Signs of the zodiac and flowers Aquarius (21.01-20.02)

Aquarius (21.01-20.02)

Aquarius is a sign of original ideas, therefore its plants can serve us all as talismans for innovative activity. Any Aquarius plants stimulate people to search for new, unconventional solutions in all spheres of life. Whatever you are, whatever you do, the plants of this sign will help you look at the old with new eyes. And if you are tired of acting out of habit, if you want to surprise people with unusual, not everyone's vision of problems, put one or several Aquarius plants in your house or at work.

Maranta three-color (prayer plant); Stromanta pleasant; Kalatea: Lubbers, striped, decorated, pink-colored, Makoya, wonderful; The Drazen of Godsef; Rowley crosspiece; Callistemon lemon yellow; Rhe mottled; Poinsettia is the most beautiful (the most beautiful); Coccollectory berry; Koleus: dwarfish, Blume, Vershaffelta; Fittonium: silvery-ligulate, Vershaffelta; Abutilon (indoor maple) striped, hybrid; Alocasia of Sander; Bokarneya bent (nolin).

Aquarius-innovator took under his protection plants similar to himself, - the same original, unusual, rare, called white crows among plants. It is these plants that are best to have at home people born under the sign of Aquarius, because they will first of all help the Aquarians save emotional and physical health, improve the energy of the atmosphere in their house.

Maranta three-color Maranta leuconeura var erythroneura Maranta three-color (prayer tree)

How does the atmosphere of the house:

The three-color Maranta is so unusual that it looks more like a moustached animal than a plant. On its velvety-green leaves, red veins, the antennae, distinctly protrude, and the center of the leaf is covered with yellow spots. The leaves of all plants are controlled by Mercury, and Mercury Mercury is connected with the fiery red Mars and the yellow Sun Mars - the planet of activity. The sun - bright qualities, creativity, leadership, Mercury also gathers people into one company. It is good to have a place where noisy companies gather from bright, interesting people, each of which seeks to show what it is capable of. It is good to have a house for a house, if the family is very active, if they are at home in a stormy, active life. Maranta seems to create in the space for each person its corridor, thus insuring people against collisions, quarrels. Mars and the Sun are the planets of the fiery element, and although the arrowroot belongs to the air sign, it has a fiery character. This gives the Maranta the ability to absorb the energy of aggression. And if in your home the stormy activity of the households already leads to quarrels, plant the arrowrock, it will prevent the pollution of the energy of the atmosphere of the house by the negative energy of the conflict.

Influence, on the emotional state:

Leaves of this plant at night rise and fold, stand at attention, and in this unusual behavior of the plant one of its properties is hidden. In the leaves there lives the merry Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, but at night the moon rules, and the leaves of the maranta at night are inactive, as if waiting for the sun to rise. With his presence in the house, the arrowroot comforts the household, but soothes them in the evening and at night. This plant is good to have those who have insomnia, who often in the evening remains in an excited state, who in the evenings wakes up thirst for activity. Unlike other plants with variegated leaves, the leaves of the arrowroot shine brightly in bright light, that is, the Sun in the Maranta suppresses Mercury. The sun in astrology is associated with creativity, love, strong feelings, and Mercury is a planet of mobility. Marantha is created for those who are fussing a lot, taking up different jobs, but can not find their favorite business. Marantha helps a person for a while to depart from the usual affairs in order to understand what he really likes, in which he can most fully realize his abilities. This property of the arrowroot makes it especially useful for the people of the dull who believe that they live in vain, who have lost all hope of a happy, interesting life. The light of creativity - the Sun, the high-speed Mars and the mobile Mercury, connected in the leaves of the three-colored arrowroot, gave the plant the ability to accelerate, turn into more interesting any Mercurian studies - communication, training, commercial activities ... Thanks to the manantes, the person becomes easier to communicate, Dating, quickly finds a common language with people, and the very fact of communication for a person becomes more enjoyable. With the arrowroot acceleration process of learning rights, with it, learning becomes more fun. And as for commercial activity, the arrowroot helps a person find ways to get a quick profit. And if you know people who are silent, who are tired of conversations, communication for which is a heavy duty, not connected with getting pleasure, people who are hard at science, or those who are engaged in commerce, constantly crying that the work is boring and there is no money, Give them a beautiful moruncle.

How does it affect health:

The Sun and Mars, which gave the arrowroot a hot temper, warm the human body. Marantha protects us from colds, from any diseases associated with hypothermia. But the sign of Aquarius, which owns the arrowroot, controls the vascular system, and the hot arrowroot, when present in our house, facilitates the dissolution of blood clots in the vessels.

Dracaena Godsef Dracaena godseffiana Dracaena Godsef

How does the atmosphere of the house:

As befits the plant of the original Aquarius, the dracene Godsef is the most unusual of dracen. Botanists call it a black sheep, and indeed, it is difficult to call it a green plant, rather, its leaves are creamy or white. The white color in astrology is connected with water, with the Moon belonging to the water element. In the light dracaena of Godsef, Mercury is closely connected with the Moon, which gave the plant the ability to purify the atmosphere of the energies of thoughts and words of unnecessarily emotional, lunar, pessimistic people. But this property is possessed by many plants, and the uniqueness of the influence of Drazen Godsef lies in the brilliance of the leaves. Glitter is a fire phenomenon, thus, in the dracene combined mutually exclusive opposites - water and fire, which made the plant useful for those who often experience strong mood swings, who is thrown into the cold out of the heat. It's good to have Godzafe's dracaena at home if someone households often goes to extremes: he takes up the job with full enthusiasm, showing the fire of his heart, and then abruptly quits the job, considering it useless, or experiencing strong feelings, suddenly becomes cold. Dracaena Godsef smoothes conflicts of collision of opposing energies in the atmosphere of the house.

How does it affect the emotional state:

Possessing a water-fiery character, the dracene Godsef teaches a person to act in time and in time to retreat, it is wise to use any situations for the benefit. Dracaena for those who are overly active, assertive, who often acts rashly, hot and stuffing himself with a lot of cones. It is for those who, falling into melancholy, do not know how to show initiative in time, who swims on the waves of life without oars. It is very good to have a number of dracaena to people who do not know how to relax physically or emotionally, or vice versa, too relaxed. Under the subtle influence of the dracaena, a person begins to understand when there is time for active action, and when it is possible and necessary to stay idle. Thanks to the dracene, some will have fewer blows in their lives, others will find a good job, they will achieve respect for others. Fire and water are mind and emotions. How often in a person emotions cloud the mind, and the mind struggles with emotions! But in dracene they harmoniously got along, so this plant helps us to find a consensus between emotionality and intelligence, between desires and possibilities. Dracena Godsef is good to have as unnecessarily reasonable, rational, and to those who look at the world through the fog of illusions and perceive the surroundings with feelings. Dracaena will not take away from a person either intelligence or sensitivity, but will teach how to correctly use both ways of perception and knowledge of the world. The main difference between the Drazen of Godsef, the white raven among the Drazen, from its brethren - in an unstable, very thin and flexible stem. The stems of all plants are controlled by Saturn - the terrestrial planet of strict forms, but in this dracene Saturn is not terrestrial, but mobile, light - airy. The air element of Aquarius was fully manifested in the stalk of the dracaena. Saturn is connected with the law, obstacles, and thanks to the ease of this planet in the dracaena plant it helps to overcome obstacles, gives the qualities necessary for negotiations with officials, any people representing the law, or with those who interfere with your activities. It is good to have a price to those who often face apparent solvable difficulties who live in a constant state of overcoming obstacles. Although Saturn gives strength of character, adherence to principles, but dracene does not strengthen our will, but thanks to the ease of Saturn helps to avoid stereotypes in thinking, behavior, which makes the dracene "useful for those who want to be new every day, surprise old acquaintances.

How does it affect health:

The fire-water dracaena acts on the human body like a contrasting soul, purifying and strengthening it. Being present in our homes, dracaena will help household members more easily tolerate temperature changes so characteristic of Russia. Fire dracaena burns disease, slag, and water flushes the products of combustion. Dracaena is a beautiful plant for those who want to keep their body clean, who do not want to suffer from blockages of blood vessels, salt deposits.

Rhe motley Rhoeo discolor Rhe motley

How does the atmosphere of the house:

Like most Aquarius plants, rheo looks very unusual. Justifying the name, rheo is really a motley plant. The upper side of the leaves can be shiny, green-yellow, and the lower one - always purple. Rhe has a secretive character. The yellow stripes and the shine of the leaves are noticeable at once, but the purple color of the underside of the leaf is hidden from a glance - this fact points to the secretiveness of rheo. Yellow is associated with the Sun, which is a planet of nobility, strong, beautiful feelings in astrology. And purple - the color of Mars, the planet of indomitable passion and fire, aggression, anger. Affordable look The sun and hidden Mars have made rheo a useful plant for houses where seemingly sunny - fun, creative, noble people live, but hide deep in their souls aggression, anger, passion. Psychologists say that you should not drive your problems inside, because then they will have more troubles. And indeed, even the invisible to the surrounding, hidden aggression, the anger of a man harms the energy state of the atmosphere. Such a hidden Mars annoys the subtle structure of space, causing it to tremble. You can say that from a man hiding in himself anger, anger, rage, the molecules of the atmosphere tremble. This state of the atmosphere will have a bad effect on all household members, primarily on their mental state, and then on the physical. The trembling atmosphere has a destructive effect, reducing the protective energy envelope (biofield), increasing the vulnerability of people. If at least one of the household members is harboring aggression, all the others will suffer from this. But you can avoid the unpleasant consequences of secret aggression with the help of a motley rheo. Plant this beautiful, unusual plant at home and it will absorb and transform the Martian energies of malice and passion that someone carefully conceals. Rheo will save the atmosphere of your home from stress, and your biofield from a dangerous reduction.

How does it affect the emotional state:

In the variegated leaves of the rheo, the Sun and Mars got along. The leaves of all plants are controlled by the planet of thought and the word Mercury, and thanks to the Sun and Mars, this plant develops in a person the ability to speak beautifully and quickly. Under the subtle influence of this plant, beautiful and bright thoughts will appear in man. But it's not enough to think and speak beautifully, we must and do something. And this will also help motley rheo. The ability of rheo to induce a person to create lies in his colors. The colors are controlled by the Sun, which stimulates people to creative activity, but flowers flush in purple boats - the sinuses of the lower leaves. Purple color again indicates the presence of the energies of Mars. In the colors of rheo, as in the leaves, the Sun and Mars are connected. Flower Mars is what accelerates the process of creation. A motley rheo is good for everyone who would like to learn how to express their thoughts clearly, speak faster, and those who want to soon realize their intentions in life. In the white colors of rheo, there is a pure energy of creation. Thanks to white colors, rheo insures a person from deeds of impure, capable of causing harm. This plant can be given to the one about whom they say that he is engaged in a dirty business. Through rheo, a person begins to think more about the consequences of his actions. To people of creative professions, rheo inspires a desire to create colorful, filled with joyful mood creations. The sun in astrology is associated not only with creation, but also with strong feelings, love, but once the flowers are sunny white, so the plant cleanses us of bad feelings. A variegated rheo can help a person during a love affliction when a person dries on someone or is jealous when he is enchanted. If your house has a rheo, then bewitch, using black magic to make you love someone will be more difficult. Reo smooths and love curses.

How does it affect health:

As well as it is necessary to a plant of Aquarius, rheo improves a condition of the vascular system which this sign controls. Thanks to the hot Sun and Mars, one presence in your home contributes to the dissolution of blood clots in the vessels. But there is another property in rheo, white in color. The colors are controlled by the Sun, it controls the heart, and the white color speaks of the cleansing abilities of the plant. Reo keeps our hearts from everything unclean, from any diseases.

Abutilon striatum abutilon Abutilone striped (indoor maple)

How does the atmosphere of the house:

Striped abutilone is named for mottled dark green leaves with sunny yellow spots. In them, the air Mercury, controlling the leaves of all plants, connected with the fiery Sun. Clearing the air in our houses, the room maple seems to filter it through its solar filter. Such a natural filter will contain in itself everything that can not be defined by the concept of light. Room maple is one of the most versatile filters for the energy of the atmosphere in the house. It's good to have everyone, because in a rare house, households never have a bad mood, bad thoughts, burdensome experiences that clog the surrounding atmosphere. By letting the energy of the home atmosphere through its solar filters, abutilone transforms it into a warm, kind, solar energy of joy, love and creativity. If someone at home is sad, Abutilon will transform the energy of sadness, flowing from a person into the atmosphere, into the energy of joy. Abutilone in the house becomes slightly lighter and warmer. It is good to have this plant where melancholic and pessimistic people live, people who are often displeased. Thanks to the room maple, the atmosphere of the house will inspire the household members with a cheerful mood, a state of mental uplift.

How does it affect the emotional state:

As the sunrise awakens the earth, it also acts on man and solar abutilon. He inspires sleepy, lazy creativity. Abutilone is created for those who are bored with life, who do not get pleasure from what they do, for whom work is a painful duty. Thanks to the room maple man begins to see in his life, in his studies, the bright side, in everything finds something good. In the leaves of abutilon, the communicative Mercury is connected to the light of the Sun, and this compound has made Abutilon useful for those who do not get joy in communication, to whom most of their acquaintances seem unpleasant people who feel that people act badly on it. Abutilone seems to envelop a person in a solar aura, reveals the qualities necessary for pleasant communication, for the love of one's neighbor. Abutilon arouses love for people, which made this plant very useful for everyone who, due to the nature of their activities, has to deal with people a lot. If abutilone grew in public places, people would be more attentive to each other, workers in the service sector would politely serve customers. Abutilone is good to have where there are often conflicts. This plant fills the space between people with light, so that offensive, offensive words and intonations disappear from their speech. Motley Abutilon blooms in summer with orange flowers. In such colors, the Sun, controlling the colors of all plants, is connected to terrestrial Venus. The sun gives a person fantasies, creative designs, and Venus helps material embodiment. The combination of two planets gave the plant the ability to inspire a person to act on the actual embodiment of their plans. Abutilone is good for those who consider their designs empty, useless to anyone and therefore do not want to embody them. Abutilon as if whispering to the person: Well, try. Thanks to this property of Abutilone, a person becomes more confident in his abilities, he has a feeling of being able to do something for the common good.

How does it affect health:

Solar abutilone improves the state of the vascular system, which is controlled by the sign Aquarius. But under the influence of the sun, many diseases pass and, first of all, diseases of the heart and blood, which the Sun manages.

Poinsettia the most beautiful Euphorbia pulcherrima Poinsettia is the most beautiful

How does the atmosphere of the house:

Poinsettia is interesting for colorful, catchy inflorescences. Its inflorescences are unusual, for they are variegated leaves, the same as on the whole plant, with small flowers between them. In interesting inflorescences Mercury-leaves turns into flowers-the Sun. Mercury is the planet of communication, and the Sun is joy. Poinsettia is good to have in a house where large companies gather, or in a house where many people live. This plant breathes into the atmosphere the mood of joy from communication. In a house where there is poinsettia, any parties are fun, the very atmosphere of the house inspires people to communicate.

How does it affect the emotional state:

In the transformation of leaves into flowers, or the language of astrology - Mercury in the Sun, one property of poinsettia, very useful for children and adolescents, is laid down. Children and adolescents are ruled by a quick, mobile Mercury, and the Sun is associated with a person's personality, with bright individual qualities. Poinsettia helps in the formation of personality, helps the young man find himself. This property of poinsettia can be useful to adult people who do not feel themselves a complete person. Plant at home an original, whimsical poinsettia, and your personality will begin to unfold, you will find bright, strong qualities.

How does it affect health:

Once in the poinsettia, the leaves turned into flowers, which means that in the human body, this plant controls the processes of transformation of substances. Poinsettia protects a person from obesity, from degeneration and aging of tissues, prolonging the years of healthy life.