Київське міське бюро технічної івенвентаризації та реєстрації права власності на об'єкти нерухомого майна (БТІ)

Киевское городское бюро технической инвентаризации и регистрации права собственности на объекты недвижимого имущества

Address: st. Three Saints, 4-in.
Telephone for inquiries : +38 (044) 279-70-60
URL: Http://www.bti.com.ua
E-MAIL: [email protected]

Operating procedure of BTI

Acceptance of orders for the registration of title documents, production and issuance of technical documentation and reference-characteristics for non-residential facilities. Cab. No. 13 (1st entrance)
Acceptance of orders for the registration of title documents for privatized (former state) apartments. Cab. No. 66 (2nd entrance)
Issue of registered title documents for privatized (former state) apartments. Cab. No. 44 (2nd entrance)
Acceptance of orders for the production of reference-characteristics for privatized (former state) apartments. (For up to 1 week) Cab. No. 65 (2nd entrance)
Acceptance of orders for the production of reference-characteristics for privatized (former state) apartments. (For a period of 2 to 4 weeks) Cab. No. 34 (2nd entrance)
Reception and issuance of orders for inventory and production of certificates-characteristics for private homes. Cab. No. 42 (2nd entrance)
Receiving and issuing orders for inventory and production of certificates-characteristics, technical passports, registration of title documents for apartments HBC (cooperative). Cab. No. 62 (2nd entrance)
Acceptance of orders for the registration of title documents, production and issuance of technical documentation and reference-characteristics for non-residential facilities. Cab. No. 13 (1st entrance)
Receiving and issuing orders for the inventory of garages that are owned by HSC, garden houses that are in horticultural cooperative societies, the production of references to the characteristics of these objects and the registration of ownership of them. Cab. No. 47 (2nd entrance)
Tel. 229-00-17

BTI work schedule

From Monday to Thursday: C 9-00 to 17-30
Friday: From 9 am to 4 pm

Reception of citizens by administration of BTI

Head Office Tel.229-81-17 Monday from 10-00 to 13-00 Thursday from 10-00 to 13-00
Chief Engineer Room 5 (1st floor, 1st entrance), tel.229-77-22 Wednesday from 15 to 19 Friday from 10 to 13
Head of Department Department of Technical Inventory Room number 9 (1st floor, 1st entrance), tel.229-88-83
Head of Department Department of state registration
Property rights to real estate
Room number 32, tel.229-80-14
The Legal Counsel Room 54, tel.229-44-61
Expert evaluation of real estate Office 17, tel.228-25-64
Photocopying of documents Room number 24

Every month every first Wednesday from 1700 to 1800 there is a direct telephone line with the head of the Bureau for the work of the bureau: tel. 229-00-18


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