Russian Federation Patent RU2171913

Windmills (windmill)

Windmills (windmill)

Name of the inventor: Saydanov VO .; Agafonov AN .; Bulat VA .; Kuzmin AA .; Bayurov MI
The name of the patentee: Military Technical University
Address for correspondence: 191185, St. Petersburg, ul. Zakharievskaya, 22, VITU, for invention and patent of the bureau
Starting date of the patent: 2000.06.14

The invention relates to mechanical engineering, in particular to a wind power plant for autonomous electricity and heat supply facilities, where there is no possibility of supplying heat and electric power from the external power grid. The technical result consists in increasing the efficiency of wind power plants for cogeneration of electricity and heat and improving its energy performance in the steady-state and transient conditions is achieved in that the wind power installation comprising an inverter, rectifier, battery and and a synchronous electric machine with a drive from the wind turbine and a synchronous electric machine driven by an internal combustion engine, connected through circuit breakers to tires electricity consumers, the first synchronous electric machine, and is connected through the circuit breaker and rectifier to the battery, which is connected in parallel through the circuit breaker and the inverter to the tires of consumers electric power, according to the invention to tires further through the circuit breaker connected to an electric boiler, the water circuit which is connected to an external heat network of heat energy consumers, which through the shut-off control valves connected to the heat storage and water loop heat exchangers, heat recovery of waste heat charge air lubricating oil, coolant and exhaust gases from an internal combustion engine, the installation and is further provided with sensors of electric and thermal loads on the tires respectively mounted electricity consumers and heating network heat consumers, via actuators which are connected to the automatic control system of the wind power installation.


The invention relates to mechanical engineering, in particular to a wind power installation (wind turbine) for autonomous electricity and heat supply facilities, where there is no possibility of supplying heat and electric power from the external power grid.

Known wind turbines, consisting of consumers connected to the buses asynchronous electric machine driven by a wind turbine and a synchronous electric machine driven by an internal combustion engine (ICE) [1,2].

Disadvantages of known wind turbines are: firstly, the presence of a break in the power supply of consumers in time intervals between the instants of disconnection wind turbine (TA) with decreasing wind speed value below the initial (rate at which the slave starts to generate electricity) or increasing latter above the maximum (speed, in which the slave is derived from work and goes to feathering) and the inclusion of the reception of full load power plant (PP) with the internal combustion engine; Second, poor quality and low transient when starting efficiency engine.

Known and turbine consisting of the connected busbar power consumers first synchronous electric machine driven by the internal combustion engine battery (AB) and the second synchronous electric machine driven by the turbine, which is reset excess wind energy grounded [3] - closest analog.

A disadvantage of the known wind turbine is its relatively low efficiency, because the excess energy of the wind flow in excess of electric power consumers of electricity and AB, it is useful not to use, and reset and helpful and do not use of waste heat of the charge air, lubricating oil, coolant and exhaust gas combustion engine.

Object of the invention - increase the efficiency of wind turbines and the improvement of its energy performance in the steady-state and transient conditions.

This is achieved by the fact that the wind turbines for cogeneration of electricity and heat, comprising inverter, rectifier, battery and and a synchronous electric machine driven by the wind turbine and a synchronous electric machine driven by an internal combustion engine, the two synchronous electrical machines are connected via automatic switches to tires electricity consumers, the first synchronous electric machine, and is connected through the circuit breaker and rectifier to the battery, which is connected in parallel through the circuit breaker and the inverter to the tires of consumers of electrical energy, in contrast to the known analog to tires electricity consumers further through breaker connected electric boiler (EC), the water circuit which is connected to an external heat network of heat energy consumers, which through the shut-off control valves connected to the heat storage (TA) and water loop heat exchangers, heat recovery of waste heat of the charge air, lubricating oil, cooling and liquid internal combustion engine exhaust gases. Tyres consumers of electricity and heat network of heat energy consumers respectively, sensors installed electric and thermal loads, which, through the actuators are connected to the automatic control system (ACS) of the wind turbine.

Eliminating the break in the power supply of consumers, while improving the quality of the transient when starting the internal combustion engine, the improvement of the parameters generated by the electric current, the internal combustion engine fuel efficiency and reducing harmful emissions in the exhaust combustion engine gases proposed installation compared to the closest analogue is achieved so that the composition of the wind turbine further EC introduced and waste heat recovery power plant low-grade heat from the internal combustion engine, TA, and ACS and wind turbines with sensors of electric and thermal loads.

The proposed wind turbine allows power consumers modes of TDM eliminate EI work with ICE. The presence of AB to avoid frequent start power plant with internal combustion engine during brief lulls of wind energy, which saves the service life of the internal combustion engine and improves its technical and economic characteristics. The presence of EC waste heat and low-grade heat power plant with internal combustion engine maximizes the beneficial use of all the energy generated by the wind turbine, including for the production of thermal energy to supply heat consumers. The presence of the TA allows to accumulate excess energy the wind turbine when its production exceeds the needs of consumers both electrical and thermal energy. The presence of ACS wind turbines with appropriate sensors can quickly redistribute the energy generated by the wind turbine between consumers relevant forms of energy, AB and TA. All this together can improve the efficiency of wind turbines.

Distinctive (new) features of the present invention in relation to the closest analogues are the following changes in plant design: firstly, an additional connection to the busbars of consumers of electric energy through the circuit breaker EC, the water circuit which is connected via a shut-off regulators to TA and heat network users warmth; secondly, the connection to the heat network of heat exchangers heat-recovery of waste heat of the charge air, lubricating oil, coolant and exhaust gas combustion engine, the crankshaft is connected to the second synchronous electric machine; Thirdly, the introduction of the turbine automatic control system with sensors of thermal and electrical loads, which together can improve the efficiency of wind turbines by more generation and thermal energy storage in electric boiler due to excess wind power and recycling of waste ICE heat, and and redistribution of energy produced between consumers of thermal and electric energy in accordance with the charts of their loads.

From the prior art not known to the wind turbine based on the TA and power plant with internal combustion engines for cogeneration of electricity and heat, which include all of the features at the same time, which allows to conclude that the claimed invention, the criterion of "inventive step".

Windmills (windmill)

The drawing is a schematic diagram of the proposed wind turbine for cogeneration of electricity and heat. Wind turbine comprises a first synchronous electric machine 1 driven by the wind turbine 2, battery 3, a second synchronous electric machine 4 driven by the internal combustion engine 5, heat exchangers, heat recovery of waste heat charge air 6, lubricating oil 7, the coolant 8, the exhaust gas 9 ICE 5 , electric boiler 10, heat accumulator 11, ACS 12 with sensors 13 electric and thermal loads 14, the inverter 15 and rectifier 16 circuit breakers 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and controlled shut-off regulator 17. Moreover, the first synchronous electric machine 1 is connected via breakers 20, 23 and 15 to the JSB rectifier 3 and the inverter circuit 16 and switch 21 - to the consumers of electric power buses. A circuit breaker 22 to the tires electricity consumers connected to the EC 10, the water circuit which is connected to an external heat networks and heat consumers via a controllable shut-off regulator 17 - TA to 11. external heat exchangers connected to the network and waste heat recovery 6, 7, 8, 9 ICE 5, and the heat load sensor 14. The second synchronous electric machine 4 is connected through the circuit breaker 18 to the tires of consumers of electrical energy, which is connected and the electrical load sensor 13, and a circuit breaker 19 - 15 to the rectifier.

The illustrated wind turbine operates as follows in the two modes of operation: 1) power supply mode of the slave; 2) power supply mode of the power plant with internal combustion engines.

Operation Mode N 1. Upon reaching an initial velocity of wind velocity value for a given slave synchronous electrical machine 1 begins to generate power. This SAU VU 12 outputs a control signal to the switch circuit breakers 20, 21 and the electric energy generated by the wind turbine 2 through the rectifier 15 and the inverter 16 goes to the bus users. As the first wind speed synchronous electric machine 1 generates electricity in excess of current needs of consumers, as signals 13 ACS sensor 12. The latter immediately outputs a control signal to turn on the circuit breakers 22, 23, and the excess electricity that exceeds the needs of consumers is supplied to the EC 10 for heating the coolant external thermal heat supply network, and a charge AB 3. in the case where the excess energy generated by the first synchronous electric machine driven by one turbine 2 exceeds the needs of the consumers of heat energy external heating network, a sensor 14 sends a signal SAU 12, which outputs a control signal to open the shut-regulatory body 17, and the excess heat energy is accumulated in the TA 11. in the short-term wind power lull, when the wind speed drops below the value of the initial speed or above the maximum wind speed for this slave and when the wind speed drops below a certain value, whereby the first synchronous electrical machine 1 does not provide the current needs of the consumers of electricity, and (or) the heat sensor 13 and (or) the sensor 14 is fed corresponding signals SAU 12 which produces control signals, respectively, to turn off the circuit breaker 22 and the opening of the shut-regulatory body 17, resulting in shortage of electricity covered by the discharge of AB 3 and thermal energy shortage - due to the heat stored during the operation in the TA 11.

Operation Mode N 2. In cases of prolonged lulls of wind or lack of wind activity ACS 12 supplies a control signal to start the internal combustion engine 5. After the release of the internal combustion engine 5 to a nominal capacity of the second synchronous electric machine 4 starts to produce electrical energy, the ACS 12 supplies a control signal to the circuit breaker 18 and disconnecting circuit breakers 20, 21 and the electric power supplied to the bus users. In the heat exchangers heat recovery 6, 7, 8, 9 at the expense of waste recoverable ICE 5 heat generated thermal energy to consumers external heating network. During start-up and entering the nominal internal combustion engine power 5 power consumers of electricity carried out by AB 3 and the heating heat consumers due to energy stored in the TA 11, with the circuit breaker 22, respectively disconnected, circuit breakers 21, 23 are turned on and shut-off regulator 17 is opened. In the case where the second synchronous electrical machine 4 driven by the internal combustion engine 5 generates electricity in an amount greater than the current demand of consumers, and in order not to reduce the load on the internal combustion engine 5, because, firstly, the operating conditions undesirable work DVS on equity loads and switching loads and frequent; secondly, reducing the load on the internal combustion engine will reduce the respective charge air temperature, smazachnogo oil, coolant and exhaust gas last, leading to a shortage of generated heat; Third, when the internal combustion engine on equity loads deteriorating the combustion efficiency and is more intense surface contamination of heat exchangers, heat recovery, which significantly reduces their efficiency, but also increases exhaust emissions, SAU 12, receiving a signal from the sensor 13 provides control signals to the including circuit breakers 19, 22, 23 and the opening of the shut-regulatory body 17, and the excess electricity is supplied through a rectifier 15 to charge 3 AB and EC 10 for heating the coolant in the external heating network, and storage of excess heat in the TA 11.

With increasing wind and charge completion AB plant goes into operation mode N 1.

Thus, the proposed wind turbines due to the following design changes: firstly, the additional connection through the circuit breaker electric boiler, the water circuit which is connected via a shut-off regulators to thermal storage and heat network of heat consumers; Second, the network connection to the heat exchangers of waste heat-recovery charge air smazachnogo oil, coolant and exhaust gas combustion engine, which crankshaft is coupled to the second synchronous electrical machine; Thirdly, the introduction of the turbine automatic control system with sensors of thermal and electrical loads, provides increased efficiency through more production and storage of thermal energy in the electric boiler due to excess wind power and recycling of waste ICE heat redistribution generated energy between consumers of thermal and electric energy accordance with the charts of their loads, but also to eliminate interruptions in electricity supply to consumers in the absence of wind, while improving energy performance in the steady-state and transient modes of operation and can be used for consumers of guaranteed power, not allowing the gap sine wave voltage, and heat supply.

The above leads to the conclusion according to the invention, the criterion of "industrial applicability".


1. Author's certificate USSR N 1813918 from 05.07.93., BI N 17.

2. Patent RF N 2139444 from 10.10.99., BI N 28.

3. Demin I. The use of wind power plants for the decentralized power supply consumers in remote areas of the North. / Institute of Economics of Housing and Communal Economy. ID Pamfilova - series heating and electricity, M. 1990, p. 55-57.


Wind Turbine for the joint production of electric and thermal energy, comprising inverter, rectifier, battery and and a synchronous electric machine driven by the wind turbine and a synchronous electric machine driven by an internal combustion engine, connected through circuit breakers to tires electricity consumers, the first synchronous electrical machine and connected through an automatic switch and rectifier to the battery, which is parallel connected across the circuit breaker and the inverter to the tires of electricity consumers, characterized in that the tires of consumers of electrical energy further through the circuit breaker connected electric boiler water circuit which is connected to external heat network of heat energy consumers, which through the shut-off control valves connected to the heat storage and water loop heat exchangers, heat recovery of waste heat of the charge air, lubricating oil, coolant and exhaust gases from an internal combustion engine, and on tires of electricity consumers in the heat net consumers of heat energy respectively installed sensors of electric and thermal loads, which, through the actuators are connected to the automatic control system of the wind power installation.

print version
Publication date 31.01.2007gg