Floating frames

Some browsers using the <IFRAME> tag allow you to use inline frames or, as they are more often called, floating frames. A floating frame is inside a regular document and allows any other independent documents to be inserted on the page. The <IFRAME> tag supports the same parameters as in the normal frame. In addition, you can use the width and heigh parameters , whose values ​​specify the width and height of the frame (Example 1).

Example 1. Using a floating frame

Valid HTML
<! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional // EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<Meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text / html; charset = windows-1251">
<Title> Floating Frames </ title>
</ Head>

<P> <iframe src = "banner.html" width = "468" height = "60">
Your browser does not support iframes!
</ Iframe> </ p>

</ Body>
</ Html>

The <IFRAME> tag is a container whose contents are ignored by browsers that do not support this tag. For such browsers, you can specify an alternative text that users will see. It must be between the <iframe> and </ iframe> tags . In the above example, the text "Your browser does not support floating frames" will be displayed.

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