
Element - Earth

There are many kinds of jasper. The name "Jasper" is derived from the Greek. "Jasper" (mottled), probably derived from the Arabic. "Yashb" Hebr. "Yasfe" and Persian "jasper". Once in Russia the word "jasper" meaning "spotted stone".
This is mainly Alchemist stone associated with transformation or transmutation substances.

Jasper protects people from disease, promotes alignment of human relations at work, with his superiors. Associated with social hierarchy, so it is best to wear at work.

It is related to duty, with honor. Jasper is associated with the energies of Jupiter, Mercury and Proserpine. Virgo corresponds to red or reddish-black jasper. At work, it is best to wear a yellow jasper. Green jasper - alchemical. It is best to Jasper Virgo, Taurus and Sagittarius.

Poor it affects Gemini, Pisces and Ovnov.Okraska jasper different richness and diversity of colors. Known uniformly colored (monochrome), banded, band, and spotted the most beautiful variegated jasper.

Some have a complex pattern of jasper (landscape, risunchatye etc.). Prevailing colors - gray, from green to dark green, yellow, various shades, wax, red, brown, rarely from blue to blue or purple. Jasper always opaque. They are characterized by a very compact constitution, a high viscosity, a relatively high hardness. Jasper protects against the evil eye and evil forces and protects against infertility, gives courage and confidence in victory. As a talisman Jasper promises wealth and health, gives eloquence, improves memory. It helps with bleeding and low blood pressure. Treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves the pain of bruises. Jasper - a single stone, removing all negative energy potential, which has been accumulated by the body.

Jasper - one of the oldest stone materials with which he met the primitive man. Originally made of jasper made various implements, and in Antiquity and the Middle Ages - mostly jewelery (gems, seals, amulets and other items of small plastic). In the 18-19 centuries., With the appearance of special machines, it is possible to grind out major jasper stone-cutting products and parts of the palace decor, which is particularly famous for Russia. Today, Jasper - one of the most popular (especially in Russia), and low-cost semi-precious gemstones and stones. It is widely used for inserts in a variety of jewelry and clothing accessories (cuff links, tie pins, rings, bracelets, brooches), as well as for the production of ashtrays, boxes, candlesticks, writing instruments, etc. Sometimes jasper and used as ornamental stones (to decorate the state rooms). This is one of the basic materials of stone mosaics. Technical jasper (usually plain gray or dark green) are for the manufacture of mortars, rollers, pins, bearing prisms measuring instruments.

In order to improve their color ornamental jaspers sometimes artificially stained, for example, in blue color to simulate a more expensive and rare lazurite.

The world's best jade mined in Russia in the Urals (mainly in the southern Urals - between Miass and Orsk), Altai and the North Caucasus. The most exotic variegated jasper come from deposits on Mount Colonel Orsk. Jasper known in Eastern Kazakhstan (Ridder lavobrekchiya), in Ukraine (in Crimea, in particular, in the area of Karadag), Uzbekistan, the United States (risunchatye semi-precious jasper from Maine and Arizona), Germany (Saxony) and Venezuela. From ancient times to the present day jasper mined in Egypt and India.