Electronic books on relay protection and automation

V.G. Glovatsky, I.V. Ponomarev "Modern Means of Relay Protection and Automation of Power Grids" 3 electronic version

The book is an attempt of the firm "Energomashvin" to generalize and old data in the part in which they were preserved in modern conditions, but also modern requirements to the construction of protection and equipment of relay protection and automation devices.

The principles of performing protection are often outlined on the basis of circuits on electromechanical relays, since in this case it is easier to understand the principle of the implementation of relay protection devices and the requirements imposed on them. And on the basis of this, proceed to the study of the same functions on a modern microelectronic microprocessor base. The book was widely used as a previously published literature, as well as books by modern authors, as well as technical information of manufacturers of modern microelectronic and microprocessor equipment.

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Shabad MA Calculations of relay protection and automation of distribution networks - 3rd ed., Pererab. And additional. -L .: Energoatomizdat Leneigr. Otd-nne, 1985. - 296 s, ill.

The book considers methods and examples of calculation of relay protection and automation devices for rural, urban and industrial electrical networks of 6 and 10 kV, power lines 35, 110 kV with reducing transformers 6-110 kV.

Download the book "Calculations of relay protection and automation of distribution networks" >>> ( 2,72 mb)

Averbukh, AM Examples of calculations of incomplete-phase regimes and short-circuits.-2 nd ed., Pererab. And additional .- L .: Energia. Leningr. Deposition, 1979.- 184 s, ill.

The book contains examples of calculations of phase-free modes in three-phase electrical networks, discontinuities with simultaneous short-circuit, double and single short circuits. Compared with the first edition, issued in 1972, the book was supplemented by calculations of double earth faults and single closures behind transfer mats with automatic voltage regulation under load and without it. The first edition of the book was used in design and operational practice, as well as by teachers and students of universities and technical schools.

The book is intended for engineers and technicians engaged in the design or operation of relay protection of electrical stations, networks and substations. Oia can also be used as a teaching aid by students of power and electrical engineering departments of universities and technical schools.

Download the book "Examples of calculations of incomplete phase regimes and short circuits" >>> (1,12 mb)

Averbukh A.M. Relay protection in problems with solutions and examples in 1975

Download the book "Relay protection in problems with solutions and examples" >>> (1 mb)

Belyaeva, EN How to calculate the short-circuit current.-2 nd ed. Pererab. And additional. - M: Energoatomizdat, 1983.- 136 s, ill .- (B-ka of the electrician, issue 544)

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Golubev ML Protection of secondary circuits from short circuits. - M .: Energoizdat, 1982.

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Zimin, EN, "Protection of asynchronous motors up to 500 V." Izd. 2 nd, processing, and add. M.-L., publishing house "Energy", 1967. 88 p. With Fig. (B-ka electrician, issue 209)

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