Міжнародні фінанси - Petrashko LP

Petrashko LP

П 30 Міжнародні фінанси: Nav.ch.-method. Посіб. For the samost.

Vivch. Dis. - К .: КНЕУ, 2003. - 221 with.

ISBN 966-574-517-4

The Navigal course "International Finance" is one of the basic disciplines of bachelor student training. The subject of the course є vіkladennya basic theoretical positions of the world and the flow of the іїхніх взаємозв'язків та регулювання. Posobnik warehousing in the standard program for the course of the naive-methodical plan for disciplining the methodically naive and methodical course of methodical materials, applying text.

For students of economical specialties. Posіbnik mozhe bouti korisnim takozh for naukovtsіv, spetsialistіv-praktikіv tat vseh, kotochenkat problemy mіzhnaricnikh fіnansіv.

BBK 65.268