Google Maps

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Google Maps

Google Maps

Google Maps (English Google Maps, formerly Google Local) is a collection of applications built on the basis of free map service and technology provided by Google. Created in 2005.

The service is a map and satellite imagery of the planet Earth. For many regions, highly detailed aerial photographs (shot from a height of 250-500 m) are available, for some - with the possibility of viewing at an angle of 45 ° from four directions. Additionally, we offer pictures of the Moon and Mars.

With the service, a business directory and road map with route search are integrated, covering the USA, Canada, Japan, Russia, Hong Kong, China, Great Britain, Ireland (only city centers) and some parts of Europe.

Google Earth

The Google Earth application is also associated with the service - a separate program for Windows, as well as GNU / Linux, Mac OS. Like Google Maps, Google Earth allows you to view Earth's surface images, zoom in and out, and build routes. Its advantage is the three-dimensional mapping of the earth's surface (taking into account the relief), the possibility of observation at an arbitrary angle (and not just vertically from above), gradual refinement of the image as more detailed photographs are loaded (there is no need to wait before "white spots", as in Google Maps) , The possibility of a smooth change in scale (and not just a choice of several predefined values).


To use the route search service, you need to type the address from which you are traveling in the format "Country, City, Street, House" (for example, Ukraine, Kiev, Kreshchatik street 1) and the address of the destination. In July 2015, the service feature Your Timeline, which records the history of routes and places that the user visited on a certain day, if you are authorized.

Calculating the distances between cities without leaving home

A special form of calculation of distances in the cities of Ukraine , as well as between other cities of the near abroad and Europe, which will make any calculation of distances by your request - and it's completely free! In addition, the program, as a navigator, will give out on the map the shortest path between the points of departure and destination, indicating all the intermediate points of the route [ more ].