Nikola Tesla - Lightning Lord

Manual thunderstorm

July 10, 1856 in Smilyan (Austria-Hungary) in the family of a Serbian Orthodox priest, a man was born, on account of which 80 years later was more than 300 inventions. However, only one of them bears his name. And it is this invention, which interested him more than others, still does not find the application that the inventor himself dreamed about.

In 1891 Nikola Tesla , who lives in the US, creates the first high-frequency (resonant) transformer . Unlike other transformers, it does not have a ferromagnetic core: in resonance, the coils transmit current to each other literally through the air.

But this is only a technical description. In practice, it turned out to be a device that races multimeter lightning of several million volts. Not surprisingly, for contemporaries, most of whom were not even familiar with ordinary wired electricity in those years, Tesla, with his "lightning bolt", looked like a dangerous mystic. Here is how his experiments of 1899, which he conducted with the help of a huge coil-tower in Colorado Springs, described:

"The thunder from the released energy could be heard for 15 miles." People walking through the streets were amazed at the sparks jumping between their legs and the ground, or the electric lights jumping out of the tap when someone twisted it to drink water. The horses in the harness received electric shocks through the metal horseshoes, even the insects were damaged: the butterflies became electrified and helplessly circled, their wings beating with the streams of the blue halos of Fire Elma. "

In the laboratory of Nikola Tesla

Tesla's coils are still used here and there just to get artificial lightning. In 1998, an engineer from Stanford, Greg Lei, demonstrated to the public the effect of "lightning on demand", standing in a metal cage under the giant contour of Tesla and controlling lightning with a metal "magic wand".

Recently, he launched a campaign to raise funds for the construction of two more "Tesla towers" somewhere in the Southwest of the United States. The project will cost 6 million dollars. However, the lightning thiner hopes to return the costs by selling the unit to the Federal Aviation Administration. With the help of it, aviators will be able to study what happens to aircraft caught in a thunderstorm.

Already in this example, you can see the evil irony of fate, pursuing Tesla's inventions. He himself, who hated the war, was not interested in improving aircraft, but about protection systems against them. Other of his ideas have ruined the fate even more.

"Rays of Death" against "the rays of the world"

What did Tesla really want? "The main cause of the war is a large area of ​​this planet." The destruction of distances brings human beings closer, harmonizes their views and aspirations. "

This is what the Serbian genius dreamed about. After the accident in 1900 in Colorado Springs, he secured the financial support of the steel magnate JP Morgan, begins to build a worldwide broadcasting station Wardenclyffe near New York, on Long Island.

Later, Tesla confesses that the real goal of the project is not just radio communication, but wireless transmission of energy to any point on the planet. "I do not work any more for the present, I work for the future," he told reporters. However, other people are more interested in the present.

Although Tesla carried out the first radio broadcast, internationally recognized as the inventor of radio is the more enterprising Marconi: he uses cheaper equipment and immediately issues shares. Morgan refuses to finance Tesla.

Meanwhile, in Europe, a new round of the arms race begins: the possibility of signal transmission to a distance leads to the idea of ​​a new weapon. Tesla connects to the search.

In 1934, the New York Times reported that it invented "rays" capable of driving down 10,000 aircraft from a distance of 250 miles. But Tesla himself advertises this invention as anti-war: every country can now wallow in the "invisible wall of China" from any invasion, placing towers with "rays of peace" along the borders. And he suggests using the same beams for wireless transmission of electricity.

It was these Tesla projects that formed the basis for post-war charged-weapon beam weapons in the US and Russia. However, much greater success was achieved by those who did not follow the ideas of Tesla, but because of failures in his experiments. Researchers from France, Germany, Russia and the United States immediately became interested in the effect that led to the accident in Colorado Springs, when the "lightning" Tesla disabled the generator of the energy company and many other electrical appliances in the neighborhood.

Attempts to repeat this effect led to the creation of microwave weapons, with offensive weapons. According to some sources, such "high-powered microwaves" delivered on missiles were used by Americans during the conflict in Iraq. "If" - because the secrecy of these developments in combination with the invisibility of radiation can well disguise the use of such weapons.

An interesting fact: in August 2002, a message on the possible use of microwave weapons in Iraq was side by side on the New Scientist website with another news that described the numerous incidents of combustion of modems due to "lightning strikes". According to PC World, in the summer of 2002, the number of complaints about burning modems in the UK exceeded the usual rate of such failures. So maybe it's not just a storm that's to blame?

Energy of the Earth to the crafty UFO

It is possible that Tesla stimulated the creation of even more formidable weapons, when he made it clear that the Earth itself and its ionosphere can easily be turned into details of the "contour of Tesla." Although in this undertaking he was moved by good intentions.

Tesla believed that if the generators that transmit energy through the Earth are placed at different points of the planet, anyone can get power by simply sticking a rod into the ground and connecting it to a receiver working in resonance with the electric oscillations in the earth.

Thus, "the whole apparatus for lighting the average rural dwelling will not contain any moving parts and can be easily transferred in a small suitcase." He proposed lighting large cities with artificial "northern lights" (aurora borealis), treating the ionosphere with high-frequency electric fields.

It is understandable that the monopoly energy companies did not like the idea of ​​obtaining cheap electricity anywhere in the world. But the military did not ignore Tesla's statement that with the help of his technology, "the effects of great destructive power can be produced at any point on the globe determined in advance with great accuracy."

These statements are often used by supporters of the "thesis" hypothesis of the Tunguska phenomenon. In their opinion, in 1908, Tesla, disappointed by Morgan's refusal to finance him, made an experience of transferring energy through the Earth, which caused a mysterious explosion in Siberia.

Were the military able to use the next "mistake of Tesla" to create another invisible weapon? At a minimum, such a hypothesis provides a much simpler explanation for many UFO phenomena, compared with the "extraterrestrial intelligence" hypothesis.

Disconnection of electrical appliances, plasma "phantoms" in the sky and even earthquakes due to manipulations with the Earth's magnetic field are quite typical elements of the Tessell experiments, if carried out on a planetary scale.

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.Yu. Olkhovatov , describing similar events of 1993-95 in Australia in his book on the Tunguska phenomenon, cites the hypothesis of the Australian geologist Harry Mason , who linked strange explosions and flights of fireballs to the activities of the notorious Aum Shinrikyo sect in the area, and even drew Australian Authorities and a special commission of the US Congress.

According to Mason, the sect was very interested in Tesla's experiments, and the Australian geologist considered mysterious explosions as a result of the joint activities of Aum Shinrikyo and Russian scientists who demonstrated this secret weapon to the sect.

Remedy for signs

It can not be said that Tesla's peaceful plans are completely forgotten. Of course, before grandiose light-music shows based on artificial "northern lights" we will not live long. However, after the development of wireless communication and teleautomatics, the idea of ​​wireless transmission of electricity is also gradually gaining popularity.

The company SplashPower recently released a curious charger - just put the mobile phone on a kind of "table," and the battery will charge without any adapters and wires.

And on the French island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean, an installation has been built for the wireless supply of electricity to an entire village located at the bottom of a canyon a kilometer deep. The current from the network is converted into microwave radiation, which is then sent via parabolic reflectors to the receiving antennas in the village, and there again is converted into direct current.

Note that the project is not occupied by anyone, but by the French space agency CNES - so that, after one wireless village, there may be a turn of more distant "receivers".

On the other hand, wireless transmission of electricity is unlikely to greatly contribute to the "cause of peace." Rather, it will generate new forms of "electrical piracy", like "warchalking" (search and markup of wireless networks for unauthorized Internet access). Not to mention the fact that ubiquitous access to high energies can give terrorists not just a bomb, but a pocket laser or a controlled earthquake. So maybe, and it's good that Tesla's discoveries are in no hurry to come true?

In this regard, it is worth mentioning one more of its development, the oblivion of which, perhaps, has only benefited humanity. The term "cyberspace" is usually associated with William Gibson and other 80s science fiction writers. However, the first person who tried to actually achieve the effect of "virtual reality" with the help of electronics was Tesla.

Very addicted to supernatural phenomena and himself regularly experienced "visions", the Serbian scientist, when he was young, began to study the effect of the electromagnetic field on the human brain. According to him, to realize the vocation of an electrical engineer, the English scientist William Crookes helped him, with whom Tesla corresponded for years on the topic of spiritualism.

In the Tesla Museum in Belgrade, a letter from Crookes was preserved from 1893 - in it an Englishman thanks the Serb for the "electromagnetic spiral" he sent, whose field makes it possible to see the outlines of spirits more clearly. Tesla himself considered such an "interface" as part of his plan to create an all-planetary communication system capable of eliminating not only space, but also time.

At the beginning of the 20th century, rationalism and materialism triumphed in European science. Spiritism was also recognized as "charlatanism." However, now interest in such phenomena has increased again: several scientists recently reported that they learned how to evoke from their patients mystical sensations ("exit from the body," "divine presence") by means of electrical stimulation of certain brain areas.

Similar technologies are already being used to control dissenters and to create even more intrusive advertising. Willy-nilly you'll wonder what it would lead to, appeared this 100 years ago!

Was Tesla thinking about this? Certainly. After the closure of the Wardenclyffe project, he worked alone, instead of the noisy electric demonstrations of youth practiced Buddhism.

After Tesla's death in January 1943, part of his archive disappeared. What was in them? New "rays of the world," threatening to turn into "rays of death"? New systems for detecting submarines, leading to the creation of even more "invisible" submarines?

It is assumed that the papers were stolen by special services. But maybe everything is much simpler? Tesla himself could destroy his notes, taking with him to the grave great discoveries, to the correct use of which humanity has not yet grown.