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The author of the article: Valery Dmitrievich Dudyshev

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For. In order to learn how to efficiently extract internal energy from substances, one must first understand its essence and ways of extracting this hidden energy. This article is devoted to a discussion of these issues. A number of experimental discoveries and inventions of the author on electrophysics are described.

About Energy

While energy in explanatory dictionaries and encyclopaedias is defined as the ability of forms of matter to accomplish work and the general measure of the motion of matter / 15 / However, these definitions are not specific enough and do not bring full clarity either to the essence of energy or to the cause of the movement of all the elements of the body. It is intuitively clear that energy is the universal most important property of the movement of everything and everything. But what forces bring any bodies surrounding us into the world from the elementary particles of matter to galaxies? This is still unknown to science. While the true essence of this most important concept of Energy is still unclear, and different interpretations of this important concept are still very contradictory in science. The very term "energy" appeared in the beginning of the XIX century, it was introduced into the mechanics of Jung. The concept of energy as a kind of work and heat in his experiments identified Joule. And further, the deformations and the uncertainty of the interpretation of this notion were even greater. Especially, with the advent of quantum mechanics and the discovery of X-rays and other radiation. And scientists have not yet agreed what to mean by the word energy-whether the property of matter to do work, whether the work itself, whether the movement and the power characteristics of fields or a variety of types of radiation, etc. The crisis of modern natural science and the whole of civilization stems, in many respects, from the dominance of the scientific paradigm about the all-purpose nature of the law of conservation of energy (ZSE) and the unproven postulates of thermodynamics.

On the essence and applicability of the law of conservation of energy

.. As is known, this fundamental law of the ZSE is valid only for a closed energy system / 16 /. But there are practically no such idealized systems in nature. The reason for the paradox with the understanding of these fundamental interrelated concepts-Energy and ZSE-also consists in the fact that until the essence of energy is understood, it is impossible to understand the true essence of this energy conservation law (ZSE). Contradictions in the interpretation of the energy itself have been explained above. Similar contradictions exist also in the interpretation of the essence of ZSE in relation to some non-traditional energy devices with anomalous energy. On the one hand, science on the basis of existing distorted and incomplete understanding of the ESV prohibits the very possibility of the existence of devices with efficiency greater than 1 and any perpetual motion machines, and on the other hand tolerantly applies to the theory and practice of various heat pumps (VT) receiving from outside the thermal energy of the environment Much more than the energy spent on their work. And since TN is a reality, then in order to reconcile this contradiction with the law of conservation of energy, in science. Introduced the concept of exergy. - coefficient of energy use of the external environment. It turns out that the exergy factor of a real VT is much more than 1, and its efficiency is less than 1. However, as science develops, the number of surprising scientific experiments confirming the violation of the classical law of conservation of energy in open energy systems increases, / 1,3 /.

Energy exchange of substances with external environment

The new experimental data with the production of superunit energy in experiments compared with the spent ones lead to the idea that there is some unknown energy, for example, its Energy X or the ether energy that permeates all surrounding space and fills it constantly with all other types of energies and matter. In other words, any substance is an open energy system, an energy pump that pushes matter from this unknown energy. While the mechanism of this energy interaction of energy X with matter and known fields is not fully understood. But this uninterrupted energy exchange of all bodies and substances with the external environment, of course, is there. After all, even the simplest elements of substances-electron and proton-are also open energy systems. And if we reject the mechanism of their energetic replenishment of this yet undetected energy from outside, then in these-these simple elementary particles the known law of conservation of energy is violated. And they turn into perpetual motion machines of the first kind. But these elementary "bricks" of matter are also open energy systems and actually "feed" on external energy. Apparently, it is the energy of the physical vacuum that provides the electrons and protons with the required energy for their "eternal" rotation. As a result, conditions for the existence of substances and their permanent transformations are maintained. In other words, a legitimate hypothesis arises that it is the energy of the physical vacuum that ensures the existence of other types of energy. And the cycle of energy and matter in nature. Matter itself (field, substance) is, in fact, an efficient energy converter and battery of energy of various kinds, including the energy of the physical vacuum. And under certain conditions, this hidden internal energy of substances can be manifested, extracted and used. Numerous scientific experiments confirm the possibility of obtaining excess energy from the internal energy of substances and fields, for example, the experiments of Tesla, Avramenko, Searl, Kosinov, Searle, Floyd, Kanarev, Kushelev, Potapov and many other experimenters. An important practical consequence of the fact of the energy exchange of substances and fields-as energy concentrators with the external environment is the principal possibility of using and translating their hidden internal energy into real useful energy used by our real earthly technology. These ideas are put in the physical foundations of the new energy extraction of internal energy of substances


Earlier, the author has already analyzed and eliminated the shortcomings of the previous definitions of energy and the law of conservation of energy, gave them new refined definitions. / 1. / In the same work shows the ways of using the internal energy of the electric field to perform work. It is known that there is internal energy in any kind of matter. The difficulty of extracting it is that the huge internal energy is "cunningly" hidden in the substance and manifests itself only under certain conditions. Sometimes, for example, in the phenomena of combustion or spontaneous decay of radioactive substances - the release of the latent internal energy of the substances becomes apparent and is amenable to measurements and useful use. But how to extract even a minimal part of this huge internal energy of substances in other ways? The complexity of the implementation of methods for the effective use of internal energy of substances for energy is in the ontological problems of the energy exchange of the substance with the external environment and PV for the time being unresolved. Therefore, the experimental method of investigating phenomena and searching for such methods of extracting the internal energy of substances was chosen as the basis.

The latent internal energy of matter

The hidden internal energy of a substance is the total kinetic energy of the motion of all its components and the potential energy of its structure, i.e. The energy of all intermolecular and intramolecular physico-chemical bonds of matter. In other words, this is the total potential and kinetic energy of all constituent substances (electrons, photons, atoms, molecules, etc.). The amount of internal energy of any substance, including liquid, is known to be mass. The hidden internal energy of any substance is determined by the famous Einstein formula W = mx C ^ 2 (1), where m is the mass of the substance, and C is the speed of light. For example, the total reserve of hidden energy in 1 kg of water, calculated by the formula (1), is approximately 9 x 10 ^ 16 J. It is quite clear that the useful use of even a miserable part of the hidden internal energy of substances is a huge untapped energy and main Way of development of alternative energy.


In order to extract the latent internal energy of the substance, it must be "squeezed" out of the substance by an external force field operating in the energy pump mode. It works by analogy, for example, with a mechanical pump, for example, by squeezing out paste from a tube with force and external pressure. Heat pumps are a special case of energy pumps, devices that convert internal energy of substances into useful external energy. At the same time, the mass of matter and the potential energy of the external field must probably be consumed and decreased. For this "extrusion" of the internal energy of the substance, certain conditions must be created: to use phase transitions and other energy nonlinearities of matter and the gradient of the external field in matter. Then this external field will create pressure on all the ingredients of the substance. Pressure is known to be created by force. And force, as you know, creates a physical field. Hence, the pressure inside a substance, for example, a liquid can be created by an external potential energy field. Thermal, gravitational, mechanical, acoustic, electric, electromagnetic field and others are known. In principle, any force field of certain parameters makes it possible to extract latent energy from matter. Thus, energy pumps (EN) are essentially field devices-"extractors" and converters of the hidden internal energy of substances. EN can be classified into natural and artificial. Let us give an example of natural EN. It is natural ENs that carry out a circuit of energy and substances in nature / 4. / We give some examples to illustrate this idea. In a living Nature, such energy pumps have long been established and are functioning. They provide a global cycle of energy and matter. Earth is not only a cosmic body of revolution, but a natural thermal machine, and a natural electric machine with its own geomagnetic and geoelectrical fields. It is the combination of thermal and geoelectromagnetic fields that provides evaporation and water cycle on the planet, as well as the global circulation of the oceanic currents and the atmospheric circulation. Let's try to use the inventions of Nature to create similar energy pumps and we.

The method of extracting the internal energy of substances by an external potential field

A new general method is proposed for extracting the hidden internal energy of substances (SVEE) of various physico-chemical nature through an external potential field. It is most simply and efficiently realized, for example, by means of a strong electric field and Coulomb forces of repulsion of injected similar electric charges. The technological essence of the method consists in the initial injection of a unipolar volumetric electric charge into this substance (for example, into a flame, into a nonpolar liquid, etc.) while simultaneously acting on it by an external strong electric field. The development of the method consists in controlling the process of extracting and transforming this internal energy by changing the parameters of this external vector electric field. The proposed method was previously approved by the author. Below, we describe some experimental data of many of the experiments carried out earlier by the author to prove the feasibility and effectiveness of this method of extracting and converting the energy of their NEBs. Specific examples of the author's experiments and their results show the feasibility and effectiveness of this method (the principle) of extracting and converting the hidden internal energy of substances. As examples, the features of the application and the results of the implementation of this method in the processes of new electric-fire combustion of substances, certain electrohydrodynamic, electrodynamic phenomena and processes are considered.



The effect of releasing the latent internal energy of many substances is most clearly manifested in the observed effect of flame burning in a strong electric field (Fig. 1). The pilot plant consists of the following main elements: a source of a strong electric field7, two electrodes5,6 installed in a quadrature and connected by a switch and to a field source 7, a container 1 with a fuel, for example, an aqueous emulsion of a solar car and a Christmas tree 2. When an electric field is applied to a flame 4 There is a sharp increase in the brightness of the flame 4, it is flattened in the vertical plane above the electrode 5 and directional electromagnetic radiation is detected fixed by the sensor 8. Measurements show that in the conditions of burning the flame in an electric field, the total thermal and radiant energy of the flame increases by 15-20% The previous fuel consumption. Those. Not only the intensity of combustion increases, but also the heat capacity of the fuel. This effect of increasing the specific heat by 15-20%, with the combustion of these substances carried out in the flow of electron emission and in a strong electric field / 2-4 /. We associate with the presence in the evaporated electroosmosis of fuel and H2, which gives rise to thermal and radiant The energy of the flame. The phenomenon of combustion intensification in strong electric fields has been discovered by me earlier / 2-4 /. The physics of phenomena of such combustion of substances from the combined catalytic effect of a volumetric electric charge on a flame and a strong external electric field is rather complicated.

In these experiments, the author repeatedly recorded the effects of increasing the specific heat of combustible substances, deep electro-fire and electrochemical decomposition of combustion products and starting materials in such electrified flame, and as a result, a sharp (tens of hundreds of times) reduction in the toxicity of off-gases. While the energy physics of unusual combustion has not been sufficiently studied. It is known that combustion is a complex chain reaction of fission (fragmentation) of the internal structure of matter and release. In principle, any matter of energy of intermolecular and molecular bonds of hydrocarbon fuels can burn. The electric-fire method makes it possible to burn practically any substance in the flame, and even ordinary water, since in such a flame, under the action of an electric field and the volumetric electric charge injected by it, other chain reactions occur, up to the transmutation of some elements, nitrogen of air, and even water, because the field Dissociates its molecules by H2 and O2 / 7 /. Evidence of the existence of such a complicated electrophysics of this combustion is the increased directional electromagnetic radiation of an electrified flame along the axis of the field vector. We arrive on the basis of long studies of the influence of a strong external electric field on combustion processes that it allows controlling the chain Flame reaction, not only intensify the combustion, but in some critical regimes and suppress the chain reaction of combustion up to instantaneous flame suppression / 5 /

Water as a combustible fuel

Water - according to many prominent scientists, is a potential source of energy for the third millennium. / 4,5 /. The prospect of water - as a source of energy is partly due to the fact that there are plenty on the planet and in the World Ocean. Huge financial and intellectual resources of civilization spend now on the development and development of highly efficient technologies for obtaining H2 from water. However, just such an electric fire will allow using water as a fuel in case of its electrostatic spraying into the flame with certain doses in the composition of water-emulsion mixtures and steam. . And therefore, in principle, already at the modern scientific and technical level, under the condition of using my discoveries and electrotechnologies, the latent energy of water and aqueous solutions can be isolated and transformed by a potential electric field into other types of energy, in particular, into thermal and kinetic energy. In this case, there is a unique opportunity to create a completely energy-efficient electro-fire and electro-hydraulic power. Therefore, it is of particular interest to understand in more detail the hidden energy of aqueous solutions of hydrocarbon liquids and other direct ways of its extraction.

Method of extraction and transformation of internal energy of electrified substances
In the kinetic energy of their rotation and electric power / 1 /

The law of electric repulsion of electrified bodies with a limited number of degrees of freedom of movement and the presence of rotation axes leads to the appearance of moments of rotation of these bodies and to the relative rotation of these bodies and makes it possible to explain some unusual experiments of the author, and even the rotation of the planets.

The method of extraction and transformation of the internal energy of electrified substances into the kinetic energy of their rotation and electricity

Indeed, with the help of Coulomb repulsion forces, a stable position of these bodies is created along a straight line connecting their centers of rotation and unstable - in a direction perpendicular to it. Therefore, there is a circular electric current, a magnetic field and an electromagnetic torque. And as a result, such electrified bodies begin axial rotation in an external electric field. To confirm this idea and experimentally confirm it, I carried out an experiment on such mutual rotation of two electrically conducting balls in an external electric field. The experimental setup for approbation of this effect (Figure 2) consists of the following main nodes: the source of the external electric field 9 (= 30 -40 kV), two partially metallized balls 1.5 with own vertical rotation axes 4. and electric loads 11, 12 inserted into the rupture of electrically conducting rings 2,6. When applying a unipolar electrical potential from the source of the field 9 to the balls 1.5 through The electrically conductive stand 8-they begin to rotate on the axes 4, and in different directions. When the potential is applied to the balls and when the balls rotate, the neon bulbs 11, 12 are illuminated, which proves the existence of circular electric currents in electrically conducting rings. These currents lead to the appearance of a magnetic field, which is fixed by the arrow of the compass 13. The magnetic fields from the currents interact with the currents themselves and create an electromagnetic moment on the balls along the tangent to them.

These moments of rotation and are the cause of rotation of the balls. The balls also begin to rotate also in the event that there is only an external potential unipolar electric field in the sign, i.e. One unipolar charged plate 10. In this case, directly the electric potentials on the balls 1.5 are not fed but are induced therefrom from the outer field of the plate 10 connected to the source 9 by electrostatic and electrodynamic induction. This physical effect of the rotation of bodies in an electric field is an example of a direct conversion of the potential energy of an electric field into kinetic energy. On the basis of this electrophysical discovery, new types of effective electrostatic motor generators can be created.

The method of extracting the thermal energy of a substance (liquid) by means of an electric field
With simultaneous cooling of the substance / 11 /

The method of extracting the thermal energy of a substance (liquid) by means of an electric field with simultaneous cooling of matter

Such extraction of molecules and body atoms by thermal energy is most effective and noncontact can be realized by a strong vector electric field (with a voltage of more than 1-5 kV / cm). For example, to cool the liquid in an electric field (Fig. 3). One high-voltage electric potential is fed directly to the heated body, for example, 30-40 kV. Through electrode 2, placed in the liquid itself1-from a low-power high-voltage source of voltage 4-source of the electric field. The second electric potential is fed through the pointed electrode 3 located above the liquid itself and is isolated from the test body by an air gap. The effect of intensive cold evaporation of cooling of liquids in a strong, constant-electric electric field with simultaneous rotation of this liquid above the remote electrode and the emergence of intense directed electromagnetic radiation along the vector (lines of force) of this field have been previously observed experimentally and the physical essence of this effect is that, That field lines of force and Coulomb forces inhibit thermal motions of molecules and atoms polarized in the field, directed across and at an angle to them other than zero. Therefore, there is a reorientation of the dipoles of molecules and the thermal motion of these particles precisely over the field vector, as a less energy-consuming kind of motion in this field. Due to the increase in the density of thermal energy along the axis of the field vector.

Moreover, the hidden internal energy of the heated substances is secreted - excess thermal energy is discharged by the photons of their atoms and molecules in the form of directed electromagnetic radiation (mainly in the infrared spectrum), which arises precisely from the field vector. The electric field is essentially an energy pump and a direct converter of the thermal energy of the body.

Through this stimulated emission, the electrified body releases excess energy from the thermal motion of molecules and atoms and simultaneously provides for its intensive effective cooling. This effect of intensive cooling of bodies in a strong electric field was observed repeatedly in numerous experiments, with substances of different properties from metals to dielectric liquids. The effect of electrofield cooling of bodies that I discovered is due to the ordering of the thermal motion of molecules and atoms in these bodies along the electric field vector. The effect of intensive release of thermal energy from bodies of different physical nature in the form of electromagnetic directional radiation is probably the response of the cooled body to an external disturbance-the electric field effect, and is completely consistent with the La Chatelier principle. Experiments have shown that cooling of bodies in a strong electric field proceeds much faster - by orders of magnitude, in comparison with the natural cooling of the same bodies. The speed of this unusual electrical cooling is proportional to the magnitude of the electric field strength and exceeds the rate of natural cooling by orders of magnitude. This electrothermal effect can be used in different ways, both for obtaining cold and for obtaining thermal energy. For example, it is possible to create a highly efficient closed heat pump with the extraction of this thermal energy by the environment by pumping an external medium, for example air or liquid through an electric field cooler, and transforming its thermal energy into other types of energy, for example, electricity, or kinetic energy of motion . And by converting the energy of the directional electromagnetic radiation extracted from the heat energy into electrical energy, it is possible to make the cooling process extremely low-cost, if from this extracted and converted electric power and get the source of the electric field and even more actively cool the bodies. A special case of this cooling effect is instantaneous quenching Flame by its field cooling by a strong transverse electric vector field (Figure 1-through electrode 6). This physical effect can be applied to the creation of economical, noiseless compressor-free refrigerators and air conditioners of a new generation.


The latent internal energy of some substances, for example liquids, is very efficient and simple to extract by means of an electrohydraulic impact of Yutkin.

This surprising physical phenomenon of electrohydraulic shock was experimentally discovered by engineer LA Yutkin and patented by him in the form of various devices as far back as 1950/8. It has been experimentally established that the kinetic energy of an electrohydraulic fluid stroke many times exceeds the energy spent on the electric arc discharge in it /8/. The excess kinetic energy of the liquid in this EGE-effect is apparently derived from the hidden internal energy of the liquid. At the same time, the liquid itself, during its movement from the impact, is cooled and re-heated, then heated from external thermal energy (heat pump cycle). My additional research shows that a number of interconnected electrophysical and electrochemical phenomena arise in the local arc discharge zone in a liquid. In essence, this phenomenon is a real effective multi-stage mechanism for the release of internal and thermal energy of liquids and its direct conversion into other types of energy. For example, by transforming it into kinetic energy of fluid motion. Based on the use of this phenomenon - the occurrence of electrohydrostatic pressure in the case of an electrical discharge in a liquid, a whole range of new highly effective energy pumps for the latent energy of liquids can be created. For example, the application of these physical effects is very promising for a new economical power generation for generating super-cheap electricity and for creating new economical electric-water engines / 9 /. For the useful use of the Yutkin effect and increasing its controllability, I proposed a method for converting the energy of this impact into kinetic energy and the method of electrohydrodynamic reduction of the pressure wave of a liquid / 9 / It is implemented in a new type of electrohydrodynamic motor / 9 /

Animation of his work is shown at

Even more effective is the energy-saving way of extracting the internal energy of substances such as liquids-based on the open new effect of unipolar charge-mass transfer of nonpolar liquids in a strong electric field-the Dudyshev effect. Such EHD-pumps are extremely low-cost and therefore combined with vortex turbines and vortex snails such combined devices for obtaining thermal energy and mechanical energy of rotation become extremely economical and reliable (Fig. 4.5).

The method of transforming the thermal energy of a medium and the internal energy of a liquid by supplying it with an EHD pump and rotating it into thermal energy

There are known energy-saving sources of thermal energy - vortex heat generators Yu Potapov. Their shortcomings are in the presence of energy-consuming electric pumps, which sharply (at times) reduces their energy and operational performance. The use of unipolar EHD pumps as pumps can eliminate these drawbacks and significantly reduce the energy costs of obtaining thermal energy from vortex twisting of the liquid (Fig. 5). As a result of this innovation, a simple vortex heat generator without mechanical rotating parts, which dramatically increases its reliability and Simplifies its operation. Thus, the use of the transport unipolar EHD effect of Dudyshev in extracting the internal energy of liquids by means of an electric field and the injected unipolar electric charge into it makes it possible to substantially simplify and improve the efficiency of existing methods and devices for obtaining thermal, mechanical and electrical energy.

The method of transforming the thermal energy of a medium and the internal energy of a liquid by supplying it with an EHD pump and rotating it into thermal energy

The method of transforming the thermal energy of a medium and the internal energy of a liquid by supplying it with an EHD pump and rotating it into thermal energy


  1. The general method of releasing the latent internal energy of substances consists in imposing an external force potential field on the substance and creating in it an internal stress using the nonlinearities of the substance itself

  2. The device for releasing internal energy of substances works in the energy pump mode. They are divided into natural and artificial types of pumps.

  3. The amount of energy extracted depends on the combination of the parameters of the energy pump and the substance. The energy balance is replenished with the substance from the environment

  4. The electric discharge in a liquid (the Youtkin EGE effect) and the EHD effect of the Coulomb acceleration of a unipolarly charged liquid from Dudyshev have two effective methods for extracting the hidden internal energy from weakly conducting liquids.

  5. The hidden internal energy of a substance under certain conditions can be released under the action of an electric field energy pump in the form of directed electromagnetic radiation, kinetic or electric energy of the motion of this substance, as a result, the properties of the substance and its internal energy change.

  6. The magnitude and type of energy released depend on the parameters of the energy pump and the parameters of the external electric field.

  7. The electric field and the unipolar electric charge injected by it, for example, in the form of explosive electron emission, are the two main force effects for extracting internal energy by the Dudyshev method.

  8. The proposed new scientific and technical direction - the pulse-wave electrohydrodynamics of weakly conducting liquids will allow in the near future to create effective EHD converters of the latent internal energy of liquids and an electric field, and on their basis new effective propulsors and electric energy generators

  9. The methods of extracting the hidden internal energy of substances through electric fields in the future can provide cheap, clean energy to the kinetic and electrical civilization for the foreseeable future.


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print version
Author: Valery Dudyshev
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 12.06.2004гг