How to become # 1 ?: How to secure your site

Now, after the goals are clear and the tasks are defined, it remains to take care of the security of your site. So let's talk about what not to do.

Some webmasters, especially beginners, sometimes succumb to the temptation to "promote the site faster" and resort to methods considered search engines, as illegal. The usual set of these methods is as follows:


"Divorce" of the visitor and the search engine on different pages. The server script determines the visitor's IP and, if it sees that it is not a search engine, shows one page, if the search engine - "slips" is completely different, "ideally" optimized. Sometimes this method is called ("the name came from the English-language Internet)" feed the dog "(" feed the dog "). You understand why.

If the search engine in any way finds out that it is fed "this", your site will go to the ban list forever .


The meaning of this technique is that the search engine "sees" one content of the page, and the visitor - another. For each of them, it looks "good": the search engine sees key phrases located in the optimal number and in the right places, and the user - the content itself, that is - text, image, etc., without any unnecessary elements.

All this is achieved simply: elements saturated with key phrases that are necessary to optimize the "perception" of search engines, but can adversely affect the design of the page, are hidden from the eyes of the visitor. This can be done through client programming, or using style sheets.

For example:

Use the value "display: none" of the "style" attribute. This method makes the object to which this value is applied completely invisible to the user. At the same time, the search system "sees" both it and the key phrase contained in this tag, giving additional relevance to this page from the point of view of the corresponding request.

Another version of the same method: "endure" elements containing optimized text, beyond the visibility of the page by means of so-called. "Absolute positioning."

And all this can be programmed using JavaScript, and giving all these elements "hidden / invisible" will occur dynamically, that is, static HTML will not be detected at all.

A more primitive, widely used method is to saturate the page with text with key phrases that merges with the background of the page. For example: black background, black text. If both are prescribed by the attributes of HTML tags, not styles, it is easily detected by the search engines.

The use of spamming also threatens you with trouble. It is not so easy to detect the use of this technique by software, but if you look at the HTML code, style sheet and client scripts with the eyes of the corresponding expert, everything will become clear. Of course, no one will do this for no reason, given how many pages on the Internet, but what if one of your competitors signals from "best intentions" about what is happening to the "ugliness" of the search engine administration? Do you think they will be lazy to check this?

Reloading pages with keyword phrases

It looks like the previous method, with the difference that the excessive abundance of optimized objects does not hide from the visitor, but is simply located on the page. This is also bad. For two reasons: First, it may distort design, and secondly, the search engine can still calculate all this with search spam. And to prove the opposite, you will then have to be very persistent, reasoned and for a long time (which does not mean successfully) to correspond with the administration of the search engine that banned you. And they, by the way, do not have to answer you at all. You are - malicious spammers, is not it? Nobody likes dealing with spammers.

And in general, for the search engines, these "lords of cyberspace" :) Priority is the presumption of guilt, not innocence ...

Creating doorways

Too order the obsolete cunning. In addition to the main pages, a lot of additional pages are created, saturated with key words / phrases, exclusively for search engines. On these pages is an automatic redirection to another page, with a "normal" design. Thus, the relevance of this page (and the entire site too) is high, but the visitor falls for another - less relevant, but more presentable.

From cloaking this technique is different in that there is no difference between the search engine and the visitor - the same page is displayed. Simply, in any case, the visitor will see what the webmaster wants and hardly notice the substitution.

Redirects are detected by search engines quite easily, and the use of doorways is also punishable by entering in a ban list.


As we have already said, many are tempted to resort to illegal methods of promotion. However, over time, any sober webmaster comes to the conclusion that this is a hopeless undertaking and it is much more useful (and, of course, safer) to direct all these efforts to achieve the desired result in the correct ways. Several years ago, when we had only one commercial project (in the field of paid educational services), we also "got sick" with it. And for a whole year our site was excluded from the database of Rambler, and also, several months - Yandex. And a simple "calculation of finance" has shown that it is more profitable not to use the above technologies. The path to success is a well (and correctly) optimized site, a constant active link exchange and drop-out of unscrupulous partners. Well, of course, your site should be interesting and useful to your visitors, comfortable and executed on a good professional level.

So, we tried to share with you our knowledge, obtained as a result of several years of hard work, research and analysis of the results. We hope that our not mournful work will not be lost, and you will be able to use the information and the BackLinks Checker program as an integral part of the promotion complex of your website with maximum efficiency.
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