VitaRADIO © - young, dynamic new generation of Internet radio station. Our target audience - men and women aged 16 to 35 years, active use of advanced information technology in everyday life.
In our live sound hits of Russian and foreign music. The grid is divided into the broadcast day, night, morning and afternoon blocks. Music for these blocks is chosen so that the audience was the most comfortable. In the evening hours (daily) from 20:00 to 23:00 VitaRADIO © students can interactively communicate with DJeyami, transfer your music orders greetings and uchuvstvovat in contests and sweepstakes prizes.
The greatest success currently enjoyed two branded radio program: "In a greeting" (from 20-00 to 23-00 daily) and "VitaCHART" (every Sunday at 18:30).

Listen Vita RADIO You can also use the Windows Media Player or Winamp for a direct link.

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