Business Economics - Pokropivny SF

Business Economics: Textbook / under total. Ed. Dr. EKON. Sciences, prof. SF Pokropivnogo. - Ed. RBM. 2nd rev. and ext. ed. - K .: KNEU, 2002. - with __________.

ISBN 000-000-000-0

In the book series outlines the theoretical, methodological and practical issues of formation and development of the enterprise economy. A general organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise as a business entity; detail address the issues of formation and use of enterprise resources: staff, material and intangible assets and investment resources. In the second, revised and expanded edition, the main attention is given to innovative processes, organization and management of the enterprise, achieving positive financial and economic results and improve overall production efficiency and anti-crisis management system.

For students of economic universities and faculties, students of master's programs, as well as for students of other schools of economic direction. The textbook can be useful to students and training centers and the training of employees of enterprises (organizations).

BBK 00.00


Chapter 1. Enterprise as an economic entity
1.1. The concept of purpose and direction of
1.2. The legal basis for the functioning
1.3. Classification and structure of enterprises
1.4. Voluntary and institutsionalnyeobedineniya enterprises (organizations)
1.5. The market environment of management of enterprises and organizations
Chapter 2. Fundamentals of business
2.1. Entrepreneurship as a modern form of management
2.2. Contractual relationships and partnerships in business
2.3. International Business spine
Chapter 3 Management of enterprises
3.1. The essence and function of management process
3.2. Methods of management companies
3.3. Organizational management structure
3.4. The highest authorities of the state and organizations upravleniyapredpriyatiyami
SECTION 2. RESOURCE operation of the enterprise
Chapter 4 Staff
4.1. The concept, structure klassifikatsiyai staff
4.2. Determination chislennostiotdelnyh categories of workers
4.3. Personnel policy and human resources management system
4.4. Evaluation of staff as an important element of the workforce management system
4.5. Foreign experience of formation and effective use of the labor potential of the company
Chapter 5. The capital and production assets
5.1. General characteristics kapitalai production assets
5.2. Evaluation, classification and structure of fixed assets
5.3. Depreciation, amortization and reproduction of fixed assets
5.4. Efficiency vosproizvodstvai use of fixed assets
5.5. The structure, the use of rationing of circulating assets of the enterprise
Chapter 6. Intangible assets and resources
6.1. Intangible resources
6.2. Intangible assets
6.3. Estimation of cost of amortization of intangible assets
Chapter 7. Working capital
7.1. General characteristics and rationing
7.2. Efficiency
Chapter 8. Investment Resources
8.1. The concept, structure and investment structure
8.2. Determining the volume of production and sources of investment financing
8.3. Formation and regulirovaniefinansovyh investments (securities)
8.4. Attracting foreign investment to develop and enhance the efficiency of business entities
8.5. Evaluating the effectiveness of financial investment proizvodstvennyhi
8.6. Factors increasing effektivnostiispolzovaniya kapitalnyhvlozheny and financial investments
8.7. Investment projects of enterprises and organizations
Chapter 9. Innovative Processes
9.1. General characteristics of innovation processes
9.2 Scientific and technological progress, and its overall priorities
9.3. Organizational progress
9.4. Evaluating the effectiveness of organizational innovations tehnicheskihi
Chapter 10. Technical and technological base of production
10.1. Characteristics of technical and technological base of production
10.2 Organizational and technical development ekonomicheskoeupravlenie
10.4 Formation and ispolzovanieproizvodstvennoy power companies
Chapter 11. Organization of production
11.1. The structure and principles of the process organizatsiiproizvodstvennogo
11.2. Organizational types of production
11.3. The organization of the production process in time
11.4. Methods of the organization of production
11.5. Pre-production
Chapter 12 industrial and social infrastructure
12.1. The concept, types and value of infrastructure
12.2. Maintenance System
12.3 Social infrastrukturai social enterprise activity
12.4 Reproduction and development of infrastructure
Chapter 13. Regulation, forecasting activity planning
13.1 regulirovaniedeyatelnosti State economic entities
13.2. Enterprise development Forecasting
13.3. Methodical planning framework
13.4. Development Strategy predpriyatiyay business planning
13.5. Tactical and operational planning
SECTION 4. Results and efficiency
Chapter 14. Production, kachestvoi product competitiveness
14.1 General characteristics of the products (services)
14.2. Marketing activities and formirovanieprogrammy output (services)
14.3. Logistics Production
14.4. Quality and konkurentosposobnostproduktsii (services)
14.5 Standardization and certification of products (services)
14.6. State supervision of the internal activity kachestvomi technical control
Chapter 15: Performance, motivation and remuneration
15.1. Productivity of personnel: the nature, methods and determination of growth factors
15.2. Work motivation
15.3. Modern wage policy
15.4. Applicable forms and pay system
15.5. Bonuses and wage supplements organization staff bonuses
15.6. The participation of workers in the profits of the enterprise (institution, organization)
Chapter 16: The costs and prices of products (services)
16.1. General characteristics of the expenses for production (services)
16.2. Cost management in the enterprise
16.3. Total costs and production costs
16.4. Cost of individual items
16.5. Prices of goods (services): the essential characteristics, types, methods of regulation ustanovleniyai
Chapter 17: Financial and economic efficiency of rezultatyi
17.1. The content and form of financing activities of the enterprise (organization)
17.2. Creation and use of profit
17.3. Evaluation of the financial and economic sostoyaniyapredpriyatiya (organization)
17.4. Essential harakteristikai measurement of production efficiency
17.5 production efficiency growth factors (of the company)
Chapter 18. Economic safety of the enterprise (organization)
18.1 Content-tipologicheskayaharakteristika ekonomicheskoybezopasnosti enterprise (organization)
18.2 Analytical assessment of ekonomicheskoybezopasnosti enterprise (organization)
18.3. Main areas of obespecheniyaekonomicheskoy safety components for otdelnymfunktsionalnym
18.4 The company security service (enterprise, organization)
CHAPTER 19. Restructuring and sanitation (financial rehabilitation) of enterprises and organizations
19.1 General characteristics protsessarestrukturizatsii enterprises (organizations)
19.2 Practice implementation and effektivnostrestrukturizatsii enterprises (organizations)
19.3 Remediation (financial health) entities
Chapter 20 Bankruptcy and liquidation of companies (organizations)
20.1 Bankruptcy enterprises (organizations) as an economic phenomenon
20.2. Methodical bases of determining the probability of bankruptcy of business entities
20.3. Liquidation of bankrupt enterprises (organizations)