Russian Federation Patent RU2110131

Magnetohydrodynamic METHOD FOR CONVERTING THERMAL ENERGY INTO ELECTRICITY closed cycle (MHD generator)

The closed-cycle ELECTRICITY (MHD generator)

Name of the inventor: Slavin VS .; Danilov VV
The name of the patentee: Krasnoyarsk State Technical University
Address for correspondence:
Starting date of the patent: 1996.08.06

The method includes the acceleration of the inert gas stream, creating a stream before entering the MHD generator channel time periodic layers with high electrical conductivity, and self-maintenance of the movement of such layers in the channel due to the flow of energy. The layers with high electrical conductivity are created using pulsed beams of high-energy electrons. Beam power is determined from the condition: n e> n Sakha(Ion), where n e - concentration of electrons in the layers: n Saha - equilibrium concentration of electrons determined from the Saha equation; T ion - the threshold temperature at which the snowballing thermal ionization begins. The temperature in electrically conductive layers of T e is maintained in the range of 4000 K <T f<T ion.


The invention relates to the production of electric energy and can be used in electric power plants, thermal conducting conversion into electrical energy. Of particular importance, this invention can obtain to create a powerful space power, where a closed cycle for your installation of the body is crucial.

A method of producing electrical power to the Hall MHD generator with a nonequilibrium conductivity [1], which consists in the fact that the motion of a monatomic gas containing about 0.01% of the alkali metal additive in a transverse magnetic field of the MHD channel there is the development of electric discharge sustained induced electric field. Discharge in a monatomic gas is a non-equilibrium, and in it, the electron temperature is much higher (T e approximately 4000K) gas temperature (T g of about 1000K). At this temperature, electrons alkali metal additive is completely ionized plasma and electrical conductivity Defined only additive ionization will depend on how the electron temperature T - e 1/2. SALE condition here It determines the stability of the discharge to the development of ionization instability. The disadvantage of this method is the use of an additive that is difficult to uniformly introduce into the gas stream, and then perform deep cleaning of the exhaust gas from the additive. In addition, the Hall generator in the isentropic efficiency of the process depends on the parameter and the Hall need to achieve satisfactory performance, that this parameter is greater than 10. However, turbulence supersonic flow in the channel of an MHD generator does not allow the option to raise above the Hall 3.

Known method [2] obtaining electric energy in a Faraday MHD generator is a closed loop comprising forming system using high voltage pulsed electric discharge initial ionization of the inert gas, not containing an alkali metal additive. The arrester operates in a batch mode, and the result appears in the gas flow of plasma clots series providing gas flow MHD interaction with the magnetic field. Itself remains non-conductive gas flow, but by pushing plasma layers in a transverse magnetic field, it does work, and thus converts its thermal energy into electrical energy. The conductivity of the layers of plasma is maintained by electrical heating of the electron gas current flow in the layers.

The nature of the gas discharge in the conductive layers of non-equilibrium is, in the sense that the electron temperature is considerably higher than in the gas. To create the electrical conductivity in this manner, the mechanism of thermal ionization, which requires that the electron temperature is above the threshold T ion. If T e> T ion) there is an avalanche increase in the concentration of free electrons. These temperature thresholds are different for different gases, such as argon for about 3,000 T ion, helium T ion about 15,000. The subject method is the closest solution to the purpose of the present application, so choose it as a prototype. It is possible to avoid these in the process [1] weaknesses, since there is no alkaline additives, and the very type of MHD generator is Faraday.

However, the prototype has its own flaws that make it work a little effective. Under the conditions described, as a rule, the electron density n e is less than the equilibrium value determined from the Saha equation. Increasing the electron temperature will lead to an increase n e, respectively, and to an increase in electrical conductivity, t. E. Here the condition of ionization instability Which drastically reduces the efficiency of the generating process. In addition, the experience of high-nonequilibrium gas discharges is well known that the organization of a high homogeneous discharge, the duration of which> 10 -5 s, almost impossible, which casts doubt on the possibility of establishing preliminary ionization system based on such a discharge.

The aim of the invention is to increase the stability of the gas-plasma flow to the development of ionization instability.

This object is achieved in that the magnetohydrodynamic process of converting thermal energy into electrical closed loop including acceleration of the inert gas stream, creating a stream before entering the channel of the MHD generator of periodic time-layers with high electrical conductivity, movement and self-maintenance of said layers in the channel MHD generator for by the flow of energy, the removal of the net power in accordance with the present invention to create layers with high electrical conductivity using a pulsed beam of high energy electrons, capacity of which is determined by the condition, n e> n Sakha(T ion), where n e - the electron density in the conductive layers; n Saha equilibrium electron density determined from the Saha equation; T ion - the threshold temperature at which the snowballing thermal ionization begins, with the electron temperature in electrically conductive layers is maintained in the range: 4000K <T <T Where T e - the electron temperature in electrically conductive layers. Recombination in inert gases has a feature consisting in the fact that at temperatures above 4000K the electron recombination rate decreases dramatically to more than 100 times in alignment with the alkali metal plasma. Thus, the fulfillment of the condition 4000K <T <T It allows you to slow down the process of recombination and to maintain non-equilibrium electrical conductivity throughout the period of motion of the plasmoid on the MHD channel. In the recombining plasma condition Which can suppress the ionization instability.

The drawing shows an apparatus for implementing the method.

Magnetohydrodynamic METHOD FOR CONVERTING THERMAL ENERGY INTO ELECTRICITY closed cycle (MHD generator). Russian Federation Patent RU2110131

The device comprises a supersonic nozzle 1, 2 pulse injection system of an electron beam, a microwave source 3, electrodes 4 channel MHD - generator coil electromagnet 5, the plasma electrically conductive layers 6, 7 channel MHD-generator, 8 system load power, load 9.

The method is as follows. The heated inert gas (e.g., helium), the temperature of which may be selected from 1500K <T range <Z000K, dispersed in a supersonic nozzle 1. Before entering the MHD generator channel periodically by the system 2 is injected beam of high energy electrons ( 300 keV, with a current in the beam 1A), resulting in a gas stream having conductive nonequilibrium plasma layers. To maintain the electron temperature in the range of 4000 K <T <T at the inlet section of the channel containing no magnetic field is provided by a supply of electromagnetic energy of microwave -source 3. Next, the gas stream introduced into the conductive layers 7 -channel MHD, where the motion in a transverse magnetic field produced by coil 5, the induced electromotive force arises. Here, the maintenance of the electron temperature in the electronic layers carried by the emission of heat from the induced current flow, which is regulated by the power supply system 8. Net power is allocated in the load 9.

Numerical simulations generating process that implements the described method has shown that helium mode can be implemented with the following efficacy parameters:

  • the degree of conversion into electricity enthalpy - 42%;
  • isentropic efficiency (internal efficiency) - 84%.

Installing such parameters will create an MHD power plant with an overall efficiency of over 60% of the earth's energy, as in the case of space applications specific power of the power plant can be about 3 kW / kg, which is about a hundred times higher than that of currently used panels solar cells. Mathematical modeling has shown, and that the process of generating a non-uniform gas-plasma flow of helium ionization instability effects are absent.


  1. T.Okamura, et al., "Review and New Results of High Enthalpy Extraction Experiments at Tokyo Institute of Technology," 32nd Symh. Engineering Aspects of MHD, Session 11, Pittsburgh, USA, Juntl994.

  2. Slavin VS, Zeiinsky NI, Lazareva NN "Persianov PG" Disk Closed Cycle MHD Generator with Faraday Type Channel Working on Pure Noble Gas ", an article in the Proceedings of the International Conference" 11-th Intern. Conf. on MHD Electrical Power Generation ", Vol.4, pp. 1190-1198, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 1992.


Magnetohydrodynamic method for converting thermal energy into electrical closed loop comprising dispersal flow of inert gas, creating a stream before entering the channel of the MHD generator of periodic time-layers with high electrical conductivity, movement and self-maintenance of said layers in the channel of the MHD generator by the energy flux, removal of useful power , characterized in that to create layers with high electrical conductivity using a pulsed beam of high energy electrons, the power of which is determined by the condition

n e> n Sakha(T ion),

where n e - the electron density in the conductive layers;

n Saha - equilibrium concentration of electrons determined from the Saha equation;

T ion - the threshold temperature at which the snowballing thermal ionization begins,

while the electron temperature in electrically conductive layers is maintained in the range of 4000 K <T <T ion, where Te - the electron temperature in electrically conductive layers.

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Publication date 05.11.2006gg