Daily solutions with increased sweating

The first step in the treatment of excessive sweating should be a meeting with a knowledgeable doctor. Since hyperhidrosis (increased sweating) is a medical problem - doctors should be engaged in its treatment, having experience in determining which method of treatment is most suitable for you. But although only the doctor has the opportunity to determine the method of treatment and to conduct it, there are a number of conditions, observing which you can reduce the negative impact of increased sweating on your daily life:

The first step in the treatment of excessive sweating should be a meeting with a knowledgeable doctor. Since hyperhidrosis (increased sweating) is a medical problem - doctors should be engaged in its treatment, having experience in determining which method of treatment is most suitable for you. But although only the doctor has the opportunity to determine the method of treatment and to conduct it, there are a number of conditions, observing which you can reduce the negative impact of increased sweating on your daily life:

  • Daily shower, allowing you to keep the same amount of microorganisms on your skin
  • After the shower (bath), carefully drain all areas of the body. Bacteria and fungi (which can be the cause of body odor and infection or skin irritation) multiply in wet areas of the skin, for example, in the interdigital intervals on the legs. If you suffer from excessive sweating of the feet - use talc or absorbent insoles.
  • Apply antiperspirants twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. If you want to use antiperspirant only once a day - do it in the evening. Antiperspirants can help not only with sweating underarms, but also with sweating of the palms and feet. Careful rubbing of antiperspirant in the skin can increase its effectiveness somewhat. If you use highly effective antiperspirants (alumino-chloride in particular) - follow the instructions for their use or doctor's recommendations exactly. Remember that these antiperspirants can damage clothes and underwear. To reduce this effect, use alumina-chloride antiperspirants only for the night and dress with relatively inexpensive pajamas or underwear.
  • Choose clothes that let air through. Wear mostly clothes made of natural fabrics, such as cotton, wool, silk, allowing your skin to breathe. When practicing physical training, wear modern suits that absorb sweat and keep the skin dry.
  • Use protective pads "Underarms" - small pads that are located in the area of ​​the armpits absorb sweat. This can be a saving way for you. For an emergency, have a spare shirt.
  • Wash clothes and / or change your clothes and shoes often.
  • If you are worried about sweating feet, have a few pairs of shoes. Shoes can not always dry completely overnight, so it's better if you have two pairs of shoes to replace. Use absorbent insoles.
  • Choose the right socks. Wet-absorbing socks for sports are a good choice. Socks can be made from lamb wool (not pricked) or from a synthetic mixture of "polypro"
  • Often change socks. Change socks or tights one or two times a day, drying your feet during such a shift. It makes sense for women to wear tights with cotton feet.
  • Ventilate your feet. Walk barefoot whenever possible, or at least take off your shoes for a short while during work (sitting in the office at the computer, for example). At work, try to introduce fashion into removable light shoes during office work ..
  • Reduce the consumption of coffee, alcohol and anything that increases sweating. Refuse from smoking. Only quitting smoking can significantly reduce sweating, in addition to significant health benefits in everything else.
  • Experience the relaxation methods (yoga, meditation, feedback training). This can allow you to better control the stress that activates sweating.
  • Reconsider the diet. Remember any drink or type of food that leads you to increase sweating more than usual. In some cases, refusal of drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, cola), as well as alcohol, spicy and spicy foods, food with a strong odor, containing garlic and onions - can lead to a decrease in sweating.

    Recipes to reduce sweating.

    Hyperhidrose_ST_.jpg Hyperhydrolysis can be reduced by minimizing the consumption of hot and hot drinks, as well as:

    1. Take a bath with the addition of 2 tablespoons of table salt.

    2. If the person strongly sweats:
    • Wipe it in the morning and in the evening with a cotton swab dipped in raw milk;
    • To wash with cold green tea, not wiping dry face, so that the skin absorbed tea;
    • Wipe the face with a cucumber or a fresh tomato before going to bed.

    3. If palms sweat:
    • Wipe them with infusions of oak bark, sage leaves or strong green tea;
    • 3 times a day after washing your hands, wipe them with a solution of vodka and lemon juice (in a ratio of 5: 1);
    • Do a bath with 3 teaspoons of table vinegar for 1 liter of water (take a bath for 5 minutes) or with a teaspoon of table salt for 1 liter of water (5-10 minutes).

    4. To reduce sweating in the axillary region, you can use lotions from the solution prepared according to the following recipe: carefully crush 10 g of oak bark or the roots of the coil, pour 1 glass of cold water, boil for 15-20 minutes, then cool and strain. Add 0.5 cups of vodka, 1/4 cup of vinegar and 10 grams of alum, shake until completely dissolved.

    5. Reduce feet sweating:
    • With the stamping of the feet with talcum or boric acid;
    • Baths in the morning and in the evening with a weak solution of manganese potassium, with herbal infusion (leaves of mountain ash, mint, nettle, chamomile, string, St. John's wort and oak bark) or infusion of strong tea;
    • Watering the feet with a solution of water and vinegar.