Techniques and schemes: everyday, for business, protection, espionage

Techniques and schemes: everyday, for business, protection, espionage

Schemes of 2 unique, easy-to-manufacture TV antennas (technical finding of Donetsk and Ulyanovsk radio amateurs) for the reception of satellite TV channels . No scarce details are required; The work is based on an original technical principle.
Where to download everything
Automatic energy-saving energy
Recovery of battery capacity
The simplest adaptation to the carburetor of the car, allowing to reduce the fuel consumption by 25% + to reduce the toxicity of the exhaust by half.
Making a simple home air conditioner .
Manufacturing of the simplest solar battery .
A volume practical guide for scouts, "His Intelligence." More than 10 schemes of devices for industrial espionage and protection from it; Access to documents, encryption and decryption of messages, surveillance and surveillance, interception of letters, telephone and radio conversations; Methods and techniques for obtaining confidential information about people and organizations: NLP-penetration into the psyche and manipulation of the object, blackmail, recruitment and introduction of informants, "going to the bottom" and many other very different information known exclusively to professional scouts and SB employees.
Two schemes of manufacturing the simplest ultrasonic pocket device - the repeller of dogs .
A unique scheme of auto-switching "by voice" (does not react to noise); Can be used as a prefix to a dictaphone, video surveillance systems, hidden signaling, for switching on light or household appliances .
Manufacturing of the simplest radio microphone - "bug" .
The scheme for manufacturing a night vision device from a conventional camera .
The simplest technique for making these stereoscopic glasses (the image becomes voluminous , with the effect of presence) + links to stereos pages + search words, to which the search engine issues about 20 000 links to stereopoint sites). Only glue and case from the CD are required for production!
Photo on various surfaces (wood, ceramics, metal, plastic, etc.).
If your CD-ROM is scratched and does not work : many ways to restore the surface or "save" information.
The simplest device for getting a house year-round hot water .
More than 800 $ of income for the summer with 1.5 hectare of land .
Preparation of alcohol food from wood waste (sawdust).
The recipe for removing unnecessary records and stamps from paper ; Components are easily accessible.
Automatic anti-dazzle flashlight
Restoring the bands of machines and printers
Recovering dead batteries
Restoration of enamel baths
Currency detector
"Jacuzzi" - with their own hands
Discrimberer of satellite television in
Elementary scheme of completion of an electric bulb
Protecting the car against corrosion
Protection of telephone line from connection
Mirror radio
Manufacturing of a substance protecting ice from melting
Manufacture of precious metals
Imitation of plywood for velvet
Impulse electric hammer
Indicator of listening to a conversation on a parallel telephone
Hookah from eggplant
Mosquito Pocket
How to make cognac from vodka
Shovel-combine harvester
Maximum heat from batteries
Stethoscope microphone
Mini radio station
Heat accumulator
Non-drying pad for stamps
Waterproof shoes
Detect hidden electrical wiring .
Fire extinguisher
Security alarm of apartment
Recycling of secondary raw materials
Technique of making seals and stamps at home
Musical "anesthesia"
Instrument for the search for oil, ores
Gypsum products, such as antique bronze , ivory, wood, etc.
The simplest method of finding a breakdown in an electric cord
The simplest technique for making artificial amber
The simplest way to harden steel to diamond hardness
Anti-theft device on IR-beam
Anti-theft engine malfunction simulator
Start-up device for car
Beacon for protecting children from kidnapping
An ancient way of reproduction and copying at home
The recipe for preparing post-dextrin glue, safe and even ... delicious Smile happy
Manufacturing of thermal welding electrodes
Recipes of luminous paints
How to make a tear gas on the basis of your technical means
Ways of drawing convex and concave inscriptions and drawings on metal
Table of the time dependence of the presence of alcohol vapors in the exhaled air on the amount and type of drink consumed.
Toning glasses , glasses; Autofilters
UNIVERSAL MAZY RECIPE FOR REMOVAL OF RYVCHINA Recipe for effective solution for removing rust
Ultrasonic metal detector
A unique method of catching fish in winter: the catch increases 5-7 times
Jewelry mini-factory at home Imitation of precious stones.