Zodiac horoscope Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius (23 November - 21 December)

Ruling Planet: Jupiter.
Lucky number: 3,4,9.
Symbol: Centaur arrows, stars, wands.
Colours: blue, golubooy, violet and purple.
Stones: amethyst, sapphire, emerald, agate, kurbunkul, Turquoise, Peridot, Topaz.
Metal: zinc, tin.
Flowers: carnation, narcissus, cornflower, palm.
Talisman: Salamander, horseshoe.
Happy day - Thursday.
A bad day - Wednesday.
Country: Portugal, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Spain, Latin America (except Mexico and Brazil), the Arab countries.

General characteristics of the individual

Planet Jupiter, the planet of luck as it is often called astrologers can give their sons to success, honor, glory and wealth. It's hard to believe it, but this powerful planet can do that. But first of Sagittarius, Jupiter puts severe testing, declaring that he must swim the seven seas in search of idealism, which is actually integrated within themselves. But Sagittarius is hard to come to the conclusion that their inner peace depends on their mental perception of the world. Sagittarians are restless: they are always "extend" their identity, succumbing to the temptation of hypnotic stars on the horizon, waiting for new adventures. They want to see, to taste, smell everything in the world before the end comes their mortal journey.

Sagittarius quickly come to mind various ideas, and their success is often based on their intuitive anticipation. As a symbol of their - Centaur Archer, Sagittarians are straight in manners and speech, which, like a flying arrow, hit the target target. They express their personal opinions, without regard to anything else. They - astute observers of life, and they are rarely able to resist the comments on their favorite personalities, but these comments are useful, not just critical. But Sagittarius must realize that not all objective they and their good intentions are often misunderstood. Sagittarians are very romantic and passionate, honest and direct in their feelings and intentions. However, often it is taken as the emptiness and superficiality or feigned flattery. Archers should not take offense at the slightest sign of neglect or inattention, it is now apparent there. They should not be offended or harboring a grudge against the people - their only source of joy. They have to learn to believe in your bright tomorrow. Why not? After Jupiter - their powerful ally. Despite their sociability, Sagittarians are often very lonely, because they are extremely idealistic. They continue to believe in love and friendship for many years after being known the bitter experience. They trust people again and again. And it is - one of the great secrets of their success - their great faith, which is usually generously rewarded.

psychosexual characteristics

Since Sagittarius - double sign, people of this sign are of two types: Loyal idealistic and romantic type who rarely goes straight and narrow road of virtue, and quite the opposite type that in the search for perfection is torn from one lover to another, and in this way he He forgets why he began his quest, and what in the end he was looking for.

In the first type of living passionate nature, but its excess sexual energy is directed to the creative work, and not on the Don Juanism.

The second type (men and women) - is a constant red tape that flutters with joy at the victory of the new sexual and mentally making it in the catalog of her lovers.

non-sexual maneuvers

Sagittarius - the most opportunistic character. Since it is also a mental sign, it can be very prudent in their demands. Some Sagittarians wrongly received, trying to guess what they will get for the cast services, they consider themselves to be particularly adept, if they do not have to pay for their sexy gifts.

As one of the fire signs, Aries with the Lions and Sagittarius are very aggressive and willing to start their career.

One of their advantages in naseksualnyh manners - is their ability to portray a sense of indifference and retain it for longer than their opponents.

In general, after many romance novels, as well as non-sexual maneuvers, Sagittarius prihodcht to the conclusion that they are the perfect boyfriend (girlfriend) does not exist. Then they agree to marry that it offers an abundance of intellectual communication. They continue to have extramarital affairs, but since they chemtny and straight, they often admit this to their spouses. Surprisingly, they are resolved, these extramarital affairs.

How to satisfy Sagittarius

Sagittarians are enthusiastic about sexual adventures, and they like not so much sexual intercourse, changing a new partner.

Positive features

People of this sign - true friends, faithful and devoted. These are people with whom you can really talk to, and not only on everyday topics, but also on higher: the philosophy of religion, science, politics.

Sagittarius is very friendly to people, he is very noble and romantic.

Archers - good parents and well-contained family (in monetary terms).

Negative traits

Archers are accustomed too much in the clouds. They should try to be more practical and down to earth. They must learn to distinguish the roughness of sincerity. They are also too optimistic, all the ride, throwing unfinished business and hoping that everything will run by itself.

They are stable (decisive) in itself, but must understand that not everyone approves of their constant desire to roam (roam).

love Economy

If Sagittarius does not hesitate, he will always find that it is not profitable to engage in the game of love economy. It too relies on the case, and one future lives. He seldom reflects on "the distant black day", which can occur tomorrow. "All for Love" - ​​a beautiful and romantic attitude to life, but sooner or later Sagittarius needs to understand that no matter how it may seem unpleasant, idealistic, love and financial path still interbreed.

Sagittarians, becoming older, unpleasantly surprised to find that there is an economic game of love, it is disgusting role of buyer of love, it is below their dignity, and unworthy children of Venus.

But when they had recovered after they learned about the close interweaving with each other and the love of money, they are skilled manipulators, and eventually always win in this game.

The most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years Sagittarius best partners should be sought among the signs of Leo and Aries. All three - fire signs, and to 29.5 years, their relationship is not so close and dependent, such as the relationship between the water marks. The keyword for this group - independence. In his youth, Sagittarians can find a good partner in Taurus or Pisces.

After 29.5 years, Sagittarius begin to mature, they become aware of their true identity, which is becoming very restless and mentally. Then they are often compatible with the two characters, which is ruled by Mercury - Virgo and Gemini. Users of these characters have a high intelligence and charm Sagittarius.

After 41.5 years, Sagittarius - already developed person, he gained self-control and the ability to look inside yourself. At this time, it becomes very aggressive, domineering and, in addition, an independent. Then it is very compatible with Taurus and Libra. Both signs are szhivaetsya with powerful people.

Evaluation of loyalty

As a young man - poor, with some exceptions highly, intellectual types. In marriage - medium, and then, if their spouses can make their desire to be with the "crowd". The best time to be compatible with Sagittarius - after 35 years.

Questions to Sagittarius

Why are all of your romance novels are so short?

Why did you turn away immediately at the slightest sign of imperfection?