Ecclesiastes 2

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1 I said in my heart, "Give, I will test you with mirth, and enjoy the good"; But it's also vanity!
2 About laughter I said: `stupidity! ', But about merriment:" what does it do? "
3 I decided to sweeten my body in my heart and, while my heart was guided by wisdom, to hold on to stupidity, until I see what is good for the sons of men, what they should have done under the sky in the few days of their lives.
4 I did great things: I built houses for myself, planted vineyards for myself,
5 He built gardens and groves for himself, and planted in them all kinds of fruit trees;
6th Made water for themselves to irrigate them with a grove that grows trees;
7th I have acquired servants and maidservants, and my family members have been with me; I also had more large and small cattle than all those who were before me in Jerusalem;
8 He collected silver and gold and jewels from kings and provinces; Brought in the singers and singers and the delight of the sons of men - different musical instruments.
9 And I became great and rich above all that were before me in Jerusalem; And my wisdom abides with me.
10 Whatever my eyes desire, I did not refuse them, did not forbid my heart any fun, because my heart rejoiced in all my labors, and this was my share of all my labors.
eleven And I looked upon all my works that my hands had made, and the work that I had done, making them: and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of the spirit, and there is no profit under the sun!

12 And I turned to look at wisdom and insanity and stupidity: for what can a man do after the king, what has already been done?
13 And I saw that the advantage of wisdom over stupidity is the same as the advantage of light before darkness:
14 His wise eye is in his head, but a fool walks in darkness; But I learned that one fate befalls them all.
15 And I said in my heart, "And the same fate will befall me, like a fool: why then have I become very wise?" And I said in my heart that this also is vanity;
16 Because the wise will not be remembered forever, nor is the fool; In the days to come, everything will be forgotten, and alas! The wise dies on a par with the stupid.

17th And I hated life, because the deeds which are done under the sun are contrary to me; For all is vanity and vexation of spirit!
18 And I hated all my labor, which I worked under the sun, because I must leave it to the man who will be after me.
19 And who knows: whether he will be wise, or stupid? And he will dispose of all my labor, which I worked and showed myself to be wise under the sun. And this is vanity!
20 And I turned to persuade my heart to renounce all the work that I was working under the sun,
21 Because another man works wisely, with knowledge and success, and must give everything to a man who does not labor in that, as if part of it. And this is vanity and great evil!
22 For what man shall have of all his labor and the care of his heart, that he labors under the sun?
23 Because all his days are sorrows, and his works are anxiety; Even at night his heart does not know rest. And this is vanity!
24 It is not in the power of man that it is good to eat and drink and to delight his soul from his labor. I saw that this was also from the hand of God;
25 Because who can eat and who can enjoy without Him?
26th For to a man who is good in His presence, He gives wisdom and knowledge and joy; But the sinner gives care to collect and save, so that he may give to the good before God. And this is vanity and vexation of the spirit!

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