Methods (schemes) of winding gas meters are free of charge


Application in practice сопсобов for the purpose of plunder of the electric power, water, gas, etc. As well as the fact itself, it is against the law!

Responsibility for this is borne only by the information received for its intended purpose!

Winding the meter is an extreme measure!

It is also highly desirable to use some tricks to save energy and use energy-saving technologies at home and in production.

This will also significantly reduce the waste of electricity or gas.

Download the archive with diagrams for free

Download archive with schematics for winding counters

INFORMATION: Below are the latest, non-traditional ways of unaccounted use of electricity. Scheme of coiling machines, fully developed by the authors. All of them have been tested and tested in practice. The working samples are collected. They are based on elementary laws of electrical engineering, known to students of junior courses of technical universities, but this knowledge was never used in such matters before. KNOW-HOW is the original use of these patterns in the construction of device diagrams. The methods are legally clean - if the controller does not catch your counter during the countdown in the opposite direction, then no verification will prove the fault of the subscriber.

Brief description of the methods included in the archive


Counting mechanism

Counting mechanism
Counting mechanism
Counting mechanism
If the type of your meter and the method of sealing the counting mechanism (SGM-1 G6, SGMN-1-11, SGMN-1-21, SGD G-1.6, G-2.5, G-4 or others with similar sealing of the counting mechanism Check here ), then you just got lucky. The way is to change the counter meter counting, we strongly recommend it. ANYBODY WILL NOTHING ANYTHING, even if the meter is lifted and taken to the test. Everything is done well, super easy and fast. A detailed description of the method with live photos will be sent to you in the case of choosing this method. All manipulations are performed for a maximum of five minutes. So, if the counting mechanism on your meter is sealed in this way, then do not meditate, but immediately acquire this universal method. After the first use of this method, I was in shock for the whole evening: is it really so simple ...

The method consists in removing the fillings from the counting mechanisms or fixing the counters. The way is also superuniversal. If you completely "master" this way, then you can develop your own ways of cheating counters and not only gas ... In addition, perhaps, choosing this method the others will not be needed. Immediately make a reservation: the other methods are completely independent and do not require the use of this method. At first the method seems simple, but in fact it is very difficult to perform such a method technically. The whole problem is that almost all the seals are made with special protective devices or from such materials that are destroyed irreparably at the time of their opening. But all kinds of seals (lead, plastic, in the form of holographic numbered labels, in the form of colored paper self-adhesive labels) can be removed so that its protective qualities are not violated. The options for doing such actions are huge. The easiest way, of course, is to simply remove the seal, and after some manipulations with the counter have been performed, an exact copy of the remote seal is made, but this is not always possible. Further description of the methods we placed in a separate document, in which we described in detail all the ways of unnoticeably removing and re-installing the most common types of seals, as well as the simplest methods of installing new copies of seals. The method is actually a folk encyclopedia of wisdom associated with the removal of seals.

The method consists in stopping the counting mechanism of the counter. In all types of installed counters, it is possible to lock the mechanisms of the counting device. When the counting mechanisms stop, the gas continues to flow as before, but it is not taken into account by the counting device. Sometimes there is some decrease in gas pressure in the gas pipeline after the meter. In the case of an unexpected check or simply if desired, everything can be returned to its original position, and then again stalled in a couple of seconds (literally). Also, if necessary, you can completely remove traces from the application of this method. No sealing of the counter when using this method is not violated.

There are 4 ways in the archive. The basis of the method is an illegal branch from the gas pipeline (to the meter) and the use of unaccounted gas. The way is the oldest. He is one day younger than the first gas meter installed in the private sector. You can implement it yourself using a simple home tool (welding is not necessary). Despite the apparent simplicity in it, there are a lot of pitfalls and tricks. It is most difficult to disguise, but realizing it qualitatively you will get maximum effect. If this method is chosen, you will get a detailed description of absolutely all stages of its implementation, a number of options for implementing this method, what special materials should be applied, and all this will be described in detail with the illustrations. The effect (amount of unaccounted gas) can be easily regulated. And, of course, in the end, everything can be unnoticeably removed ... The method is particularly effective at the stage of construction or installation of gas equipment, although it is possible to use the method in ready systems.
Free of charge №1 We present this method absolutely free of charge. Yes, in fact, this is not a method, but just a consultation.
Checking gas meters (this of course depends on the zeal of the local gas manager) occurs once every two to five years. And, if the check you did not have five years, it does not mean that it will come to you tomorrow. You can just spoil the calculating mechanism and pay as much as you like, well, of course in winter it's longer in summer and do not significantly cut off your expenses for a counter for the same time of the year last year. If there is a significant gap in the indicators, this can cause questions that in principle will lead to nothing, if you yourself say about the breakdown of the meter: ... yesterday he dropped it to scrap, and used less gas because I did not have plastic windows before, or There were inefficient batteries, or finally a mother-in-law who was terribly fond of warmth, and so on ... Here is how to realize it: within a year, or any gap at your discretion and your luck, pay for gas much less than actually spend (in case of an unexpected Of course, you will have to pay everything, referring to the fact that you did not pay for the financial problems - but you do not lose anything). After a year or another period of time, when you already have a significant debt "accidentally" break the dial (gas leakage will not happen - 100%) of the counter mechanism so that the numbers on the counting mechanism remain intact, but their movement is jammed (there is not a powerful drive And there will be no problems with this), and calmly spend gas until the average indicators do not come close to the real counter. Then apply to the gas service, it is also desirable to raise a panic, he just broke up, come urgently, terribly afraid of gas leakage ... It will take several months to repair or replace the meter, or it may take up to a year. And you will pay for your "average" tariff. But this method can only be used once!
Free of charge №2 The next way we present is absolutely free. It consists in flowing air through the counter in the opposite direction, which will lead to a "winding" of the meter readings. This method is suitable only if you have installed an old gas meter, all modern counters do not have the possibility of counting down. It is most convenient to implement it if you have two cranes installed in front of the meter. For example, the first blocking the supply of gas to the entire stairwell (2-4 apartments or 2-4 private houses in your neighborhood), and the second covers the supply of gas specifically to you. You warn neighbors about gas shutdown due to repair, close the first tap, dismantle the second (the one that is closer to the meter), and, having disconnected the gas stove, begin to pump air into the gas pipeline with a vacuum cleaner or compressor. Never pour air into the gas pipeline with a compressor or oxygen under pressure without disassembling the tap: all injected air must immediately come out! There are some other ways to implement this method, which you yourself can guess.
Free of charge №3 The method is also free, because success is not guaranteed and the method itself is quite dangerous. Most household counters, as it is not strange, are "afraid" of passing an excessively large amount of gas through themselves. This can lead to a complete or partial failure of the counting mechanism while maintaining the gas flow through the counter. How to implement it. We overlap the gas. We disconnect the gas cooker, and if it is connected via a flexible hose, then detach, not the hob from the hose, but the hose from the gas line, because In the hose there is a significant narrowing of the inner diameter of the tube, which in turn makes it difficult to free the gas outlet. Open all the windows, turn off all electrical appliances (do not forget about the refrigerator, split, washing machine, etc.) and turn on briefly several times at different time intervals, but always sharply and completely, the gas supply tap. The crane must be opened completely, but in no case should it be held open for more than three seconds, and this is not the point. In this case, the internal counting mechanisms of the counter can move somewhat from their places and the counter will not correctly take into account the gas traveled through it, or stop altogether. Before using this method, it is recommended that you read Method No. 6.

Dear visitors of the site!
In their attempts to wind or deceive the counters, you will most likely succeed, if you have set yourself such a task! But do not forget having achieved success about the precaution and reasonable expenditure of natural resources.
After all, after this, our children and grandchildren should use it also !!!

Schedule for increasing gas tariffs

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the final schedule for raising natural gas tariffs for the population up to 2017, depending on annual consumption. The corresponding decision is fixed in the governmental decree of April 17, 2014. According to the document, the Cabinet proposes to establish during 2015-2017. Differentiated retail prices for natural gas used for the needs of the population, depending on the annual volume and types of consumption.

In particular, the following schedule for the increase of gas prices is envisaged: from 1 May 2015 - an increase of 40%; From May 1, 2016 - by 20%; From May 1, 2017 - by 20%.

At the same time, the government proposes the following schedule for raising gas prices used by heat and power utilities to generate heat for the population: from May 1, 2015, not less than 40%; From 1 May 2016 - not less than 20%; From May 1, 2017 - not less than 20%.