Red Carnelian

Element - Air

Carnelian has a great medical value. He - converter, stabilizer, enhances physical capacity, gives wealth effect. But all this gives carnelian slowly.

Wear it must be for the protection on the ring finger in silver. Carnelian is known since ancient times. There are different versions about its name. One of them is related to the fact that the stone is the color of raw meat (Latin for meat - carne).

In the Bible, in Exodus, carnelian is mentioned among the stones adorning the breastplate of the high priest. Carnelian was laid in the foundation of the New Jerusalem.
Even in ancient times it noticed that carnelian is easily separated from the wax and clay, so it is often made out of print.

Carnelian was considered a talisman that prevents attacks of evil spirits. The light of the waning moon reflected off smooth, shiny surface of carnelian, without causing harm to its owner. It shows not only the twins, but almost all of the signs. Carnelian - is one of the universal stones of the opposite sex is sympathetic to its owner, brings wealth and prosperity, helps in trade and other business.

Carnelian protects against magic, prevents infertility and impotence. We prove the obvious advantages of the healing properties of carnelian to amber. Carnelian restores immunity, adjusts metabolism, treats thyroid disease, eliminates congestion in the blood and lymph, strengthens the sight and has a positive effect on the skin. Man looking at Carnelian for at least 15 minutes daily, significantly improves your eyesight. Hand wearing carnelian will never become poor.