How to become # 1 ?: Link exchange

Many webmasters or project owners promote websites seems Chinese. They seem to be doing everything right, but they just can not get the planned result. And nowhere can they find the answer to the question - why?

As a rule, the main problem lies in the impossibility to cover the whole process in its entirety and correctly prioritize, and also in the absence of the necessary tools for this.

but now there are software tools that can assist in this essential help and BackLinks Checker - this is a unique program that allows you to easily, quickly and gracefully to solve one of the main tasks of your - to prevent falling position of the site due to the load reference unanswered.

In this article, we have tried to simply and easily tell you about those specific actions that will lead you to the top of the search engine rankings. The most important thing (we emphasize once again) is that you can see the whole process, from beginning to end, and always know what you are doing at the moment to achieve the best result.

But before you start moving towards the goal, let's take a brief look at what you should not do if you do not want to waste your strength, time and money.

Myths, prejudices and empty promises

There is a lot of prejudice about the promotion of websites and simply mythical information. For example:

  • It is impossible to independently achieve a high rating of your own resource, only professional promotional agencies can do this
  • The most effective way to exchange links is to participate in automatic exchange systems
  • To break into the tops of the ratings can only be due to technical tricks

We can assure you that all this is hardly true. And this belief is based on our own experience.

First, with regard to the services of promotional agencies. We do not claim that addressing them will not do us any good, but, what do you need to find out first, is this whether you guarantee a permanent effect from the campaign or at least a long-term (and for how long) period? The fact is that very often the main activities to promote your site are limited to registration in search engines, directories and the exchange of links. You really get an increase in the position of the site, but only for a while, after which everything (except for the money you spent) returns to normal.

Why? Because most of the backlinks to your site will gradually disappear. But it is unlikely that you will be warned about this. As a result, there will be only outbound links from your site that will lower it down much lower than it was prior to the beginning of this campaign ( further address this issue in more detail). And we have created BackLinks Checker, just in order for you to avoid such trouble.

Secondly, concerning participation in systems of exchange of references. The benefits of this event are not always observed, mainly because, these systems are trying to attract as many sites as possible, and the lion's share is low-ranking ones. And if your site is also low-ranking, then such an exchange can give you something, but only for the time being. The farther away, the less it will be of use, since for the search engines it is very important that the weights of the outgoing / backward link are important. BackLinks Checker will allow you to keep track of this relationship, and exchange links only to sites whose TCI suits you. Further, we also touch on the issue of participation in the exchange system more.

As for the third question, the use of all sorts of technical tricks, we want to warn you that this is a rather slippery path. At the same time, in the end, you will be convinced that "the candle is not worth it" and it is better to direct your efforts to achieve high positions by correct methods. This we'll talk more in the future .

Simple actions to solve complex problems

So, how, after all, get into the first ten and stay forever in it?

Very simply - as in any other case, you need:

  1. I know exactly what to do
  2. Just know how to do

  3. Just know how to measure the results of their efforts

  4. And -
  5. To have the most effective tools to carry out their intentions.
  6. And -
  7. Just know that in any case do not stoit (sometimes it is - is more important than everything else)!

There are 3 main "key actions" necessary to achieve the above task:

  1. Website Optimization

  2. Increase of the site's information center

  3. Monitoring and adjusting results

Yes, of course, there is nothing new in this. However, unlike others, we do not offer abstract general recommendations, and a very specific action plan, the most important and the most important feature - the ability to predict, measure and adjust the result, constantly improving it and guaranteed to avoid "rollback" that domoklovym The sword hangs, practically, over any web-site.

They say that "the devil hides in small things." With respect to the promotion of the website, it would be more correct to say - in detail. And these "details", about which few have a reliable idea, and even fewer those who are inclined to talk about them, determine success or failure in such a difficult matter. We believe that by reading our materials, as well as having worked with BackLinks Checker, you are in many ways revise his views on some aspects of the promotion of the resource and finally get the answers to the questions that cause constant headaches many promoters, project managers and Owners of web-sites, such as:

  • Why month after month, despite the hard work to promote your site, its position is improving slightly, or not improving at all, or even declining?

  • Why are competitor sites that are much less optimized than yours are consistently higher in search engine results?

  • Why is your site with a high IC can not break into the first ten, while there are sites with much more modest indicators?

  • Why "promotion specialists' recommendations is so vague and contradictory, and do not give the main - explanation of failures?

In the end, you will get an answer to the main question - "what to do?" And then another question of the traditional tandem - "who is to blame?" - for you will not be relevant. :)

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