Економіка зарубіжних країн - Філіпенко А. С.

Економіка зарубіжних країн

Author A.S.Filipenko

The pidrugniku rozkrivayutsya zagalnі ekonomichnyi osnovi suhasnoї tsivіlіzatії, ґruntovno analizuyutsya golyni sferi svitovoї ekonomiki, vysvіtlyuyutsya regionalnyi osoblivosti ekonomichnogo rozvitku mestov iz ekstrapoljaciєyu on the problems, consumers of that consumer of Ukraine.

The head of the respect is attached to the factors that are the jerseys of the economical zarastaniya of the marginal regions, the nutrients of the state and the function of the financial infrastructure in the countries of the world, the state of emergency of the radical economic reforms.

For students of economical specialties of the viscous naves.

ISBN 966-06-0071-2