Zodiac horoscope Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

The ruling planet is Saturn.
Lucky number: 3,5,7,8,14.
Symbol: Goat, stairs, clock tower.
Colors: black, dark brown, ash-gray, blue and pale yellow, all dark colors.
Stones: turquoise, lapis lazuli, onyx, crystal moonlight, garnet, lapis lazuli.
Metal: Lead.
Colors: white carnation, black poppies, ivy.
Talisman: black cat, the devil.
Happy days - Tuesday and Saturday. Unsuccessful days - Monday and Thursday.
Country: India, Yugoslavia (Macedonia), Burma, Mexico, Baltic countries.

General characteristics of the individual

Astrological ruling planet of Capricorn - Saturn - gave the English language a new word: the adjective "Saturnian", which means "gloomy", "lead". Usually it refers to slack, inert, morose character. All astrologers believe that this is the most accurate description of Capricorn. He constantly moping and often falls into melancholy.

Higher Capricorns seem soft and gentle, but do not let yourself be deceived by their appearance. They are rarely satisfied with what other people say good luck, and are determined to achieve something. Why not? Do not they rule the 10th house of the horoscope, the success of the home? Is not the main sign, which gives them a unique power? And is not this earth sign - sverhpraktichnaya personality, a lot of discipline and a great view of the world? All this, taken together, gives them a great advantage over their rivals.

Happiness Capricorn is hard work. He - the main materialist sign of the zodiac, and as Capricorn, its symbol, it must be certain with each successive step, that his path in the ascending path to the goal - safe. Every birthday should bring it to the pinnacle of success, otherwise it will become sullen and withdrawn. Capricorns are intolerant of levity. They do not care whether others notice their chances as they appreciate themselves. Goat also applies to only one thing: to climb to the top, overcoming obstacles tenacity, endurance and ambition.

psychosexual characteristics

Under the influence of Saturn, Capricorn sexually shy and reserved. Saturn - a slow planet, completing the first cycle of the zodiac for 29.5 years, and Capricorn is like him. Sex life of Capricorn can be divided into three periods:

1. Adolescent Years. At this time he was very reticent about sex prefers to think more about the study and about the profession. Like the people of the opposite sign - Cancer - Capricorns are shy, but their calm exterior hides a strong passion. Their passion is not as open and free as in Scorpio and discreet and camouflaged. Capricorn Sexual impulses are not governed by their object of love. Capricorn - an earth sign, his desires are realistic and practical.

2. In the second period of the sexual life of Capricorn (say 30 years), they usually achieve any success in business and then, more confident, they begin to experiment in the field of sex. Fearing that they might lose a lot of precious time, they are trying to catch up with their astrological brothers and sisters and truly blossom. Male Capricorns rarely have alluring manners and sexual dynamism Aries Gemini. But they feel calm in the financial world, know the value of affection and what they want to pay. And to love relations, they are from the perspective of money and power. Capricorn does not know how to play the beautiful love, does not know how to flatter, but he's smart enough to externally somehow draw their interest, for example, send flowers, chocolates, tickets to the theater. In a relationship with the woman he relies on his status and dignity, hoping that it will earn her approval. He is seeking women as well as it sought a promotion. If he is still handsome, the woman will certainly hope she found her ideal. But let's face it - Capricorn is not the most passionate lover. It is quite lusty, but cold and reserved and is not able to create a romantic atmosphere of love.

3. In the third period Capricorn reveals itself. After 40 years, he usually reaches long-awaited prosperity and decides to destroy the facade of moderation and restraint in sexual life.

Summing up the above, we can see that very few achieve harmony between the romantic and the sexual aspect of his personality, the two regions face all the time.

non-sexual maneuvers

To say that Capricorns are skilled in non-sexual manner - it means to underestimate them. Because Capricorn invented a nonsexual manner.

If we had to determine under what sign of the most successful people are born, we have found that the largest percentage of them are born under the sign of Capricorn, then, in the second place, Cancer.

An ambitious man Capricorn in the business world, isolated and secret love affairs. Non-sexual behavior of Capricorn is always associated with the price offered by the Capricorn. Capricorns are very patient and can wait for a long time to get what they want, in other words, can "ride out" the competition.

Capricorn woman no less adept at non-sexual maneuvers they need to succeed their husbands in cases to friends catered to their wishes to their relatives support them in all activities. They are tireless workers. When they are involved in a non-sexual intrigue, they are very cautious and restrained.

How to meet Capricorn

First of all we must remember that the romantic aspect in a relationship with Capricorn rarely lasts more than three months (long enough time to strengthen relationships). Then sex. Aspect will be reduced to a simple need.

Capricorns need to be able to dismiss from the cold embrace of Saturn yourself and show everyone that still red blood flowing in their veins.

Positive features

Capricorns are organized, loyal and fit for friendship. They are masters of their own destiny and are endowed with foresight. They are the most patient of all the zodiac signs.

The word "career" is synonymous with the sign of Capricorn. Men - Capricorns best provide family. Because women go domohozyaki excellent mother and, even if they are a bit harsh with the children and they lack opredelennog talent to create a good mood in the house.

Going up the goat, the symbol of Capricorn, usually always gets to the top. His star has given him the ability to overcome all obstacles in its path. Perseverance, perseverance, foresight - most Capricorns are endowed with these qualities.

Negative traits

The most serious drawback of Capricorn - it is their tendency to depression and melancholy. They are horrified to look to the future. They need to develop the "yupitersky" (optimistic) view of life to believe that tomorrow will be better than today, and that all will be well.

We must not forget about the selfishness of Capricorn, which can lead to suffering. In their struggle for their goals will be periods of discord and depression. But if it seems to them that everything is in place, there is no progress, they need to be of good cheer: Saturn will help them. But this planet is moving so slow that Capricorn will have to get used to her rhythm. He also needs to understand that the money intended for their spending, and that the biggest fears for the future of Capricorn is not justified. He should stop being so suspicious, it does not go to him, and stop the manifestation of his temperament and bad mood.

love Economy

Capricorns tend to know the price of everything, they often buy the thing in advance, and sex is also listed in this list. In Capricorn, it seems, a strong sense of inferiority, and therefore they are able to acquire the money as compensation, as an authority over what they do not just get over love.

A large percentage of Capricorns live to a ripe old age and takes good positions in recent years. And they know that power ruthlessly, but rarely do so through an open, they do not like being the center of attention. But they want to and will act in their own way. It seems that they are trying to catch up to their teenage years.

The most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years, Capricorn the most suitable partners should be sought among receptacle. Taurus and Virgo. All three - Earth signs. Relations between them are easy and some are passive, but it is usually stable.

After 29.5 years, they begin to lose their self-control and become less stringent. Here they are often compatible with the sign of Aquarius and Scorpio. Aquarius teaches them to be noble and good to look at the life of humanity. However, Scorpio - the best choice, because they are intelligent and smarter, business Capricorns admire them.

After 41.5 years Capricorns usually reach their goals, and the top of his mind. Then they are often incompatible with the receptacle. Fish and other "samopozhertvovatelyami", which give the Capricorn spirituality.

Evaluation of loyalty

In his younger years - well, especially up to 30 years, during which time they are modest and take care of business. In marriage - well, up to 35 years. Saturn is the ruling planet of this sign makes people walk the narrow path of fidelity. However, they are always a little reticent.

Questions to Capricorn

When you realize that the only key to success in life - this is the human mind, and not the amount of money?

Why are you the head of a business, you do not understand that your ruthless commercialism almost killed all of humanity in you?

And finally, we know that you are very quiet and frightened to death, despite the cold and tranquil appearance. Why, then, the stars have vsdelali ruler success at home when success is almost always brings you complete satisfaction?