Sanitary and Epidemiological tovarіv - Kolomієts TM

Kolomієts TM Pritulska NV, Romanenko O. Sanitary and Epidemiological tovarіv: Pіdruchnik. - K .: KNTEU, 2001. - 274 p.

Digit uwagi pridіleno power tehnologії Venue of Sanitary and Epidemiological s diferentsіatsієyu on Sanitary and Epidemiological of Quality, kіlkostі that for іnshimi spetsifіchnimi acquaint themselves, documentation їh rezultatіv, filed vimogi that characterized the camp markuvannya tovarіv vіdpovіdno to chinnih standards.

In pіdruchniku ​​imposed danі about svіtovy dosvіd schodo Sanitary and Epidemiological tovarіv, dіyalnіst zarubіzhnih trade and Promyslova chambers.

Vihodyachi іz nagalnih problems sogodennya, odnієyu s yakih Je pіdrobka that znizhennya of Quality tovarіv, i vіdpovіdno to tsogo zrostannya values ​​tovaroznavchoї Sanitary and Epidemiological in okremomu rozdіlі characterized Vidi that zasobi falsifіkatsії tovarіv.

Spetsіalіsti torgіvlі novoї formatsії povinnі vmіti otsіnyuvati yakіst, spozhivchі perevagi tovarіv, їh vіdpovіdnіst standards, norms, vimogam zakonіv, vіdrіznyati Tovar-falsifіkati, goods-surogati, nestandartnі, nesortnі goods; konsultuvati pokuptsіv, vplivati ​​on stvorennya gromadskoї pillows schodo Pevnyi tovarіv on market analysis, spirayuchis on knowledge about їh yakіst temple; nadavati real Relief spozhivachevі in viborі product, privіntivno formulyuvati that zabezpechuvati stvorennya Suchasnyj spozhivchih vlastivostey tovarіv. Zdіysniti tse without knowledge about vlastivostі tovarіv, Sanitary and Epidemiological їh of Quality nemozhlivo. On sogodnі ekspertna funktsіya tovaroznavstva, yak poshiryuvatimetsya, krіm torgіvlі on the scope standartizatsії, sertifіkatsії, Zahist rights spozhivachіv, Mitnija cope toscho, Je nayaktualnіshoyu.


Rozdіl 1. Kontseptualnі Ambush Sanitary and Epidemiological tovarіv
1.1. Ponyattya that termіni tovaroznavchih Sanitary and Epidemiological
1.2. Bodies SSMSC upovnovazhenі provoditi tovaroznavchі Sanitary and Epidemiological
1.3. Rights that obov'yazki EXPERT
1.4. Widi Sanitary and Epidemiological
Pozdіl 2. The role of trade and i funktsії Promyslova chambers have formuvannі mіzhnarodnoї torgіvlі
2.1. Osoblivostі funktsіonuvannya Chambers of Commerce and Promyslova in svіtі
2.2. Mіzhnarodnі organіzatsії Chamber of Commerce
2.3. Commerce promislovі deer stand of Ukraine that kraїn LICs
3. Rozdіl Іnformatsіynі zasobi Sanitary and Epidemiological tovarіv
3.1. Ponyattya that VD information The product
3.2. Tovarosuprovіdnі document and
3.3. Markuvannya tovarіv
Torgovelne markuvannya
Structure markuvannya
3.4. Іnformatsіynі signs
Tovarnі signs
Ponyattya that Vidi znakіv
Rights that Zahist rights signs
Signs naymenuvannya Georeferencing pohodzhennya product
Signs Kraina pohodzhennya product
Signs of Quality vіdpovіdnostі abo
dashed koduvannya
Evolyutsіya bar koduvannya
Suchasnі Sistemi bar koduvannya
Mіzhnarodny bagatogaluzevy standard transportnoї numeratsії 88SS
Vimogi before applying bar koduvannya
Komponentnі signs
Rozmіrnі signs
Ekspluatatsіynі signs
Manіlulyatsіynі signs
Poperedzhuvalnі signs
Ekologіchnі signs
Excise markuvannya tovarіv
Rules markuvannya alcoholic napoїv i Tyutyunova virobіv
Realіzatsіya abo znischennya konfіskovanih alcoholic napoїv i Tyutyunova virobіv
Rozdіl Organіzatsіya 4. Venue of Sanitary and Epidemiological tovarіv
4.1. Pіdgotovchy Etap
4.2. basic Etap
4.3. Zaklyuchny Etap
Skladannya Procedure Act Sanitary and Epidemiological
Tipovі pomilki at provedennі Sanitary and Epidemiological
Rozdіl Tehnologіya 5. Venue of Sanitary and Epidemiological tovarіv
5.1. Sanitary and Epidemiological kіlkostі
The schedule of legal kіlkіsnoї Sanitary and Epidemiological
Sanitary and Epidemiological tovarіv іz poshkodzhenoyu Packaging
Right to host the Sanitary and Epidemiological kіlkostі pid hour priymannya tovarіv
5.2. Sanitary and Epidemiological of Quality
Rules of carrying out of the Sanitary and Epidemiological priymalnoї yakіstyu
5.3. Asortimentna Sanitary and Epidemiological
5.4. Documentary Sanitary and Epidemiological
5.5. A complex Sanitary and Epidemiological
6. Rozdіl Gіgієnіchna, sanіtarna, she ekologіchna Veterinary Sanitary and Epidemiological tovarіv
6.1. Gіgієnіchna Sanitary and Epidemiological
6.2 Sanіtarna Sanitary and Epidemiological
6.3.Veterinarna Sanitary and Epidemiological
6.4. Ekologіchna Sanitary and Epidemiological
7. Rozdіl Tovaroznavcha vessels Sanitary and Epidemiological tovarіv
8. Rozdіl Іdentifіkatsіya that falsifіkatsіya tovarіv
8.1. Іdentifіkatsіya tovarіv
8.2. Widi that zasobi falsifіkatsії tovarіv
8.3. Reigning regulyuvannya nalezhnoї of Quality that bezpechnostі nutritive produktіv i prodovolchoї sirovini
8.3.1. The order of imported іmportnih nutritive produktіv that prodovolchoї sirovini in up Ukraine
8.4. Vіdpovіdalnіst virobnikіv that prodavtsіv about zabezpechennya nalezhnoї of Quality tovarіv