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Author of the article: Nikolai Redyoga

The information below is purely logical and philosophical.
If someone does not care, you can not read it.

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Perhaps I would like to begin by defining the concepts: "Perpetuum mobile" and "Free energy". Expression: The "perpetual motion machine" has nothing eternal to it, since the motor is mechanical or electromechanical, or some other device, and over time it is subject to wear, corrosion, breakage, etc. This term means that this engine does not need constantly consumed fuel, this engine works on renewable energy that is around us, and therefore it can work "forever" as long as this energy exists while our World exists.

For such an engine, there is no need to burn coal, gasoline, gas, or any other energy resources. This engine uses that energy, which we did not spend a penny. After all, this is - free energy !.
This is the energy that surrounds us, and which has been and always will be, as long as there is our Earth, our solar system, our universe. It's not coal, oil, gas .., - there are not so many reserves left to not think about it.

This energy, the use of which, does not violate our ecology, does not pollute our atmosphere, our rivers, does not increase the radioactive background and has no waste, etc.

Think, because the generators of "Free Energy" (this phrase is so disliked by our pundits) exists already now, and to which we are already so accustomed that we do not even think about, which is ordinary solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric power stations (the latter are true , Very violate our ecosystem). After all, they all use the energy of the Sun, and while it will be, these power plants can work.

I am not in favor of violating the law of conservation of energy, which all scientists respect. No, I try to explain all the phenomena for myself, do not always start from a scientific point of view, but at least with a logical one.

There is a general scientific opinion that in an isolated, closed system it is not possible to get energy from anything without spending any resources, no fuel. That it is not possible to obtain the directed motion of an isolated system without interacting with the environment (Newton's law of law), or without interacting with the substance ejected from this system (the principle of a rocket engine).

But who invented the concept of an isolated, closed system? ...... After all, this is a complete nonsense, forgive the expression.
Who can offer the option of an isolated, closed system? If a person is able to reason logically, then he can not say such a thing. Think about how, a man of science who proposed an isolated system from the surrounding World, can not even imagine it, not even what to construct, logically.

Let's build a closed box that does not let pass electromagnetic, x-ray, or radioactive radiation, but how does this person gather (at this stage of human knowledge) to isolate this system from the gravitational field, while mankind did not invent gravitational screens, how does this theorist Is going to be isolated from the neutrino, for which the entire globe is more transparent than glass for light. And this is only what we know, and yet there are many other fields and energies that have already been experimentally recorded, but are simply not scientifically substantiated (we'll talk about them later). So how can there be an isolated system? How can this be asserted?

And who can say that only these fields exist, only these emissions? ... We, people, in their development have discovered and tried to investigate only a small part of the existing radiations and fields, and tried to scientifically justify them. Who said that our World has already been studied, and we have already discovered everything, and that there is nothing else else? After all, this is complete nonsense!

After all, even the ancient philosophers said that the world will not be exhausted either into the depths or in the broad.

And who said who put a ban on the existence of other fields, other radiations not yet known to mankind !.
This is how much you need to be limited in your thinking to assert that nothing but what we discovered, what we know - does not exist.

This is just a complete disrespect to yourself and to all of humanity, which they themselves called "homo sapiens " , i.e. A reasonable person, but is an intelligent person able to say this? Maybe all the same it is worth considering, before making such statements.

But these statements come from very well-known and learned people, whose transfer, as well as their academic ranks, does not want to waste your attention.

After all, only a little more than a century has passed since Henry Hertz discovered the electromagnetic waves. And before that, you could also argue that nothing like this exists, because people do not feel them (if you do not take light into account), then this is also all - pseudoscience ..?

And what do we see now? .... Radio, television, mobile communications, computers and even it is difficult to list all where it is used. A statement, anyone about these waves and fields in the 17th century or early 18th, it is difficult even to predict after this the fate of such a person.

And remember Cybernetics, genetics - as they were called then, is it not pseudoscience?
Does not it remind you of the present situation of the non-acceptance by the scientific world of the discovery of new fields, energies, only at our level of development.

Is it really necessary not to take new ideas, facts, research, development for a very long time only because they contradict or do not correspond to existing theories and laws?

Or maybe, at this stage of development, these laws are already outdated, can it be time to reconsider them? And who said that these laws reflect the full reality of our World? They reflected only our past knowledge of the World, but they were very, very limited and far from reality. Yes, they were confirmed experimentally and no one offers to cancel them, they want to be supplemented, expanded, revised.

After all, remember the laws of Newton, they were not canceled and nobody denied. They work in their specific limited framework and very accurately describe the motion of the planets, mechanics and much more.

But there was a "unpromising troeshnik": Albert Einstein and completely changed the whole worldview about the structure of our World. And at first, his theory was also perceived as the raving madman. And after - the triumph of his theory, which is also confirmed experimentally! And he was called a genius.

His theory did not reject Newton's laws, she expanded them and supplemented them. Although at this stage it needs to be improved.

So why today there can not be more new, more extensive theories that do not contradict the existing laws, but only supplement and expand them?

I have evaded the topic a little, but now we will return.

Let's continue with "free energy". Let's do a little thought experiment. Suppose there is a kind of civilization, a little different development than we are. But the planet on which they live is something like ours. They also have already discovered and are using electricity, but they do not see and do not feel the sunlight, they have other receptors for perception of the surrounding world.

No, we will look for analogies for a long time, suppose that they use ultrasonic navigation for orientation in space, like bats or dolphins. They also have energy conservation laws and much more, like ours.

And now imagine that some "pseudoscientific" inventor invented and built a solar battery. What can this represent for their civilization - a "perpetuum mobile", because it produces electricity unknown from what (they do not see the light and do not feel? And yet do not know about it, it they have not yet discovered). This for them, too, will not be scientific, this quackery, this is contrary to the laws of conservation of energy etc. But this is ridiculous, from our point of view, is not it? Is it really difficult to imagine that we can already build and work on models of "perpetual motion machines" at the energies that surround us but have not yet been discovered by the scientific world? And they do not violate the law of conservation of energy. They simply use the energy that is not yet known to us, not yet discovered.

It may be necessary (to whom, if not to our science in the first place!) To carefully collect such information and check it in its laboratories, and not to brush it off because it contradicts obsolete, hardened dogmas?

Who, if not science, needs to be at the forefront, and not neglect what can be created not in their laboratory, but somewhere in the outback, and not doctors of science. Or do these great minds lack the courage to admit that they have already exhausted their possibilities? Maybe it's just time for new views, theories, experiments for new people in science?

Yes, I agree that a lot of quackery has appeared on the basis of "Free Energy". In the web, thousands of sites are devoted to this topic. Very many ask or require money to implement, produce, sell documentation.

I personally tried to communicate with people who offer such developments. They all asked for money. But when they talked about demonstrating the prototype, they took the conversation aside, under the pretext of fear of disclosure and use of their invention without remuneration. I never managed to see such a working model. If someone has a really working model of such a device, and he will behave in a similar way, I believe that he will never receive money for his invention.

No intelligent investor will invest in bare, let alone contradictory to classical science theory, without experimental confirmation of its work. It is necessary to demonstrate, at least the possibility of creating such a device without revealing the subtleties. Finalization and implementation is already a matter of technology, the main thing is that the idea would work.

And if the idea does not agree with the existing scientific theories, then it is impossible to do without demonstrating the working models. Otherwise, all this will die with his inventor.

There are a lot of articles on the web that such developments are not very beneficial for those who own energy resources. Yes it is. Whoever owns energy controls the whole world, this is a common truth. All the oil tycoons will try in every possible way to prevent the promotion of such developments - who will allow them to deprive themselves of permanent, enormous resources and power over our World, and that this need not be understood much.

Is it not clear that the Americans in Iraq did not look for nuclear weapons, but for oil. They just needed an excuse.
And there is only one possibility against which such people can not resist, even with their billions and the military.

The last century was a century of technology, now the age of information has come. Information is everything. If information is owned by one person, or a small group - to destroy this information is very easy. You can buy it for a lot of money and destroy it, or put it under the cloth, which is not very reliable, it will remain in the mind of the inventors, or you can .. just remove them.

Therefore, as I said, there is only one way - to make this information immediately available to millions and around the world, good - there is the Internet, and it can be done in a few hours, there are enough techniques. And with millions, they can not fight anymore. And with these millions, even a few hundred will implement it, but that will be enough. Further it will spread like a snow avalanche, which no one can resist. And the inventor of this will not suffer, because he will remain the author! And then our world will change completely.

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Author: Nikolai Redyoga
Date of publication 19.06.2004гг