

Water Element

Chrysolite is a semiprecious golden green stone associated with love and peace. He discovers to the person the hiding places of esoteric information, gives the person - the ordinary, simple, the opportunity to be in the world at once in several plans simultaneously. It can be worn by a person with a strong Chiron . Chrysolite is associated with Chiron and the signs of Libra and Sagittarius . It is contraindicated for Aries and Gemini - there Chiron is weak. He gives the opportunity to unravel the intricate business, gives the opportunity to win in the courts, so to win the case - wear a chrysolite. Chrysolite is called a transparent variety of mineral olivine - silicate of iron and magnesium. The color of the chrysolite is green with various shades: golden, yellow, pistachio, herbaceous, olive, brown. Coloration is very rarely intense, often pale tones. The word "chrysolite" (that is, the "golden stone", Greek chrysos - "golden") existed already in ancient times. It occurs in ancient texts, beginning with the III century BC. BC. E. Nevertheless, in the interpretation of the modern meaning of this mineralogical term, there are disagreements.
According to one point of view, the word "chrysolite" is synonymous with the term "olivine". In the English and German mineralogical literature, jewelry olivine (silicate of magnesium and iron) is usually called a peridot . About Armenian beliefs of the 10th-12th centuries, if you look at chrysolite for a long time, your vision improves. It is useful for leprosy, and if it is thinned and applied to the eyes, it will heal the scabies of the eyes. Vietnamese medicine believes that green olivine-chrysolite is useful in diseases of the liver and soothes irritation.
In Europe, chrysolite was attributed to the ability to save from unreasonable actions and make a person soft and poetic. They believed that he gives the owner love and peace, harmony in the family and the inviolability of the home and promotes family happiness.

Eliphas Levi says that he is good for those who were born under the signs of Leo and Sagittarius. They protect them from enemies and evil spirits, give good luck in all matters, and in men it will arouse passion.

According to the Avestan school of astrologers, chrysolite is associated with love and peace, it reveals to the person the secrets of esoteric information, gives the ability to unravel complex cases and win victories in lawsuits. This is the stone of lawyers. It is recommended to purchase it on the twenty-eighth day of the lunar month.

Mongols considered chrysolites "Dragon stones", as they often found them in the volcanoes of the Khangai highland. Chrysolites were well known in Europe. Especially popular decorations with chrysolite steel in the XIX century. in France. Perhaps this was due to the belief that chrysolites give birth to love passion in men and treat them for impotence. Mystics and experts in stones argue that chrysolite can warn its owner of unreasonable actions. After an attack of frustration, he will help to gain the former confidence in life.

Lithotherapists believe that chrysolites possess the projective energy of Yang. These stones positively affect the physical and emotional state of a person. They normalize heart activity, protect against blood pressure changes and drive away nightmares. There is an opinion that chrysolites are also useful in the treatment of colds, eye diseases and spine. They say that chrysolitis can be treated with stuttering. Like turquoise, chrysolite helps with eye diseases (used in homeopathic doses), as well as with blood diseases.