АРмянское Радио

It all started with the idea of ​​creating another radio station in our city. In 1999, there were ten of them in Odessa - the competition is quite serious. An original idea was needed, i. It was necessary to come up with something that Odessa did not have, and that, you see, is not easy. It was clear one thing - this station should be "adult", in the sense that there must be broadcast music, which is closer to "who is over thirty."
This generation is quite conservative: they watch, and drink, and listen to what they used to in their time. Simply put, people over thirty already have nostalgia for their youth. Whatever the power in the country, we are happy to recall the music of our childhood and youth. And we always enjoy these memories ... The very name "Armenian Radio" also arose from the memories of youth. We are often asked the question, but is not connected "Armenian Radio" with the Armenian diaspora in Odessa. The Armenian diaspora in Odessa is quite numerous and, of course, it should have reacted to the emergence of the "same name" radio channel of the Armenian Radio. Indeed, we have friendly relations. Armenians in Odessa are famous people. They are professors, managers of large Odessa enterprises, serious businessmen. And it's not "people in caps" with mustaches and long noses. Armenians - one of the oldest nations, very respected. We are friends, we transmit the news of the Armenian Diaspora, Armenian music (we have Armenian songs on air). Odessa is a city traditionally multinational, people have long been accustomed to each other, respect the traditions and customs of their neighbors.

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