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Schemes of high-power fluorescent lamps.

Schemes of high power lamps

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This scheme does not require the lamp filament helix

Driving power of fluorescent lamps. The power supply circuit of low-voltage fluorescent lamps. The power supply circuit LB4 fluorescent lamps.

A1 - 25W
C1, C2 - 0,1-1mkF
D1, D2 - KTS405 or any similar diodes and assembly.

The second scheme

Driving power of fluorescent lamps. The power supply circuit of low-voltage fluorescent lamps. The power supply circuit LB4 fluorescent lamps.

This wiring diagram is different from the standard so that it adds diode assembly, which allows you to get rid of the lights flicker and reduces its ignition.

The third scheme

Driving device bezstarternogo ignition of fluorescent lamps.

A more promising - bezstarternye ignition device, which for its intended purpose of the filament are not used and serve as electrodes of the gas discharge lamps - they are supplied with the voltage necessary for the ignition of the gas in the lamp.

This scheme is designed to power the lamps of 40 watts. There bridge rectifier diodes made on the VD1-VD4. A "starter" C2 capacitors, C3 is charged via thermistors R1, R2 with a positive temperature coefficient of resistance. Moreover, in one half cycle of the capacitor C2 is charged (via thermistor R1 and diode VDZ), and in the other - NW (via thermistor R2 and diode VD4). Thermistors limit current charging capacitors. Since the capacitors are connected in series, the voltage across the lamp EL1 enough for its ignition.

If thermistors are in thermal contact with the diode bridge, their resistance increases when heated diode that reduce the charging current.

Driving device bezstarternogo ignition of fluorescent lamps.

This option, as opposed to just discussed, some for the best high power lamps, as applied here quadrupling of the mains voltage.

C1 - 8mkF-400V
C2, C3 - 0,5mkF-300V
C4, C5 - 750V-0,01mkF
R1, R2 - ST15-2
R3 - 1M, 0.5W
VD1-VD6 - KD243G
DR1 - 1UBI80
EL1 - 40-80Vt


  • If you put together a scheme and it does not work, then change the polarity of the starter.
  • To facilitate lamp ignition at one end of its cylinder paste annular rim of the foil conductor is connected with the findings of the opposite end.

Publication date 12.10.2003gg.