Fundamentals of managing personnel - Khramov V.O.

VO O. Khramov, A. P. Bovtruk

Навчально-методичний посібник

Х89 The basis of staff management : the Navy method. Посіб. - К .: МАУП, 2001. - 112 sec .: іл. - Bibliography: p. 109.

ISBN 966-608-086-9

The proponovanomu navchalno-methodical posobniku rozglyadayutsya issues organizatsii ta її models, zasobi upravlennya, base kadrovoї polity, the principle of styli udovolennya, methods of management that pittannaya rozvitku personnel, and takozh termini, model tehnologii igrivlennya personnel.

For students-bachelors in correspondence with those of distance forms, the beginning of those who are involved in the mortgage, the visa and the management.

BBK 65.050.2y73

© V. O. Hramov, A. P. Bovtruk, 2001 © Міжрегіональна Академія ISBN 966-608-086-9 Management of staff (IAPM), 2001