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Canadian scientists have invented a new way to get electricity from running water. A new device is called an electrokinetic battery. As the journal "Micromechanics and Microengineering" writes , this is the first invention in the field of electricity generation for 150 years .

The electrokinetic battery is actually a fairly primitive device. It is a small glass vessel that permeates hundreds of thousands of microscopic channels.

Due to the phenomenon of electric field, which is created by a two-layer medium, the vessel operates like a conventional heating battery. The water in it, flowing through the channels, forms a positive charge at one end of the vessel and a negative one at the other end. As a result, energy is produced.

The experimental device was created at the University of Alberta in Canada . Due to its small size, it generates little energy, but the head of the group of scientists Larry Kostyuk believes that it will not be possible to create a powerful machine of labor. It will only be necessary to equip the device with a large filter.

Theoretically, the electrokinetic battery is a rather curious invention. However, it is still unclear what practical benefits can be derived from it.

In principle, enlarged copies of such batteries can be put somewhere on fast rivers.

Maybe in the future, conventional A-4 type electric batteries can be replaced with tiny copies of the device in which water under pressure will be used. But all this requires a lot of additional scientific research.

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Author: Richard Black
Source: news.bbc.co.uk
Date of publication 01.02.2005гг