Become an Agent and earn up to 10000 UAH per month

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Promotion for the CIS: PrivatBank, MoscomPrivateBank, TAO Bank, AS PrivatBank
Public joint-stock company commercial bank "PrivatBank" License NBU № 22 from 05.10.2011
FOR INDIVIDUALS Debit cards Classic , JUNIOR . Credit cards Universal , Mini , Loyalty program BONUS + ,
Instant debit cards , Social and Retirement cards
IP and CORP. FOR CLIENTS Microcrediting, Salary project, Bank account for IP and corporate clients . Agreement on payment acceptance
Loyalty Program BONUS + , Equiring , Credit Card Gold, Platinum, Signia
Who is an AGENT?
The agent is a partner of PrivatBank , which receives income by selling banking products. It does not matter whether you work or not! As an agent, you choose the schedule of your work! You are not attached to the workplace and you can decide for yourself how much time to give to work! Earn up to 10 000 UAH per month!
To become an AGENT, you only need the CREDIT of PrivatBank , to which the Bank will credit monetary rewards for the sold banking products! You do not have a CREDIT? No problem, we will issue you a credit card, to which you will receive your bonuses for attracting customers.
Selling with us, you can earn up to 10 000 UAH per month! Offer any of the banking products to your friends or friends. It is enough only to get their consent to issue a bank product and transfer their contact details to the bank in any convenient way for you. Each agent participates in contests and promotions held by PrivatBank. Well, the best agents are fostered, invited for training and master classes.

Each agent has the opportunity to grow professionally and increase his income. For this there is a program "Kind of the future"!

Do you think all of the bank's agents are in the same conditions? Of course not!

The bank has GOLD agents, PLATINUM agents and PREMIUM agents. These are agents who receive an increased reward for the sale of services, valuable prizes and free registration of elite cards GOLD, PLATINUM and SIGNIA!

Do you want to know how the bank helps agents to get to the next status as soon as possible?

He holds promotions and competitions, "distributes" the raised points. Sell ​​bank services and very soon you will find out about everything yourself!

In detail about the advantages:

1. The rank of GOLD agent

You get the GOLD agent title for selling 100 banknotes or, for example, 20 deposits + 50 retirement cards. That is, you only need to score 300 points for selling any other bank products! And for this you have undeniable advantages:

  • Increase of bonuses by 10% for each product sold
  • Free Gold Card Issue

2. Title PLATINUM agent

You will be given the title PLATINUM agent after attracting customers for 14 deposits + 4 microcredits +200 pension cards +200 banknotes. In other words, it is enough to score 1500 points for any other products of the bank! Together with the rank, there are also awards:

  • All your subsequent bonuses are increased by 25%
  • Free Platinum card issue

3. The rank of PREMIUM agent

How to reach the most honorable title - PREMIUM agent? To do this, you need to earn 3,000 points for any products of the bank!

The advantages that this title gives are inspired by:

  • 50% increase in bonuses for the sale of banking products
  • Free Signia Card Issue
  • Ability to study at Privat MBA
  • Tour to Maldives

Good luck in sales!

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