Alternative treatment of hyperhidrosis

We often hear from our patients at face-to-face consultations, by phone and by e-mail questions about the use of alternative methods for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. By alternative treatment we mean methods that have not been fully scientifically substantiated, but with a reported positive effect on increased sweating. For this purpose, people resort to herbal treatment, acupuncture, feedback, hypnosis, relaxation technologies and more exotic methods such as aromatherapy, apitherapy and up to the "old lady spoke". At present, there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of these methods, which, however, does not reduce their potential potential.

Just as there are no two identical people, there are absolutely identical forms of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). People suffering from excessive sweating can have sweaty palms, sweaty armpits, a sweating face, or compensatory hyperhidrosis in other parts of the body. A combination of these types of sweating is also possible.

Treatment for excessive sweating is therefore quite individual. What works for one patient may not work for another and a combination of methods may be required. Finding the right combination can take time, requires patience and the experience of an educated physician.

Effective use of alternative treatment of hyperhidrosis

We do not know how effective alternative therapy is for hyperhidrosis, but we wish our patients to find the best way to alleviate the condition. Therefore, if you want to experience alternative treatment for hyperhidrosis, remember the following points when communicating with a doctor.

• Tell your doctor about excessive sweating and how it bothers you.
• Do not forget to consider during the conversation the proven methods of treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) described on this site and listen to the doctor's opinion about these methods
• Discuss possible alternative methods that you are considering when talking to your doctor. Alternative treatment can be very effective, so your doctor will discuss possible contraindications with you and tell you in detail about the side effects.
• Tell your doctor about all the treatments that you use, including vitamins, food supplements and any other medications. This is important, because drugs, vitamins and nutritional supplements may interact unfavorably with each other, sometimes even interact dangerously.