self-restraint, but to bonsai of dwarf sizes. But reducing the size of the body, the florist increases the spiritual meaning of plant life. Bonsai is good to have in homes where people are excessively sensitive to material goods, extol them over the other values ​​of life. Bonsai - for materialists inclined to exaggerate the importance of matter and material wealth. Bonsai absorb the energy of any thoughts, words and feelings of people entering the atmosphere of the house about anything material, freeing up space for thoughts and speeches about the spiritual, the eternal. In this case, bonsai symmetrical form relieve the atmosphere of the energy of such materialists, who, considering money and material goods as their main support, still admit the existence of other values. Bonsai asymmetrical shape is good for materialists who do not allow the existence of any other values, except material. Bonsai cascade or semi-cascade form able to cleanse the atmosphere of the energy of people just mired in worldly vanity, looking at which it seems that they are not seeking the sun, but to the core of the Earth, somewhere down. But bonsais of absolutely any form will help to reduce in the atmosphere of the house the energy of people's dependence on earthly goods, introducing into it a ringing note of spirituality, due to which the atmosphere itself will incline people to thoughts of the imperishable. This feature makes bonsai useful in a room where sacred, religious rituals take place, where people gather for spiritual conversations - wherever there is a need to reduce the degree of preoccupation with worldly problems.

How does it affect the emotional state:

By decreasing the size of the body of plants, we have strengthened the spiritual meaning of their existence, so the bonsai help us see the spiritual, invisible meaning (of any phenomena.) Bonsai develops in man a vision of subtle patterns in life phenomena, thanks to the presence of such plants in the house, people begin to pay attention to the signs The Bonsai make the heart of man wiser and the mind more responsive, developing the ability to foresee the events of one's life.This property makes these plants useful for extremely mundane people Who do not recognize any form of life other than material, even if, under the subtle influence of bonsai, man does not learn to see the manifestations of the spirit in matter, then it will certainly become more important to impart to his senses and sensations, which gradually leads to the development of intuition. That all our problems arise from spiritual imperfection, that the diseases of the physical body do not come from harmful food, but from harmful thoughts and desires Materialism melts under the influence of bonsai, opening new horizons to human consciousness, so bonsai can become an excellent gift for the pragmatist of the conservator. If you are already Began to feel that everything in earthly life does not come down to matter, plant beside a bonsai - and begin to see confirmation of their intuitive guesses. Discovering a spiritual world to a person, bonsai is able to help in deciphering dreams. And if you want to develop the ability to understand dreams, plant bonsai with a straight stem. Such plant has a straight, perpendicular connection with the subtle world, from where dreams come to us. It's good to have bonsai if you dream to unmistakably determine the characters of people with whom you communicate Bonsai is taught not to be deceived looking at clothes, but to read the eyes of the quality of the soul of another person. Thus, bonsai can be a wonderful gift for a psychologist, a doctor, a teacher and for everyone who is tired of making mistakes in people. All bonsai need a lot of humidity and constantly moist soil. According to astrological correspondences, moisture is associated with the planets of the water element and, above all, with the Moon. The moon, on the other hand, manages the spiritual plane of a person, his emotionality, impressionability, and therefore bonsai develops lunar qualities in a person. As bonsai themselves need moisture, so a person in their presence begins to feel the need for emotional contact with the surrounding world. There will be a desire to talk heart to heart with a friend, others will start to look at the views of animals and try to understand their mood, the third will tenderly talk to plants . Bonsai awakens in the person sincerity, sincerity. Many begin to feel how something moves in their chest when they approach the bonsai. But looking at the bonsai, you can not say that these plants are saturated with moisture, so they will not make a person more sloppy, too impressionable and emotional, but only slightly open the world of new sensations, a world of not rational, but spiritual communication. All properties of bonsai are not listed, but I want to say one more thing. In the life of bonsai, a cycle is observed, equal to two years, because every two years it is necessary to prune their roots. Two years is the cycle of Mars, the ruler of the first fiery sign of Aries. Sagittarius and Aries are relatives united by one element, but the quality of Sagittarius's fire is much higher than the fire of Aries. As the third fire sign, Sagittarius possesses a fire that is thin, like a candle flame. Aries fire is invincible and booming like a fire. The two-year cycle of bonsai speaks of the presence in the nature of these plants of the rampant Înovsky conflagration, the flaming of passions and strong desires, which are difficult to resist, but the belonging of plants to Sagittarius is thinned by the quality of their fire. Therefore, the bonsai, when they are present in our homes, help us to pacify our desires, to calm down passions, and people who always acted at will, without thinking, start abandoning desires whose fulfillment is capable of harming others. The most passionate people, the bonsai calms, unrestrained in words and Gradually begin to control themselves more and more.

How does it affect health:

Thanks to the great spiritual meaning inherent in bonsai, these plants help a person to find the causes of his illnesses in his own character, behavior, thoughts and feelings. Bonsai helps a person to change himself, his attitude to the world, which as a result leads to physical healing. Bonsai not only gives a feeling of which people or situations are bad for your health, but can also act directly on the physical body. Themselves possessing a strong body, these plants enhance immunity, strengthen the human body.

Tetrastigma voinierianum Veuane Tetrastigma (indoor grapes)

How does the atmosphere of the house:

Room grapes are a giant among indoor plants. In just one year, he is able to grow by two meters! It is the rapid growth and akin to this plant with Sagittarius - a sign striving for the horizon. Room grapes bring into the atmosphere of the house sparks of spiritual fire, ennobling the space. You can say that this plant opens the hood in the house, helping to purify the atmosphere and fill it with light, light energy. Many people see in the air unusual, non-material origin sparkling sparkles, which are of white, yellow, purple and other colors, and are especially well visible at the scythe. Diffused glance. Even those who have long been accustomed to such an unusual phenomenon may not know that these sparks are a sign of the presence of the energy of higher forces. But the presence of these energies is possible only in a relatively pure space. Room grapes just clear the way for the energy of higher forces - the energy of helping a person coming from his heavenly teachers. If the person himself is ready to accept this help, it will be spilled on him, and the indoor grapes will help the forces of light to pass through the darkness of the earth's atmosphere. Yes, the action of indoor grapes on the atmosphere is somewhat unusual, and this is because Sagittarius, to which the plant belongs, is far from worldly vanity, but is involved in the higher worlds. Indoor grapes are not very common due to their size, but having it at home would be very beneficial for people seeking to light. Cleansing the atmosphere, this plant contributes to the contact of the earthly, celestial and celestial, the upper worlds. The presence of indoor grapes can be especially useful for people who are hard of hearing, for those to whom verses and ideas come from nowhere, who feel how invisible helpers lead him through life. Of course, this plant can have at home absolutely anyone who wants to restore contact with their space brothers.

How does it affect the emotional state:

The upwardly directed indoor grapes will help people who live without a purpose, seeking it, finally find their star. It is advantageous to have this plant at home or at work and to people procedural, that is enjoying the process, but not striving for result. Room grapes will help a person find a goal and an incentive to move forward, to the goal. This plant will lift the lazy from the bed, inspiring them with enthusiasm and desire to act, speed up the work process of sluggish people, but will not inspire the person to move ahead, on the heads of others, to achieve Goals without principles. Grapes - the plant is flexible, so the person under his influence becomes more accurate, begins to avoid obstacles, avoid unnecessary trouble. Lanky grapes can not only serve as an incentive for lazy people, but also be a talisman for people who know where to strive, and who do a lot to achieve their goals. This plant will help them to reach the target, to be flexible strategists in business.

How does it affect health:

This flexible plant supports the flexibility of our body, and a large growth gives the grapes the ability to accelerate the release of diseases from the body. A large growth with a flexible stalk is associated with an air element that helps the fire of Sagittarius burn. Being present in the house, indoor grapes stimulates our body to confront diseases, it inflates the fire of immunity, directing the flame from below upwards throughout the body. Under the subtle influence of this plant, overall well-being improves, there is a certainty that all diseases will pass, and without such confidence a person will never recover.

Lemon Limon Lemon

How does the atmosphere of the house:

Lemon is in many houses, because it is very easy to grow from a stone. Although from the lemon grown in this way, it is difficult to wait for the fruits, their potential energy lives in the plant and affects the atmosphere in our homes. Sour lemon fruit is associated with Jupiter, because the sour taste corresponds to this planet. The fruit itself is under the control of Venus. Thus, in the fruit of lemon tree Venus joined with Jupiter. Venus manages the material plan, gives the desire to improve the financial situation, decorate life, and Jupiter - a planet of expansion, which, connecting with Venus, increases the desire for material comfort and physical beauty. Living in our homes, the lemon clears the space of the energy of people's thoughts related to the desire to improve their financial situation. Lemon is good where people, yielding to the influence of Jupiter, think a lot about earthly goods, they want a lot and at once. But because the energy of the fruit, that is, Venus and Jupiter, in the lemon tree is only potential, it frees this plant from the streams of thoughts and desires that have remained unincarnated. How many thoughts about the improvement of life arise in man! And all of them can soar in the atmosphere next to him, creating an energetic crowd, confusion, preventing the birth of other thoughts. But a lemon tree, especially grown from a stone, that is, having little chance of acquiring fruits, will purify the atmosphere and give us the opportunity to think freely, to reflect on different topics.

How does it affect the emotional state:

Jupiter, whose energies flow in the fruit of the lemon, governs social, social work. He inclines people to external life, taking away the cares of the household. Venus helps to act beautifully. Thanks to the potential (not manifested in the fruits, as it often happens) of the energy of Jupiter and Venus, the lemon tree gives birth to the desire to do something for everyone. It is good to have this plant for those who are already passionate about some social activity, for such people will bring new beautiful ideas related to work to such people. Home-loving housewives, caring only about the needs of the family, a lemon will help to present themselves outside the home, working with the idea of ​​the common good. Lemon can give an incentive to find work for those who have lived all their lives around their parents or in the care of their husbands. With whatever people next to a lemon, he will inspire a desire to show himself more actively in society and make it beautiful, as Venus demands. The higher the lemon lives in your home, the more he will summon you to the highest peaks of social life, Lemon - not a shrub and not a herbaceous plant, this is conservatism. Thanks to this spirit, the lemon breeds in people a persistent, strong desire for social activity leading to the achievement of great peaks. Do not be afraid that the lemon will spoil those people whose destiny is just inner life, family life. If a woman is supposed to be a housewife, she will remain her, even if she surrounds herself with a dozen lemon trees. But the charm of the lemon tree's influence is that it helps to broaden the horizon, and even the housewives begin to feel, as Venus senses, the pulse of life tells, to be interested in world events, as Jupiter demands.

How does it affect health:

The main effect of lemon on human health lies in the energies of Jupiter and Venus, living in the fruits of this plant. Jupiter controls the liver and blood, and Venus acts ennoblingly. Therefore, lemon trees improve the liver and blood quality.

Clivia cinnabar miniature Clivia cinnabar

How does the atmosphere of the house:

Klivia has long become a favorite indoor plant for all who seek flowers from their pets, not content with lush greenery. It is the flowers on the long peduncle and determined this plant under the sign of Sagittarius. It is interesting that even the cleavage blossoms during the passage of the Sun along Sagittarius (November-December). With this flowering time, the cleavage seems to highlight the subject of Sagittarius, and since the flowers are controlled by the best healer of feelings - the Sun, the cleavage harmonizes the energetics of space created by people who do not treat the subjects of Sagittarius badly. This sign is associated with teachings, including religious and philosophical, with the theme of distant wanderings and social life. And if in the house there live ardent opponents of some sciences, even mathematicians, people who hate philosophy as a whole or some of its directions, such as those who are extremely negative about religion, imported products or despise those who have devoted themselves to public activities, the clivia will be very helpful . Even if a person is irritated by one import, abroad, the Cleavia in the house will have something to do. This plant neutralizes the energy of irritation associated with the themes of life controlled by Sagittarius. This energy flows from the person together with words and soundless feelings, preventing both the person and other residents of the house from correctly treating the topics of Sagittarius. Cleansing the atmosphere in the house, the clivia gives us the opportunity to quickly find the right attitude to the sciences, religions and philosophies, to the cultures of other countries and social activities.

How does it affect the emotional state:

Flowers of any plants warm, soothe the heart - this is how the Sun acts, the energies of which are enclosed in them. But if the cleavage blossoms at a time when the Sun accents the subject of Sagittarius, passing along this sign, then this plant is especially useful to have near to itself the one born under Sagittarius. On the eve of the birthday and in the first days after it, it can be difficult for a person to cope with the influx of bad mood. About a month before the birthday, a person feels exhausted, weakened, especially vulnerable, and in the first days after that day, he is filled with fresh forces, but these forces still need to be learned, which will take time. And here the cleavage will help, having protected Streltsy in days of weakness, becoming a shield in the way of a bad mood.

How does it affect health:

The sun, living in the colors of this plant, controls the heart, but the flowers of the Cleavia ascend higher, rise above the foliage, and do not shine through the greens. Therefore, the cleavage raises the vital tone of the heart, supports it in a young, vigorous state.

Sansevieria three-striped Sansevieria trifasciata Sansevieria three-striped

How does the atmosphere of the house:

No wonder that it is called a mother-in-law language. Its leaves really look quite like a long tongue. Many are even afraid to keep her at home, believing that she stimulates people to gossip, slander. On the contrary! Teschin language clears the space of the energy of evil words and thoughts. Its leaves are not only long, but also very dense. And we know that the leaves are controlled by the planet of thought and word Mercury, which in dense leaves connects to the earth element. Earth element adds weight to words, weighs them down, voices heavy thoughts. In addition, the shape of the leaves of the sansevieria is x-shaped, that is, its tongue is pointed. Thus, the effect of this plant on the atmosphere consists of three elements - a talkative Mercury, a heavy earth element and a pointed tongue. Sansevieria will serve as a vacuum cleaner in a house where people live, who are accustomed to being rude or at least having heavy thoughts in their heads, who do not disdain a colt. This plant absorbs from the atmosphere and recycles the energy of gravity, roughness and harshness, ennobling the space and making the atmosphere more cozy, relaxing, reflective, creative. Specialists on houseplants say: If you do not succeed in house plants, cultivate sansevieriyu. She is one of the few to take out any careless attitude towards herself. And maybe because Sansevieria is so unpretentious, it is so undemanding to the conditions of detention that many people need it, because it is difficult to find a house where people would not have a single serious thought and at least occasionally did not pronounce rude, harsh words. Influence, on the emotional state. The shape of the Sansevierian casts Sagittarius aspiration to the sky and beyond, beyond the horizon. And indeed, this plant helps a person to quickly achieve certain goals, inspiring him to move along the path of Mercury, merged in the leaves of the sunseveria with the earth element. Mercury manages many themes of life, including teaching, and the earthly element imparts perseverance, patience, accuracy, helps to apply knowledge in practice. It is good to have sansevieriyu to those who want to get a serious education, then to take advantage of the acquired knowledge in life. Sansevieria helps to overcome laziness and surrender to the study of sciences, and it speeds up the process of learning anything, which makes it useful for slow-witted people and people with a holey memory. Sansevieria will always help when there is a learning disability. Many are tormented by their inability to apply the knowledge gained in a long study at the institute. And sansevieriya just for such people. Her Mercury develops in man resourcefulness and enterprise, allowing to connect commercial interests with the available education. And if you have to split up between work for money and interesting work, plant your home sansevieriu. This plant has one more, very necessary for people living in cramped, property. Sansevieria is an extremely unpretentious plant, it gives it the strength to help a person get an education in any, most unfavorable conditions: both in the home crowded and among the ridicule of relatives who do not accept your professional choice, and when failing to enroll in an attractive educational institution. Sansevieria protects your nerves and adapts you to any difficulties associated with learning, helping to get out of them with your head held high. The sign of Sagittarius, the manager of this plant, is associated with the theme of the teacher and student, so Sansevieria can be a talisman-amulet for both pupils and teachers. Last this plant gives the power to confidently guide the student through the debris of ignorance to the light of science. A teacher who has such a plant at home or at work increases the chances of making an excellent student even from a dvenist. Under the subtle influence of this plant, the teacher can become a true wizard who does not impose knowledge, but inspires to study, inspires confidence that they are capable of complex sciences, that they are talented students.

How does it affect health:

Mercury and the earth element, manifested in the leaves, give the plant the ability to stabilize the metabolism in the body (metabolism is controlled by Mercury, and the earth's elements stabilize). In addition, the unpretentious nature of sansevieri determined its ability to help the body adapt to new conditions. Increasing adaptive abilities, sansevieriya protects us from colds, ailments and general weakness when changing the atmospheric pressure, air temperature.