The internal MS-DOS commands

1.Komanda change the current drive:

a: - move to drive a:

b: - the transition to the drive b:

c: - move to drive c:

2.Komanda output directory listing

Team: dir

Format: dir drive: \ directory

Browse the directory.

The \ P screenful at a time sets the output mode

Parameters \ W displays only information about the names of files in a directory.


dir a: \ - contents of the root directory on the drive command output as :.

dir / p - screenful at a time (paging) concluded directory listing, if the table of contents is very large.

dir> dir.txt - Allows you to save the contents of the current directory as a text file dir.txt. (This general rule recording the results of the programs in the text mode in text file example:.> ide.txt.)

dir - Display the contents of the current directory.

dir * .exe - Display the information about all the .exe files in the current directory.

dir a: - Display the contents of the root directory and the disk :.

3.Komanda change the current directory

Team: cd (Change Directory)

Format: cd drive: \ path

Change the current directory.


cd \ - Go to the root directory of the current drive.

cd .. - Go to the previous directory.

cd games - GAMES transition in the current directory of the drive

cd .. - move to the previous directory

4.Komanda create directory: md directory

Team: md (Make Directory)

Format: md drive: \ path

Create a directory.


md games - GAMES Create a subdirectory in the current directory.

md d: \ games \ doom2 - Create a subdirectory in DOOM2 GAMES drive D :. catalog

5.Komanda remove an empty directory: rd directory

Team: rd (Remove Directory).

Format: rd drive: \ path

directory destruction.


rd games - GAMES Removing subdirectory in the current directory.

rd d: \ games \ doom2 - Removing subdirectory DOOM2 GAMES in drive D :. catalog

ATTENTION! You can only delete empty directories!

6.Udalenie folder with the subfolders and files contained in them.

Team: deltree

Deleting files and folders.

Format: DELTREE [/ Y] [drive:] path [[drive:] path [...]]

  • / Y Lock extradition to confirm the deletion of subfolders queries.
  • [Drive:] path The name of the folder.

ATTENTION! DELTREE program should be used with caution, as will be deleted all the files and folders that are included in the specified folder!

7.Komanda display the contents of a text file on the screen

Command: type

Format: type the file name

8.Komanda copy files

Command: copy

Format: copy (name of the copied file) \ (name of the directory where you want to place the file)

  • copy the name of the name file1 file2 - copy one file to another file;
  • copy the file name directory - Copy the file to the directory;
  • copy prn file name - listing the file to the printer.


Copy games.txt \ games games.txt copy the file to the current drive GAMES.

9.Sozdanie text file

Command: copy con

Format: copy con: file name, press Enter, enter a line by the text at the end of each line Enter, then at the end of F6 or Ctrl + Z and Enter.

To create a file in the MS-DOS necessary:

  • 1.Vvesti command at a command prompt: copy con: file name and press Enter. (Example: copy con: c: \ mark \ proba.txt)
  • 2.Vvesti text and press F6 or Ctrl-Z, which means the end of the line, and press Enter. (Proba.txt MARK file in the directory will be created. The file name must be specified with the full path.)
  • 3. If the file is created in the current directory, you can not specify the full path. (Example: copy con: name.txt continue as described in item 2 above.)

10.Obedinenie contents of two or more text files

Command: copy

Format: copy the name of the 1st file name + 2nd file a new file name

Concatenation of files

11.Komanda delete file: del erase the file name or file name

Command: del

Format: del filename

Deleting files.


Del games.txt - games.txt delete the file from the current directory.

12.Pereimenovanie file: ren filename new filename

Team: ren (Rename)

Format: ren (the file name.) (New file name.)

Rename files.


Ren games.txt games.doc - games.txt change the file name to games.doc in the current directory. "

13.Sozdanie text files.

Command: copy con

Format: copy con filename

After pressing ENTER, you need to enter text file, and then sequentially press the F6 ENTER


Copy con games.txt - to create a text Games.txt file in the current directory.

14.Drugie team

  • Date - display information about the date with the possibility of customization.
  • Time deduces information about the time with customizable.
  • Verify on-enable test mode recording to a disc.
  • Verify of-turn off the recording test mode on the disc.
  • Verify -vyvesti information about whether to record a disc test mode is enabled.
  • Path is the defining order to find the most frequently run programs.
  • Ver -Shows version of the operating system.
  • Cls -proizvodit screen cleaning.
  • Label deduces the information on the disc label with its changes.
  • vol deduces the label of the disc.
  • Exit -Exit from the DOS command processor.
  • Rem -komentary.
  • @ -not Displays the line commands a certain line.
  • echo -displays your comments.
  • pause -pauza (better to use a first echo-echo, then pause).
  • -Time set environment.

If you enter the command echo command prompt and verify, it is possible to find out their current status: echo is on or echo is off; verify is on or verify is off.

If you enter a path command, the path from autoexec.bat command is issued, ie the current list of directories specified in the path command.

If you enter the set command, it will indicate its current state, ie, the part of the autoexec.bat file will be issued that relates to the job environment variable: path, prompt, set, and somspec = c: \

15.Izmenenie kind DOS-prompt invitation

Command: prompt

Format: prompt (text)

The characters can be used as the text:

  • $ P - current drive and directory;
  • $ N - current drive;
  • $ D - current date;
  • $ T - current time;
  • $ V - DOS version;
  • $ _ - A new line;
  • $ S - space;
  • $ H - delete the previous character;
  • $ E - character with code 27 (ESC);
  • $ G -> symbol;
  • $ B - the |;
  • $$ - Character $;


> - Redirect to txt (write to file)

mem> 1.txt

Memory testing tool redirects test data to a text file C: \ 1.txt

tracert> 1.txt

Tracert utility redirect the data to a text file C: \ 1.txt

| - Icon, called a pipe, that is, "the pipeline".

This "pipeline" a couple of running programs can be connected so that the first would be to pump your data in the second.

sed (stream editor, the standard DOS not included) -program, able to pass through a stream of text, altering it on the road: formatting, deleting unnecessary rows itp

tracert | sed> prn

What's happened:

  • 1) tracert outputs the text, but the screen will not see him because
  • 2) icon | I switched the flow of the text input sed program.
  • (Sed format the text as I had requested, and passes on. But at the screen text does not fall again since)
  • 3)> icon redirects the text to the printer.