Russian Federation Patent RU2064081



Name of the inventor: Stepura Aemilius F.
The name of the patentee: Stepura Aemilius F.
Address for correspondence:
Starting date of the patent: 1993.12.28

Use: in power engineering in the design of micro hydro and wind power. The inventive hydraulic unit is equipped with an electromagnetic brake, kinematically connected to the shaft of the hydraulic unit, and a frequency controller, whose input is connected to an AC generator, and the output - to the field winding of an electromagnetic brake.


The present invention relates to electrical engineering and can be used in micro hydro and wind farms.

Micro-HPP and wind power are power units, comprising a primary hydraulic turbine engine or wind turbines (wind turbine), of mechanical energy converter into electrical energy, typically a synchronous or asynchronous generator, and a regulating and control equipment. The most important requirements for this type of power-generating unit is the high reliability and the ultimate ease of operation. generated power quality requirements are essentially conventional. Are also important and cost parameters. The main focus of this is to achieve all-round commitment to the simplification of the structure. In such units often lack design components that regulate flow of energy source (water, wind), the primary engine [1] Similar simplifications have a downside, in particular, adversely affect the reliability of the power unit, as do not exclude the possibility of working with hijacking speeds. In order to maintain the nominal frequency of the generated power resorted to automatic connecting ballast load in parallel with the consumer [2] Another direction to achieve the desired results based on the application as a part of power-generating unit of additional synchronous generator with ballast load and current regulator [3] This solution is the most close to the claimed and accepted the prototype.

Maintaining the frequency generated by the micro hydro [3] power is based on the principle of regulation in the perturbation due to the impact of the current user load. In a purely resistive load, this approach can count on satisfactory results if the micro hydro pressure unchanged. If the load is complex, the use of current regulation does not give a positive effect.

When disturbances from the turbine, for example, due to changes in pressure, the situation changes dramatically. Indeed, in a purely resistive load regulating effect on the current absent because the consumer load does not depend on the frequency. In this case, no increase in the frequency of maintenance of generated power quality current regulator does not. Even worse was not the case when the nature of the engine load consumers (refrigerators, washing machines, fans, etc.). Under these conditions, the current regulator is detrimental. In fact, by reducing the torque of the turbine, for example, due to pressure reduction speed falls. This reduces the current user, and an auxiliary synchronous generator loaded with ballast load. As a result, the frequency of the generated power falls to a greater extent than without the current controller. A similar pattern is observed with increasing pressure. For these reasons, the use of the current controller is totally unacceptable to maintain the frequency of wind power plants, where the intensity of the energy source income varies considerably greater extent than for micro hydro.

It should be noted, and large and material costs with this [3] solving the problem. Requires optional synchronous generator and costly ballasts to the nominal capacity of the HPP. In addition, for low power of the synchronous generator rotor it is usually performed with rings. All this greatly complicates and increases the cost of construction of micro hydropower plants, reduces reliability and requires skilled care.

The proposed technical solution makes it possible to significantly improve the consumer properties of micro hydro and wind power at the expense of maintaining a stable frequency generated electricity, improve the reliability of power supply to consumers, reduce the cost and simplify the design and operation.

The basis of the claimed technical solution is related to the equipment of power-generating micro hydro or wind power electromagnetic brake, the rotor of which is kinematically connected to the shaft power unit and the control frequency.

Electromagnetic brake [4] is a specialized electric machine for generating a braking torque. Structurally it consists of a stator (inductor) with an excitation winding and the pole of the magnetic system or massive cage rotor. When applying a DC excitation winding pole inductor brake system creates a magnetic flux which induces eddy currents in it (brake) rotation. Interaction of the eddy currents with the rotor flux inductor creates a braking torque. By excitation of the inductor current control can smoothly change the value of the braking torque.

Additionally, it should be noted that electromagnetic brake used in power-generating unit may have significant structural differences (short-circuited rotor or a massive, or kogteobrazny inductor with poles of the same polarity, air or water cooling, etc.), as for this application features an electromagnetic brake designs are not critical.

The figure shows a functional block diagram of power-generating unit.

On the shaft of the power unit 1 is set prime mover 2 (wind or water turbine), the alternator 3 and the electromagnetic brake 4. elektroenergnii consumer 5 is connected to the generator, it is connected to the input and frequency of the regulator 6, the output of which is connected to the field winding 7 electromagnetic brake 4 .

Inverter 6 measures the frequency of the alternator 3, compares it with the setpoint (nominal value) in the case of exceeding the rate of setpoint generates a control action on the field winding 7 electromagnetic brake 4.

The prime mover 2 rotates a generator 3 and 4. The electromagnetic brake torque steady state of the primary motor 2 is balanced by the sum of the moments of the generator 3, user-defined payload, 5 and the electromagnetic brake braking torque 4. Due to the action Inverter 6 moments balance is achieved at nominal value of the frequency generated by the electric power, regardless of the reasons for violations prior steady state: the load changes or fluctuations in consumer energy source available. The character of the consumer load (resistive, capacitive or motor) does not affect the frequency generation because the controller 6 controls the generated electric power directly to the frequency and generates a control action on the electromagnetic brake 4, which provides a balance to the moments setpoint frequency. The algorithm of action frequency regulator 6 is implemented on the basis of regulation of PI-law.

Using the power-generating unit of the claimed beneficial effect on the quality of generated electricity due to high frequency stability and maintain uninterrupted power supply. The use of electromagnetic brake significantly improves the reliability of the power unit as a whole, ie. To. Its failure is less likely than the combination [3] synchronous generator ballast resistors. Indeed, in the electromagnetic brake is no such unreliable nodes as the brush unit and the ballast resistors. No, and generator winding like a synchronous generator. This simplifies the operation of the inventive power unit. And improved and cost parameters, as electromagnetic brake is significantly cheaper than a synchronous generator (no generator windings on the stator, there is no brush machine, do not use of laminated electrical steel magnetic). Moreover, as already noted, it disappears need for expensive and unreliable ballast resistors.


Energoagregat comprising mounted on the shaft of a wind or water turbine connected to an alternator, characterized in that it is further provided with an electromagnetic brake having an excitation winding and kinematically connected to the shaft of power-generating unit and the frequency regulator input being connected to the alternator, and the output a field winding of an electromagnetic brake.

print version
Publication date 11.01.2007gg