PN Yablochkov - the glory and pride of the Russian electrical engineering

For Yablochkov characterized by the fact that his invention is always a consequence of numerous physical studies and experiments. He did not just invent, he studied the phenomena observed by him and gave them their own, sometimes a kind of interpretation.

His opinion about the inability to use for electric light bulbs Yablochkov justified the original reasoning arising from the submission of the electric arc process. In this regard, then the level of physics Yablochkov represented phenomena taking place in the arc and the lamp filament without the passage of electric current through a gas - electric discharge in the first case, and the passage of electric current through the solids in the second case, and accordingly how incandescence with combustion of coal and incandescence without burning. oxygen in the air and connected with the latest chemical reactions Yablochkov attributed particularly significant role in the arc. Energy released by these reactions, it is considered the main source of energy radiated by the arc.

PN Yablochkov - the glory and pride of the Russian electrical engineering

As if to confirm or to illustrate this idea Yablochkov few years later, the invention of the famous "candles" built "candle" the following form. The rod of iron wire was surrounded by magnesium oxychloride. Two such stem are arranged one against the other. Between their ends an electric arc. Iron glows white hot and recovers magnesium from oxide. Magnesium metal burns in air oxygen bright brilliant flame. Electrodes such candles shortened very slowly - no more than 1 cm per hour. It is clear that in this case, the light emission source is really served as a chemical reaction.

During his experiments with crushing the electric light using capacitors Yablochkov wondered on the passage of electric current through the capacitor. He was able to show experimentally that the charge on the capacitor takes some time. A description of these experiences and the presentation of theoretical considerations can be found in a public paper read Yablochkov in St. Petersburg.

All this matter, the essence of which Yablochkov defined as the transition of dynamic power, static electricity, and in return, he attached great importance problematic.

This is quite understandable if we recall that in the 70s of the last century did not exist the modern theory of alternating currents. There were no representations about the delay of the current compared to the voltage of the AC circuit, the possibility of passing the current through the capacitance of the active and reactive power term AC and TD - presentation, is now the alphabet for each "electrician, since the engineer and ending competent fitter.

In our time, the question of the static and dynamic electricity does not occur, but in times of Yablochkov he still worried minds of scientists and innovators, and the reflection of this can be found in even such a large physics as AG Stoletov.

PN Yablochkov - the glory and pride of the Russian electrical engineering PN Yablochkov was not only a great enlightened inventor, but also a serious, thoughtful physicist researcher deeply analyze all the phenomena with which he had to deal with and always resort to careful experiments to resolve the difficulties it doubt.

In addition to its core work, which brought him international fame, Yablochkov made many inventions. His incandescent lamps with incandescent body of kaolin, of which it was higher, were practically carried inventor and used to illuminate the cabin in three ships of the Russian Navy.

Electrical machines Yablochkov started back in the studio Breguet. In the journal "Electricity" for the year 1881 can be found the description of a very advanced for that time Dynamos built Yablochkov. Yablochkov advantages over other machines, then widespread dynamo Siemens and Gram were highly significant.

The Siemens machine alternating electric current obtained in the rotating armature is caused to wear the brushes and commutator sparking due to the relatively high voltage in the circuit. In Gram winding machine, in which the induced current is fixed, but they have a complex ring shape. This part of the machine makes a significant inconvenience in the manufacture of cars or correcting any damage to the windings.

The dynamo Yablochkov winding, in which the induced currents, has also been fixed, but it was simple in structure and consisted of separate coils. The combination of these coils in series or parallel could be varied in any manner and by this way to obtain the same machine currents of various voltages. It was also possible, without stopping the machine off the damaged spool, remove it and replace it by another. Dynamos Yablochkov system did not present such obstacles to an increase in size and power, the system program.

In 1882 Yablochkov filed a patent application on the dynamo, characterized in that it stator axis (stationary coil system) and the rotor axis (movable coil systems) are inclined to the axis of rotation, which should lead to an increase in the electromotive force of the machine at the same speed rotation. Patented in the same year Yablochkov motor was designed for a very small number of turns. The need for such an engine was caused by the fact that the drink while arrangements were adapted to the low-speed steam engines.

Dynamos Yablochkov not widespread. This is due to the fact that after the creation of sophisticated designs in the hands Yablochkov not have sufficient material means for the rapid establishment of the production of these machines, and while rapidly developing theory and practice of construction of electrical machines. AC electrical machines field Yablochkov put forward a number of new brilliant ideas.

Looking for a cheap and reliable source of electric current Yablochkov not limited to the study and improvement of Dynamos. Its also very interested and galvanic cells, were once the only source of electric current.

In technology, strong currents galvanic cells during the time Yablochkov could not compete with electric cars. Currently, twenty-year work PN Yablochkov of electrochemical cells (1870 to 1890) is particularly interesting in the light of the importance that the battery cells are now purchased in electronics and other fields of weak current technology.

The development of new types of electrochemical cells Yablochkov conducted very systematically, starting each time from a certain idea. In the first type of its elements Yablochkov sought to obtain electrical energy by direct consumption of coal in a cell, bypassing the use of the steam engine. This so-called "burning elements" based on observations of the scientist over the emergence of an electromotive force upon contact of the burning coal with the cold metal.

The cathode in the cell served Yablochkov coal, served as the electrolyte molten nitrate, are at the same time a source of oxygen for the combustion of coal and depolarizer. Adding to the nitrate salts of certain metals allows you to adjust the intensity of the process. Another element Yablochkov oxygen source was water.

Later Yablochkov moved to the elements, in which the coal was used instead of sodium or other alkali metals. These items do not require the presence of liquid and were named Yablochkov "dry cell" in a strict sense of the word, than we modern "dry batteries", as in the past, there are chips, soaked in the electrolytic solution.

Action Yablochkov dry cells based on the oxidation of sodium at room temperature. Sodium serving as a cathode, separated by porous carbon, or of any other porous conductor plate of the porous insulator. Air, oxidizing sodium, enters the latter through the porous anode and the porous insulator. The rear surface of the sodium plate covered with a layer of varnish that prevents oxidation .neposredstvennomu its air. In the hands of Yablochkov element sodium has passed a number of different versions.

Experiments with sodium elements in Paris in 1884 almost cost Yablochkov life, because during these experiments on the hydrogen ignition there was a fire. Yablochkov began to choke and was lying unconscious, when it came to the rescue.

Harmful process in electrochemical cells is the so-called polarization of the anode, which is about the accumulation of hydrogen anode, which prevents the passage of current. Yablochkov took anode polarization to create a special three-electrode cell with electrodes of sodium, zinc and coal. In the central part of the cylindrical member serves as a strong oxidizing cathode rod-sodium, anode - relatively weakly oxidized zinc cylinder. In the outer part of the same element is a non-oxidizing anode carbon cathode - zinc. Coal is polarized continuously, but at the same time absorbs oxygen from the air, which leads to continuous destruction of the polarization by the polarizing oxygen compounds with carbon hydrogen. This type of electrochemical cell was named Yablochkov "avtoakkumulyatorom" and is the prototype of the proposed elements of a much later "air depolarization."

One of the most successful types avtoakkumulyatora Yablochkov patented in 1885, and at the same time presented a report on avtoakkumulyatora action principles in the Paris Academy of Sciences.

In 1887 Yablochkov received a patent for a galvanic cell with mechanical feed it under the pressure of the gases that are used to depolarization. The latest types of electrochemical cells designed Yablochkov them struggling with clogged pores by the device before the last coal thin wooden partition with a very small porous holes, do not miss the salt particles to clog coal. zinc cathode zinc oxide pollution Yablochkov eliminated in this type of galvanic cells by tinning surface tin-zinc.

Works PN Yablochkov of electrochemical cells were not simply an attempt to find the most successful combination by a very large number of trial runs. As with all other inventions, Yablochkov went here strictly for the intended path due to the available data in the hands of his research and his own research.

An important task of modern electrical engineering is the transfer of energy through the wires - is the power drain, which predicted Chikolev. PN Yablochkov could not leave this problem unattended.

In 1885, he shared in the circle of people close to him by an electrician their thoughts on how best to transfer electrical energy to a distance by means of a high-voltage alternating current. Students recorded Yablochkov offer. He pointed to the profitability and the need to use for power transmission of high voltage current. He proposed to use for the transmission of alternating current, increasing the latter voltage with transformers ( "induction coil" in his terminology).

These thoughts soon found brilliant confirmation in the work of another Russian scientist and innovator - Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky.

So much attention is Yablochkov dedicating alternating current, as well as the impetus that he gave to the use of the AC and the development of alternating current machines, as well as the idea of ​​the use of transformers are one of the major achievements Yablochkov technical progress, along with the progress achieved by the first wide the use of electric lighting.

These invention Yablochkov do not exhaust their entirety, but the diversity of these inventions can not obscure the extreme tenacity of research and inventive activity Yablochkov. Undoubtedly, the dynamo and economical electrochemical cells he studied with a view to finding the most appropriate and most current sources for cheap. electric lighting.

In order to achieve its primary objective and its implementation is in Russian Pavel Yablochkov I sacrificed everything in life - and the position of the military engineer, and his office chief of department of a major railroad, and his personal funds.

Work and life Yablochkov, as well as the other glorious his associates - and Lodygina Chikoleva differ from the working and living conditions "famous" Foreigners that incredibly painful situation, in which the Russian innovators working in Tsarist Russia. The ruling circles of Russia and in the top of the noble Russian society dominated by a pronounced adulation and subservience to foreign cultural and technological achievements of the West, prevailed so aptly noted by AS Griboyedov in his immortal comedy "Woe from Wit," "the spirit of blind, slavish, empty imitation ". Russian talented and smart people rulers and those in power are not valued and not to provide support to them. Their inventions and scientific achievements were interested only when these inventions and achievements received flattering assessment abroad.

Russian innovators, inventors themselves had to break new creative ways and very scarce resources to carry out and check in practice his big invention. Despite all the obstacles, the Russian people with a passion for science and engineering devoted all his thoughts and strength, not thinking about their personal interests, but only on the progress of science and technology for the benefit of his beloved homeland them. Most of them possessed their own area of ​​expertise. Independently and are new and have their ideas. They could, and had the courage to dare. This was and Pavel Yablochkov - beauty and pride of Russian electrical engineering.

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