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From Micarta sheet 1.5-2 mm thickness are made the right size fee, then the size of remuneration cut sheet of copper foil not more than 0.1 mm thick.

One side of Micarta, but it looks like foil smooth out fine sandpaper, so that they become rough (foil at the same time one must put on the glass), and then degreased (washed with alcohol, acetone or ether), well dried and lubricated foil also getinaks a thin layer of glue BF-2 is also dried in the atmosphere (about 10 minutes), after which the adhesive is applied another layer, we applied to the foil Micarta, making sure that between the foil Micarta also did not have lung bubbles. Getinaks with glued foil is clamped between the double metal plates, and between the foil and a metal plate ought to lay a couple-three sheets of paper.

As mozhnoispolzovat clamping screws or a clamp, for which the edges of metal plates drilled hole. Thus assembled package is maintained for 1 hour at room temperature, but then within 1.5-2 hours at a temperature of 100-150 ° C. If the workpiece size is small, the packet mozhnoprizhat to the ironing surface with thermostat electric iron.

If the area of ​​the workpiece is large, the assembled package is placed horizontally, so that the plate to which the foil is clamped, at the top, and put it on the hot iron. After holding at high temperature is forced to cool the package down to room temperature, later this getinaks foil is removed.

If you disassemble the still hot from previous package, foil getinaks can greatly warp.

V.G.Bastanov, "300 practical tips"